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Created July 1, 2024 19:14
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#include <stdio.h> // TODO remove all these includes, define all function signatures and types manually
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h> // for va_list
#include <inttypes.h> // int64_t etc
#include <string.h> // memcpy
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <ctype.h>
#include <locale.h> // tolower
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <libproc.h> // proc_pidpath
#include <execinfo.h> // backtrace and backtrace_symbols_fd
#ifdef __linux__
#ifndef __BIONIC__
#include <execinfo.h> // backtrace and backtrace_symbols_fd
#pragma weak backtrace
#pragma weak backtrace_symbols_fd
#ifdef __linux__
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h> // os__wait uses wait on nix
#ifdef __TINYC__
#define OPTION_CAST(x) (x)
#ifdef _WIN32
#define WINVER 0x0600
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600
#define _UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
// must be included after <windows.h>
#ifndef __TINYC__
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <io.h> // _waccess
#include <fcntl.h> // _O_U8TEXT
#include <direct.h> // _wgetcwd
//#include <WinSock2.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// On MSVC these are the same (as long as /volatile:ms is passed)
#define _Atomic volatile
// MSVC cannot parse some things properly
#define EMPTY_STRUCT_DECLARATION int ____dummy_variable
#define OPTION_CAST(x)
void pthread_mutex_lock(HANDLE *m) {
WaitForSingleObject(*m, INFINITE);
void pthread_mutex_unlock(HANDLE *m) {
#include <pthread.h>
//================================== TYPEDEFS ================================*/
typedef int64_t i64;
typedef int16_t i16;
typedef int8_t i8;
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint8_t byte;
typedef uint32_t rune;
typedef float f32;
typedef double f64;
typedef unsigned char* byteptr;
typedef int* intptr;
typedef void* voidptr;
typedef struct array array;
typedef struct map map;
typedef array array_string;
typedef array array_int;
typedef array array_byte;
typedef array array_f32;
typedef array array_f64;
typedef map map_int;
typedef map map_string;
#ifndef bool
typedef int bool;
#define true 1
#define false 0
//============================== HELPER C MACROS =============================*/
#define _PUSH(arr, val, tmp, tmp_typ) {tmp_typ tmp = (val); array__push(arr, &tmp);}
#define _PUSH_MANY(arr, val, tmp, tmp_typ) {tmp_typ tmp = (val); array__push_many(arr,, tmp.len);}
#define _IN(typ, val, arr) array_##typ##_contains(arr, val)
#define _IN_MAP(val, m) map__exists(m, val)
#define DEFAULT_EQUAL(a, b) (a == b)
//================================== GLOBALS =================================*/
byteptr g_str_buf;
int load_so(byteptr);
void reload_so();
void init_consts();
int g_test_ok = 1;
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef struct array array;
typedef array array_string;
typedef array array_byte;
typedef array array_int;
typedef struct string string;
typedef struct ustring ustring;
typedef struct map map;
typedef struct mapnode mapnode;
typedef struct Option Option;
typedef struct strings__Builder strings__Builder;
struct string {
byte* str;
int len;
struct array {
void* data;
int len;
int cap;
int element_size;
struct map {
int element_size;
mapnode* root;
int size;
struct Option {
byte data [255 ];
string error;
bool ok;
bool is_none;
struct mapnode {
mapnode* left;
mapnode* right;
bool is_empty;
string key;
void* val;
struct strings__Builder {
array_byte buf;
int len;
struct ustring {
string s;
array_int runes;
int len;
string _STR(const char*, ...);
string _STR_TMP(const char*, ...);
array new_array(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size);
