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Last active December 18, 2023 17:31
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Oh My Posh Custom Theme
"$schema": "",
"blocks": [
"alignment": "left",
"segments": [
"background": "p:yellow",
"foreground": "p:black",
"leading_diamond": "",
"powerline_symbol": "",
"properties": {
"folder_separator_icon": "  ",
"home_icon": "󰋜",
"style": "folder"
"style": "diamond",
"template": "  {{ .Path }} ",
"trailing_diamond": "",
"type": "path"
"background": "p:green",
"background_templates": [
"{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}p:brightYellow{{ end }}",
"{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}p:red{{ end }}",
"{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}p:purple{{ end }}",
"{{ if gt .Behind 0 }}p:brightPurple{{ end }}"
"foreground": "p:black",
"foreground_templates": [
"{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}p:black{{ end }}",
"{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}p:white{{ end }}",
"{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}p:white{{ end }}"
"powerline_symbol": "",
"properties": {
"branch_max_length": 25,
"fetch_status": true,
"fetch_upstream_icon": true,
"github_icon": "󰊤"
"style": "powerline",
"template": " {{ if .UpstreamURL }}{{ url .UpstreamIcon .UpstreamURL }} {{ end }}{{ .HEAD }}{{ .BranchStatus }}{{ if .Working.Changed }}  {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }}  {{ .Staging.String }}{{ end }} ",
"type": "git"
"background": "p:white",
"background_templates": ["{{ if gt .Code 0 }}#E95420{{ end }}"],
"foreground": "p:black",
"leading_diamond": "<transparent,background></>",
"properties": {
"windows": "󰖳"
"style": "diamond",
"template": " {{ if .WSL }}WSL at {{ end }}{{ .Icon }} ",
"trailing_diamond": "",
"type": "os"
"type": "prompt"
"segments": [
"background": "transparent",
"foreground": "p:green",
"properties": {
"display_mode": "files",
"fetch_package_manager": false,
"home_enabled": false
"style": "plain",
"template": "󰎙 ",
"type": "node"
"background": "transparent",
"foreground": "p:blue",
"properties": {
"fetch_version": false
"style": "powerline",
"template": " ",
"type": "go"
"background": "transparent",
"foreground": "p:yellow",
"properties": {
"display_mode": "files",
"fetch_version": true,
"fetch_virtual_env": false
"style": "plain",
"template": " ",
"type": "python"
"background": "transparent",
"foreground": "p:white",
"style": "plain",
"template": "in <p:brightCyan><b>{{ .Name }}</b></> ",
"type": "shell"
"background": "transparent",
"foreground": "p:white",
"style": "plain",
"template": "at <p:brightCyan><b>{{ .CurrentDate | date \"15:04:05\" }}</b></>",
"type": "time"
"type": "rprompt"
"alignment": "left",
"newline": true,
"segments": [
"foreground": "p:brightGreen",
"style": "plain",
"template": "󰋇 ",
"type": "text"
"type": "prompt"
"console_title_template": "{{ .Shell }} in {{ .Folder }}",
"final_space": true,
"palette": {
"black": "#1F1F28",
"red": "#E82424",
"green": "#76946A",
"yellow": "#FF9E3B",
"blue": "#658594",
"purple": "#957FB8",
"cyan": "#9CABCA",
"white": "#DCD7BA",
"brightBlack": "#2A2A37",
"brightRed": "#FF5D62",
"brightGreen": "#98BB6C",
"brightYellow": "#E6C384",
"brightBlue": "#7FB4CA",
"brightPurple": "#D27E99",
"brightCyan": "#A3D4D5",
"brightWhite": "#DCD7BA"
"version": 2
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