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Working from home

M. Junaid Fiaz junaidfiaz143

Working from home
View GitHub Profile
keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read: if true;
allow write: if true;
password hashing on insertion/login/exit
change camera [default camera]
mysql username/password
update username/password
mysql errors
1. password hashing
2. no sql dialog
3. update camera
when restart device then your port also channge so hit command below
1- adb kill-server
2- connect your phone to pc with usb cable
3- adb tcpip 5555
4- adb connect (your device ip):5555
pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
mkvirtualenv env-name
workon env-name
pip install django
pip install djangorestframework
pip install django-rest-knox
import base64
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QRectF, QSize, pyqtSignal, QTimer
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QImage, QPainter, QPainterPath,\
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QLabel, QHBoxLayout,\
QGridLayout, QSpacerItem, QSizePolicy, QGraphicsDropShadowEffect,\
QListWidget, QListWidgetItem
edge detection:
DONE-convolutional operation
DONE-different filters for convolutional
DONE-gradually reduces the size of original image
DONE-The width and height dimensions tend to shrink as you go deeper in the network. The number of channels is controlled by the first
argument passed to the Conv2D layers (32 or 64).
DONE-Whereas the densely connected network from chapter 2 had a test accuracy of 97.8%,
the basic convnet has a test accuracy of 99.3%: we decreased the error rate by 68%
(relative). Not bad!
DONE-padding (valid and same) - to learn more from the edges of training image or to get same output size as input size training set
EdTech Story
I found this article on LinkedIn of named “Asim Qureshi”
I get asked a lot what triggered me to homeschool my 3 kids. Now, to make their short drive to school constructive I taught them math on the way there. It was when I realized that they were learning more math in the car, than they were during the entire day at school, it got me thinking.
A few months later we pulled the kids from the school, to give it a try. 6 years on, and to our own surprise, my 11 years old is doing her A-Levels which my 13 and 15 years old did 2 years ago.
The elder ones are doing wherever their passion take them. All 3 are close to conversant in 6 language – English, Mandarin (Chinese), French, Bahasa, Malaysian, Urdu/Hindi, and Arabic, are good public speakers, and play plenty of sports.
The funny thing is that for the most of the part, we didn’t teach them, they learnt mostly from google, YouTube, or were taught by teachers one whom they hired themselves, and take lectures over skype.