array _make(int len, int cap, int elm_size);
array new_array_from_c_array(int len, int cap, int elm_size, void* c_array);
array new_array_from_c_array_no_alloc(int len, int cap, int elm_size, void* c_array);
array array_repeat_old(void* val, int nr_repeats, int elm_size);
array array_repeat(array a, int nr_repeats);
void array_sort_with_compare(array* a, void* compare);
void array_insert(array* a, int i, void* val);
void array_prepend(array* a, void* val);
void v_array_delete(array* a, int idx);
void* array__get(array a, int i);
void* array_first(array a);
void* array_last(array a);
array array_left(array s, int n);
array array_right(array s, int n);
array array_slice(array s, int start, int _end);
void array_set(array* a, int idx, void* val);
void array__push(array* arr, void* val);
void array__push_many(array* arr, void* val, int size);
array array_reverse(array a);
array array_clone(array a);
void v_array_free(array a);
string array_string_str(array_string a);
string array_byte_hex(array_byte b);
int copy(array_byte dst, array_byte src);
int compare_ints(int* a, int* b);
void array_int_sort(array_int* a);
int vstrlen(byte* s);
void todo();
string tos(byte* s, int len);
string tos_clone(byte* s);
string tos2(byte* s);
string string_clone(string a);
string string_replace(string s, string rep, string with);
int v_string_int(string s);
i64 string_i64(string s);
f32 string_f32(string s);
f64 string_f64(string s);
u32 string_u32(string s);
u64 string_u64(string s);
bool string_eq(string s, string a);
bool string_ne(string s, string a);
bool string_lt(string s, string a);
bool string_le(string s, string a);
bool string_gt(string s, string a);
bool string_ge(string s, string a);
string string_add(string s, string a);
array_string string_split(string s, string delim);
array_string string_split_single(string s, byte delim);
array_string string_split_into_lines(string s);
string string_left(string s, int n);
string string_right(string s, int n);
string string_substr(string s, int start, int end);
int string_index(string s, string p);
int string_index_kmp(string s, string p);
int string_index_any(string s, string chars);
int string_last_index(string s, string p);
int string_index_after(string s, string p, int start);
int string_count(string s, string substr);
bool string_contains(string s, string p);
bool string_starts_with(string s, string p);
bool string_ends_with(string s, string p);
string string_to_lower(string s);
string string_to_upper(string s);
string string_capitalize(string s);
string string_title(string s);
string string_find_between(string s, string start, string end);
bool array_string_contains(array_string ar, string val);
bool array_int_contains(array_int ar, int val);
bool is_space(byte c);
bool byte_is_space(byte c);
string string_trim_space(string s);
string string_trim(string s, string cutset);
string string_trim_left(string s, string cutset);
string string_trim_right(string s, string cutset);
int compare_strings(string* a, string* b);
int compare_strings_by_len(string* a, string* b);
int compare_lower_strings(string* a, string* b);
void array_string_sort(array_string* s);
void array_string_sort_ignore_case(array_string* s);
void array_string_sort_by_len(array_string* s);
ustring string_ustring(string s);
ustring string_ustring_tmp(string s);
bool ustring_eq(ustring u, ustring a);
bool ustring_ne(ustring u, ustring a);
bool ustring_lt(ustring u, ustring a);
bool ustring_le(ustring u, ustring a);
bool ustring_gt(ustring u, ustring a);
bool ustring_ge(ustring u, ustring a);
ustring ustring_add(ustring u, ustring a);
int ustring_index_after(ustring u, ustring p, int start);
int ustring_count(ustring u, ustring substr);
string ustring_substr(ustring u, int _start, int _end);
string ustring_left(ustring u, int pos);
string ustring_right(ustring u, int pos);
