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Julik Tarkhanov julik

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alias buby='bundle exec ruby'
alias brake='bundle exec rake'
alias bapistrano='bundle exec cap'
alias brackup='bundle exec rackup'
alias breakup='bundle exec rackup'
alias brails='bundle exec rails'
alias botgun='bundle exec shotgun --port 9292'
alias boreman='bundle exec foreman start'
alias brunicorn='bundle exec unicorn --port 9292'
alias bundel='bundle' # how Dutch
import nuke,os
__version__ = (0,0,1)
def grow():
Will make a Crop node that crops the frame to the union of the animated BBox of the nude currently selected.
For example, if you have a Tracker node that stabilizes an image this function will grow your bounding box
to include the whole stabilized image
# This line makes me sad
Faraday::Adapter.register_middleware File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),
:certificate_pinning => [:CertificatePinning, 'certificate_pinning/certificate_pinning'] => '') do |f|
f.use :http_cache, store: @cache
f.request :url_encoded
f.response :logger
require 'faraday'
class CertificatePinning < Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
def configure_ssl(http, ssl)
super # configure MOAR SSL }
client = => '') do |f|
f.request :url_encoded
  • Why I need to rename stuff (again) when moving from minitest 4 to minitest 5?
  • Why a 0.x upgrade of ActiveRecord forces my project to minitest 5 even though my project is on 4?
  • Why Rake runs the autorunner for every thread I start within my rake task that has nothing to do with minitest?
  • Why there is no "around wrapper" for every test method that is published, and if there is why did it's API had to change between 4 and 5?
  • When I require "test/unit" because somethign in my project wants to have Test::Unit, is that really necessary?
  • Who is responsible/maintaining the test task that is supplied in Rake?
julik / passthrough_tgz.rb
Created June 19, 2014 23:57
Do not double-cook tarballs when serving them via Rack
# Wrapper for Rack::Deflater that will prevent
# the said Deflater from EVER touching .tgz files
class PassthroughDeflater
BYPASS_FILES = /\.(t?)gz$/
# bypass_url_regexp will be matched against PATH_INFO
def initialize(app, bypass_url_regexp = BYPASS_FILES)
@bypass_url_regexp = bypass_url_regexp
@app = app
@deflater =
julik / mute.applescript
Created November 17, 2014 13:26
Mute/unmute (for PowerMate, thanks to AJ)
set isMuted to output muted of (get volume settings)
if isMuted then
set volume without output muted
set volume with output muted
end if
julik / env.rb
Created November 19, 2014 21:51
# Make a little report :-)
added_keys = preserved.keys - ENV.keys
removed_keys = ENV.keys - preserved.keys
changed_keys ={|k| ENV.keys.include?(k) }.select{|k| preserved[k] != ENV[k] }
puts "Added to ENV and not removed #{added_keys.join(', ')}" if added_keys.any?
puts "Removed from ENV and not re-added #{removed_keys.join(', ')}" if removed_keys.any?
puts "Mutated in ENV and not reset #{changed_keys.join(', ')}" if changed_keys.any?
require 'uri'
module Julik
module AbsolutizeHelper
def canonicalize_hyperlinks(htmlcontent, root, host = nil, prot = nil)
htmlcontent.gsub(/(<(img|a)\b[^>]*(src|href)=)(["'])(.*?)\4/) do
md = $~
prefix = (host && prot) ? (prot + host) : ''
prefix.gsub!(/\/$/, '')
julik / travis_out.txt
Created December 12, 2014 11:14
Travis-CI output example
Using worker:
Build system information
Build language: ruby
Build image provisioning date and time
Sun Dec 7 06:19:19 UTC 2014
lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Release: 12.04