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juniorjacob / keyword_gen.lua
Last active May 10, 2019 01:39
Keyword Generator; Prints out all of the possible combinations out of the "keywords" table
local keywords = {"test", "keyword", "2", "one", "hello", "world", "!"}
local posted = {}
function table.find(array, tofind)
if not type(array) == "table" then return end
for i,v in pairs(array) do
if i == tofind or v == tofind then
return i
juniorjacob / islandfricker.lua
Last active January 21, 2022 23:23
Island Royale Multi-Cheat; Bypasses the games anti-cheat & Creates a GUI to interact with the cheat; Island Royale Link:
getgenv().get = function(link) return game:HttpGet(link, true) end
spawn(function() loadstring(get(''))() end)
repeat wait() until getgenv().isBypassed and getgenv().store
if not game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character then print('ISLANDFRICKER : Execution Failure | Character Unloaded') error('') end
if getgenv().if_settings then
for i,v in pairs(getgenv().if_settings) do
if i == 'distance_t' then getgenv().if_settings[i] = true elseif i == 'curAim' then v:Disconnect() end
if type(v) == 'boolean' then