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Last active January 9, 2023 06:24
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update unbound adblocklist
# This code belongs to me and all (insert <#alias>) contributing in making it fun.
# And fucking stop being Pissenlit Würzel Schleckers met bigoudis with open source devs and maintainers
# v 0.5.1 cross devuan/debian restarting of unbound
# v 0.5 having fun
# v 0.4 code got ugly, BUT, making dynamic list from adblock conf for firefox (easylist)
# v 0.3 building a dynamic list of DNS over HTTP server
# v 0.2.1 meilleure info sur les erreurs curl et préz plus compacte
# v 0.2 générer une sortie du fichier qui pète pas unbound
set -e
BL=$( tput bold )
get_abs_filename() {
# $1 : relative filename
echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")" && pwd)/$(basename "$1")"
function adblock_to_block_list {
# $1 url for ezlist/adblock list
curl -s "$1" | perl -ane 'm!^\|\|(:?.*\*\.)*([^/\|]+)\^$! and print "$2\n"'
export PATH="/bin/:/usr/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin"
tmpfile="$(mktemp)" && echo '' > "$tmpfile"
tmp_work="$(mktemp)" && echo '' > "$tmp_work"
NO_DOH=$( get_abs_filename ~/no_doh.txt)
echo -n "scrapping list of DNS over HTTPS "
( curl -s $NO_DOH_SOURCE | html2text | grep heavy | perl -ane 'm!https?://([^\/]+)/?! and print "$1\n"' > "${NO_DOH}" ) || \
( >&2 echo -e "${RD}KO${RZ}" && curl -s -S "$NO_DOH_SOURCE" ) && \
>&2 echo -e "${GD}OK${RZ} $( printf "%d" ` wc -l < "${NO_DOH}" ` ) entries"
declare -A EZLIST=(
# personnal list in /etc/adblack.txt
declare -A BLOCK=(
[no_doh]=file://$( get_abs_filename "$NO_DOH" )
python3 -c 'import tld; tld.is_tld(".com")' && echo -e "python3.tld ${GD}OK${RZ}" || ( sudo apt install python3-pip ; python3 -mpip install tld --user)
function transform_into_unbound_entries {
perl -pe 's/ *#.*$//g' | \
perl -ane 'if (/^([^#].+)$/) { @l=split( /\s+/,$1);
$h = lc(pop(@l));
$h =~ s/\015//g;
$h =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
if ($h=~ /^(?=.{1,255}$)[0-9\-_a-z](([\-_0-9a-z]|\b-){0,61}[\-_a0-9a-z])?(\.[\-_0-9a-z](([\-_0-9a-z]|\b-){0,61}[\-_0-9a-z])?)*\.?$/) {
print "$h\n";
} else {
$h =~ /^\s*$/ or print STDERR "IGNORED: $h\n";
}' | \
python3 -c '(sys,tld)=(__import__("sys"), __import__("tld")); [ ( tld.get_tld(l.strip(), fix_protocol=True,fail_silently=True) and sys.stdout or sys.stderr).write(l) for l in sys.stdin.readlines() ] ' 2> /dev/null | \
while read h; do printf ' local-zone: "%s" always_nxdomain\n' "$h"; done;
sudo touch "${EZLIST_FN}"
sudo chmod 664 "${EZLIST_FN}"
sudo su -c "echo "" > "${EZLIST_FN}" "
echo -e "\ngenerating lists from eazylist"
echo -e "==============================\n"
for K in "${!EZLIST[@]}"; do
printf "${BL}%-20s${RZ} " "$K"
adblock_to_block_list "${EZLIST[$K]}" > $tmp_work && \
>&2 echo -e "${GD}OK${RZ} $( printf "%7d" `wc -l < "$tmp_work"` ) entries" || \
( >&2 echo -e ${RD}KO${RZ} && curl -s -S "${EZLIST[$K]}" );
sudo su -c " cat "$tmp_work" >> "${EZLIST_FN}" "
sort -r < "${EZLIST_FN}" | uniq > "$tmp_work"
sudo su -c " cat "$tmp_work" >"${EZLIST_FN}" "
echo -n -e "Total ${BL}$( wc -l < "$EZLIST_FN" )${RZ} entries (unique)\n"
echo -e "\ngetting blocklists for unbound"
echo -e "==============================\n"
echo "server:
for K in "${!BLOCK[@]}"; do
>&2 printf "${BL}%-20s${RZ} " "$K"
curl -s "${BLOCK[$K]}" > "$tmp_work" && \
>&2 echo -e "${GD}OK${RZ} $( printf "%7d" `wc -l < "$tmp_work"` ) entries" || \
( >&2 echo -e ${RD}KO${RZ} && curl -s -S "${BLOCK[$K]}" );
transform_into_unbound_entries < "$tmp_work" &> /tmp/w.${K};
transform_into_unbound_entries < "$tmp_work";
done | sort -r | uniq
} >> "$tmpfile"
echo -n -e "Total ${BL}$( wc -l < "$tmpfile" )${RZ} entries (unique)\n"
set -e
BACKUP="$unboundconf.$( date -Im)"
echo -e "backup in $BL${BACKUP}${RZ}"
[ -e "$unboundconf" ] && sudo install -o unbound -m 600 "$unboundconf" "$BACKUP";
echo -e installing $BL"$unboundconf"${RZ}
sudo install -o unbound -m 600 "$tmpfile" "$unboundconf";
echo -n "checking unbound configuration "
( sudo -u unbound unbound-checkconf > /dev/null && echo -e "${GD}OK${RZ}" || echo -e "${RD}KO${RZ}" ) && \
( echo -n "restarting unbound " && sudo /etc/init.d/unbound restart 1>/dev/null && echo -e "${GD}OK${RZ}" || echo -e "${RD}KO${RZ}" ) && \
exit 0
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