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Created August 17, 2011 20:32
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Add MafiaWars Links to Facebook Profiles
// ==UserScript==
// @name Add MafiaWars Links to Facebook Profiles
// @copyright 2011 - Julio Napuri
// @version 1.0
// @description Adds MafiaWars specific links to the standard Facebook profile menu.
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @include http://**
// @include http://**#*
// @exclude*
// @exclude
// @exclude*viewas*
// ==/UserScript==
const DEBUG_MODE = false;
// Credits : Some ideas taken from FB MafiaWars Addon. Thank you dakam
* Global variables
var MW = {
USER_ID : '',
var resources = {
mafia_icon : 'data:image/gif;base64,' +
* Send text to window console
* @param {String} msg
@param {Boolean} force
function log$(msg, force) {
if (DEBUG_MODE === false && !force)
try {
(console||unsafeWindow.console).log('FBMW ADD PROFILE: ' + msg);
catch (e) {
* Return a valid external Mafia Wars url
* @param {String} controller Default is "index"
* @param {String} action Default is "view"
* @param {Object} params {Name => Value} pairs
* @return {String}
function getExtURL(controller, action, params)
var url = '';
if (typeof(params) !== 'object') {
params = {};
url += 'next_controller=' + (controller || 'index');
url += '&next_action=' + (action || 'view');
for (var name in params) {
if (name == 'next_params') {
value = escape(JSON.stringify(params[name]));
if (name != 'next_controller' && name != 'next_action') {
url += ('&' + name + '=' + value);
return url;
* Return the file name
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} extension
* @return {String}
function getFileName(url,extension){
var f = /([^\/\\]+)$/.exec(url) || ['',''];
f = /^([^\.]+)(\.\w+)?/.exec(f[1]);
if(extension) f[1]+= (f[2] || '');
return f[1];
* Create Item for UL Mafia list
* @param {Array} option
* @return {Object}
function addItem(option) {
var _nav = document.createElement("li");
_nav.setAttribute('id', 'navItemM_' + option._name);
_nav.setAttribute('class', 'key-mafia-' + option._name);
_nav.innerHTML = "MAFIA";
_nav.innerHTML = _nav.innerHTML.replace("MAFIA",
"<a class='item' href='" + option.url + "' target='_blank'>"+
"<span class='imgWrap'>"+
"<i class='img sp_1a0aga' style='background-image: url(" + option.icon + ");background-repeat: no-repeat;display: inline-block;height: 16px;width: 16px;'></i></span>"+
"</span><span class='linkWrap'>" + option.title +"</span></a>"
var _list = document.getElementById("mafia_list");
return this;
* Return the profile url of the user id
* @return {String}
function getProfileLink() {
var _url = ''+escape('{"user":"'+ MW.USER_ID+'"}');
return addItem({
_name: 'profile',
title: 'Mafia Profile',
url: _url
* Return all profile urls of the user id
* @return {Object}
function userLinks() {
var options = {
promote: {
title: 'Promote',
url: getExtURL('group', 'view', {
'next_params': {
'promote': 'yes',
'pid': MW.USER_ID
crime: {
title: 'Crime Spree',
url: getExtURL('safehouse', 'answer_gift', {
'next_params': {
'from_user': MW.USER_ID,
'time_id': Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000),
'gkey': "186634552e420a5fea5984c1d7ea5b47"
slots: {
title: 'Slots',
url: getExtURL('stats', 'view', {
'next_params': {
'user': MW.USER_ID,
'vegasslots': "1",
'referrer': "ad_feed"
for (var link in options) {
_name: link,
title: options[link].title,
icon: resources.mafia_icon,
url: options[link].url
* Create div container
* @return {String}
function _createFBUserID(){
if(!document.getElementById("FBUserID")) {
var sideNav = document.getElementById("sideNav");
var sideMafia = document.createElement("div");
sideMafia.setAttribute("id", "FBUserID");
sideMafia.setAttribute("class", "expandableSideNav");
sideMafia.innerHTML = "<ul id='mafia_list' class='uiSideNav'></ul>";
log$('Container created');
return this;
* Add Mafia Profile
* @return {Object}
function addMafiaProfile() {
if (document.getElementById("pagelet_fbx_navigation")) {
if (!document.getElementById("FBUserID")) {
var _app_6261817190 = document.getElementById("navItem_app_6261817190");// Reviews
var _app_2373072738 = document.getElementById("navItem_app_2373072738");// Discussions
if(_app_6261817190 || _app_2373072738 ) {
log$('Facebook Application Profile detected');
return true;
var _profile_pic = document.getElementById("profile_pic");
var _profile_minifeed = document.getElementById("profile_minifeed");
if (_profile_pic || _profile_minifeed) {
log$('Facebook Profile detected');
var _image_name = getFileName(_profile_pic.getAttribute("src"));
var _userId = _image_name.split("_")[1];
MW.USER_ID = _userId;
log$("Get User ID from Facebook: " + MW.USER_ID);
log$('Access Friend Profile wall mini-feed');
var _minifeed = document.getElementById("profile_minifeed").innerHTML;
//var pattern = new RegExp(friend=p.\w.\d{5,}', 'g');
var pattern = /friend=p.\w.\d{5,}/
var _pid = _minifeed.match(pattern);
_pid = unescape(_pid);
_pid = _pid.replace("friend=","");
if(typeof(_pid) !== 'undefined' && _pid != null && _pid != 'null') {
MW.USER_PID = _pid;
log$('Set User PID from Facebook:' + _pid);
} catch(err) {
log$("Error: " + err);
return false;
window.setInterval(function (){
}, 5000);
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