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Last active December 17, 2015 15:39
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traffic-light written in wisp
; /server.js
(:require [express :as express])
(:require [request :as request])
(:require ["./lib/color" :as color])
(def app (express))
(.use app (.favicon express))
(.get app "/:url" (fn [req res]
(def url (.-url (.-params req)))
(def start (.now Date))
(def timeout (.MAX_VALUE Number))
(if (.-timeout (.-query req))
(set! timeout (.-timeout (.-query req))))
(request url {timeout 5000} (fn [err _res]
(if (not err) (do
(if (.-regex (.-query req))
(set! err (not (.match (.-body _res) (RegExp. (.-regex (.-query req)))))))
(if (.-not-regex (.-query req))
(set! err (.match (.-body _res) (RegExp. (.-not-regex (.-query req))))))))
(def dt (- timeout (.now Date) start))
(.sendfile res
(+ __dirname "/images/" (color err (if _res (.-statusCode _res)) dt) ".png"))))))
; /lib/color.js
(fn [err status dt] (
(if (or err (not (= status 200))) "red")
(if (< dt 0) "yellow")
; /bin/traffic-light.js
(:require [".." :as traffic])
(:require [optimist :as optimist])
(.usage optimist "Start traffic-light server.
Usage: $0 [options]")
(.describe optimist "port" "Port to listen on")
(.default optimist "port" 4000)
(.alias optimist "p" "port")
(.describe optimist "help" "Print usage instructions")
(def argv (.-argv optimist))
(if (.-help argv)
(.showHelp optimist)
(.listen traffic (.-port argv) (fn []
(.log console (+ "traffic-light listening on port " (.-port argv)))
; /test/server.js
(:require ["express" :as "express"])
(def app (express))
(.get app "/green" (fn [req res]
(.send res "ok")))
(.get app "/red" (fn [req res]
(.status res 500)
(.end res "ok")))
(.get app "/regex-bad" (fn [req res]
(.end res "an error occured")))
(.get app "/regex-good" (fn [req res]
(.end res "ok")))
; /test/test.js
(:require ["../lib/color" :as color])
(:require [should :as should])
(:require [express :as express])
(:require [supertest :as request])
(:require [".." :as light])
(:require [fs :as fs])
(def red (.readFileSync fs (+ __dirname "/../images/red.png")))
(def yellow (.readFileSync fs (+ __dirname "/../images/yellow.png")))
(def green (.readFileSync fs (+ __dirname "/../images/green.png")))
(def server (require "./server"))
(.listen server 9990)
(after (fn [] (.close server)))
(describe "color" (fn []
(it "should show red" (fn []
(.equal (.-should (color {} 200 -1)) "red")
(.equal (.-should (color null 500 -1)) "red")))
(it "should show yellow" (fn []
(.equal (.-should (color null 200 -1)) "yellow")))
(it "should show green" (fn []
(.equal (.-should (color null 200 0)) "green")))))
(describe "regex" (fn []
(it "should be red when the regex isn't matched" (fn [done]
(def req (request light))
(.get req (+ "/" (encodeURIComponent "http://localhost:9990/regex-bad") "/?regex=ok"))
(.expect req "Content-Type" "image/png")
(.expect req 200)
(.end req (fn [err res]
(if err
(done err)
(.equal (.-should (.-text res))(.toString red))
; etc...
(describe "favicon" (fn []
(it "should have one" (fn [done]
(def req (request light))
(.get req "/favicon.ico")
(.expect req "Content-Type" "image/x-icon")
(.expect req 200 done)))))
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