byte string_at(string s, int idx);
string ustring_at(ustring u, int idx);
void v_ustring_free(ustring u);
bool byte_is_digit(byte c);
bool byte_is_hex_digit(byte c);
bool byte_is_oct_digit(byte c);
bool byte_is_letter(byte c);
void v_string_free(string s);
string string_all_before(string s, string dot);
string string_all_before_last(string s, string dot);
string string_all_after(string s, string dot);
string array_string_join(array_string a, string del);
string array_string_join_lines(array_string s);
string string_reverse(string s);
string string_limit(string s, int max);
bool byte_is_white(byte c);
int string_hash(string s);
array_byte string_bytes(string s);
string string_repeat(string s, int count);
void v_exit(int code);
bool isnil(void* v);
void on_panic(int (*f)( int /*FFF*/ ));
void print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames(int skipframes);
void print_backtrace();
void _panic_debug(int line_no, string file, string mod, string fn_name, string s);
void v_panic(string s);
void println(string s);
void eprintln(string s);
void print(string s);
byte* v_malloc(int n);
byte* v_calloc(int n);
void v_free(void* ptr);
void* memdup(void* src, int sz);
void v_ptr_free(void* ptr);
string f64_str(f64 d);
string f32_str(f32 d);
string ptr_str(void* ptr);
bool f64_eq(f64 a, f64 b);
bool f32_eq(f32 a, f32 b);
bool f64_eqbit(f64 a, f64 b);
bool f32_eqbit(f32 a, f32 b);
string int_str(int nn);
string u32_str(u32 nn);
string i64_str(i64 nn);
string u64_str(u64 nn);
string bool_str(bool b);
string int_hex(int n);
string i64_hex(i64 n);
bool array_byte_contains(array_byte a, byte val);
string rune_str(rune c);
string byte_str(byte c);
bool byte_is_capital(byte c);
array_byte array_byte_clone(array_byte b);
int utf8_char_len(byte b);
string utf32_to_str(u32 code);
string utf32_to_str_no_malloc(u32 code, void* buf);
int string_utf32_code(string _rune);
u16* string_to_wide(string _str);
string string_from_wide(u16* _wstr);
string string_from_wide2(u16* _wstr, int len);
int utf8_len(byte c);
int utf8_getchar();
map new_map(int cap, int elm_size);
map new_map_init(int cap, int elm_size, string* keys, void* vals);
mapnode* new_node(string key, void* val, int element_size);
void map_insert(map* m, mapnode* n, string key, void* val);
bool mapnode_find(mapnode* n, string key, void* out, int element_size);
bool mapnode_find2(mapnode* n, string key, int element_size);
void map__set(map* m, string key, void* val);
int preorder_keys(mapnode* node, array_string* keys, int key_i);
array_string map_keys(map* m);
bool map_get(map m, string key, void* out);
void v_mapnode_delete(mapnode* n, string key, int element_size);
void v_map_delete(map* m, string key);
void map_exists(map m, string key);
bool map__exists(map m, string key);
void map_print(map m);
void v_mapnode_free(mapnode* n);
void v_map_free(map* m);
string map_string_str(map_string m);
Option opt_ok(void* data, int size);
Option opt_none();
Option v_error(string s);
strings__Builder strings__new_builder(int initial_size);
void strings__Builder_write(strings__Builder* b, string s);
void strings__Builder_writeln(strings__Builder* b, string s);
string strings__Builder_str(strings__Builder b);
void strings__Builder_cut(strings__Builder* b, int n);
void strings__Builder_free(strings__Builder* b);
int strings__levenshtein_distance(string a, string b);
f32 strings__levenshtein_distance_percentage(string a, string b);
f32 strings__dice_coefficient(string s1, string s2);
string strings__repeat(byte c, int n);
void main__draw_text(string s, int x, int y);
void main__draw_scene();
void main__main();
array_int g_ustring_runes; // global
i64 total_m = 0; // global
#define builtin__CP_UTF8 65001
array new_array(int mylen, int cap, int elm_size) {
int a= 3 ;
a ; ;
array arr= (array) { .len = mylen , .cap = cap , .element_size = elm_size , .data = v_calloc ( cap * elm_size ) } ;
return arr ;
array _make(int len, int cap, int elm_size) {
return new_array ( len , cap , elm_size ) ;
array new_array_from_c_array(int len, int cap, int elm_size, void* c_array) {
array arr= (array) { .len = len , .cap = cap , .element_size = elm_size , .data = v_calloc ( cap * elm_size ) } ;
memcpy ( arr .data , c_array , len * elm_size ) ;
return arr ;
array new_array_from_c_array_no_alloc(int len, int cap, int elm_size, void* c_array) {
array arr= (array) { .len = len , .cap = cap , .element_size = elm_size , .data = c_array } ;
return arr ;
array array_repeat_old(void* val, int nr_repeats, int elm_size) {
array arr= (array) { .len = nr_repeats , .cap = nr_repeats , .element_size = elm_size , .data = v_calloc ( nr_repeats * elm_size ) } ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < nr_repeats ; i ++ ) {
memcpy ((byte*) arr .data + i * elm_size , val , elm_size ) ;
return arr ;
array array_repeat(array a, int nr_repeats) {
array arr= (array) { .len = nr_repeats , .cap = nr_repeats , .element_size = a .element_size , .data = v_calloc ( nr_repeats * a .element_size ) } ;
void* val=(byte*) a .data + 0 ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < nr_repeats ; i ++ ) {
memcpy ((byte*) arr .data + i * a .element_size , val , a .element_size ) ;
return arr ;
void array_sort_with_compare(array* a, void* compare) {
qsort ( a ->data , a ->len , a ->element_size , compare ) ;
void array_insert(array* a, int i, void* val) {
if ( i >= a ->len ) {
v_panic ( tos2((byte*)"array.insert: index larger than length") ) ;
array__push( a , val ) ;
int size= a ->element_size ;
memmove ((byte*) a ->data + ( i + 1 ) * size , (byte*) a ->data + i * size , ( a ->len - i ) * size ) ;
array_set( a , i , val ) ;
void array_prepend(array* a, void* val) {
array_insert( a , 0 , val ) ;
void v_array_delete(array* a, int idx) {
int size= a ->element_size ;
memmove ((byte*) a ->data + idx * size , (byte*) a ->data + ( idx + 1 ) * size , ( a ->len - idx ) * size ) ;
a ->len -- ;
a ->cap -- ;
void* array__get(array a, int i) {
if ( i < 0 || i >= a .len ) {
v_panic ( _STR("array index out of range: %d/%d", i, a .len) ) ;
return (byte*) a .data + i * a .element_size ;
void* array_first(array a) {
if ( a .len == 0 ) {
v_panic ( tos2((byte*)"array.first: empty array") ) ;
return (byte*) a .data + 0 ;
void* array_last(array a) {
if ( a .len == 0 ) {
v_panic ( tos2((byte*)"array.last: empty array") ) ;
return (byte*) a .data + ( a .len - 1 ) * a .element_size ;
array array_left(array s, int n) {
if ( n >= s .len ) {
return s ;
return array_slice( s , 0 , n ) ;
array array_right(array s, int n) {
if ( n >= s .len ) {
return s ;
return array_slice( s , n , s .len ) ;
array array_slice(array s, int start, int _end) {
int end= _end ;
if ( start > end ) {
v_panic ( _STR("invalid slice index: %d > %d", start, end) ) ;
if ( end > s .len ) {
v_panic ( _STR("runtime error: slice bounds out of range (%d >= %d)", end, s .len) ) ;
if ( start < 0 ) {
v_panic ( _STR("runtime error: slice bounds out of range (%d < 0)", start) ) ;
int l= end - start ;
array res= (array) { .element_size = s .element_size , .data = (byte*) s .data + start * s .element_size , .len = l , .cap = l } ;
return res ;
void array_set(array* a, int idx, void* val) {
if ( idx < 0 || idx >= a ->len ) {
v_panic ( _STR("array index out of range: %d / %d", idx, a ->len) ) ;
memcpy ((byte*) a ->data + a ->element_size * idx , val , a ->element_size ) ;
void array__push(array* arr, void* val) {
if ( arr ->len >= arr ->cap - 1 ) {
int cap= ( arr ->len + 1 ) * 2 ;
if ( arr ->cap == 0 ) {
arr ->data = v_calloc ( cap * arr ->element_size ) ;
else {
arr ->data = realloc ( arr ->data , cap * arr ->element_size ) ;
arr ->cap = cap ;
memcpy ((byte*) arr ->data + arr ->element_size * arr ->len , val , arr ->element_size ) ;
arr ->len ++ ;
void array__push_many(array* arr, void* val, int size) {
if ( arr ->len >= arr ->cap - size ) {
int cap= ( arr ->len + size ) * 2 ;
if ( arr ->cap == 0 ) {
arr ->data = v_calloc ( cap * arr ->element_size ) ;
else {
arr ->data = realloc ( arr ->data , cap * arr ->element_size ) ;
arr ->cap = cap ;
memcpy ((byte*) arr ->data + arr ->element_size * arr ->len , val , arr ->element_size * size ) ;
arr ->len += size ;
array array_reverse(array a) {
array arr= (array) { .len = a .len , .cap = a .cap , .element_size = a .element_size , .data = v_calloc ( a .cap * a .element_size ) } ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < a .len ; i ++ ) {
memcpy ((byte*) arr .data + i * arr .element_size , & /*v*/ ( *(array*) array__get( a , a .len - 1 - i) ) , arr .element_size ) ;
return arr ;
array array_clone(array a) {
array arr= (array) { .len = a .len , .cap = a .cap , .element_size = a .element_size , .data = v_calloc ( a .cap * a .element_size ) } ;
memcpy ( arr .data , a .data , a .cap * a .element_size ) ;
return arr ;
void v_array_free(array a) {
free ( a .data ) ;
string array_string_str(array_string a) {
strings__Builder sb= strings__new_builder ( a .len * 3 ) ;
strings__Builder_write(& /* ? */ sb , tos2((byte*)"[") ) ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < a .len ; i ++ ) {
string val= ( *(string*) array__get( a , i) ) ;
strings__Builder_write(& /* ? */ sb , tos2((byte*)"\"") ) ;
strings__Builder_write(& /* ? */ sb , val ) ;
strings__Builder_write(& /* ? */ sb , tos2((byte*)"\"") ) ;
if ( i < a .len - 1 ) {
strings__Builder_write(& /* ? */ sb , tos2((byte*)", ") ) ;
strings__Builder_write(& /* ? */ sb , tos2((byte*)"]") ) ;
return strings__Builder_str( sb ) ;
string array_byte_hex(array_byte b) {
byte* hex= v_malloc ( b .len * 2 + 1 ) ;
byte* ptr= & /*v*/ hex [/*ptr*/ 0 ]/*rbyte 1*/ ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < b .len ; i ++ ) {
ptr += sprintf ( ((char*)( ptr ) ) , "%02x" , ( *(byte*) array__get( b , i) ) ) ;
return (tos2((byte *) hex ) ) ;
int copy(array_byte dst, array_byte src) {
if ( dst .len > 0 && src .len > 0 ) {
int min= ( dst .len < src .len ) ? ( dst .len ) : ( src .len ) ;
memcpy ( dst .data , array_left( src , min ) .data , dst .element_size * min ) ;
return min ;
return 0 ;
int compare_ints(int* a, int* b) {
if ( a < b ) {
return - 1 ;
if ( a > b ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
void array_int_sort(array_int* a) {
array_sort_with_compare( a ,& /*112 EXP:"void*" GOT:"fn (int*,int*) int" */ compare_ints ) ;
int vstrlen(byte* s) {
return strlen ( ((char*)( s ) ) ) ;
void todo() {
string tos(byte* s, int len) {
if ( isnil ( s ) ) {
v_panic ( tos2((byte*)"tos(): nil string") ) ;
return (string) { .str = s , .len = len } ;
string tos_clone(byte* s) {
if ( isnil ( s ) ) {
v_panic ( tos2((byte*)"tos: nil string") ) ;
return string_clone( tos2 ( s ) ) ;
string tos2(byte* s) {
if ( isnil ( s ) ) {
v_panic ( tos2((byte*)"tos2: nil string") ) ;
int len= vstrlen ( s ) ;
string res= tos ( s , len ) ;
return res ;
string string_clone(string a) {
string b= (string) { .len = a .len , .str = v_malloc ( a .len + 1 ) } ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < a .len ; i ++ ) {
b .str[ i ]/*rbyte 1*/ = a .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
b .str[ a .len ]/*rbyte 1*/ = '\0' ;
return b ;
string string_replace(string s, string rep, string with) {
if ( s .len == 0 || rep .len == 0 ) {
return s ;
array_int idxs=new_array_from_c_array(0, 0, sizeof(int), (int[]) { 0 }) ;
string rem= s ;
int rstart= 0 ;
while (1) {
int i= string_index( rem , rep ) ;
if ( i < 0 ) {
_PUSH(& idxs , ( /*typ = array_int tmp_typ=int*/ rstart + i ), tmp9, int) ;
i += rep .len ;
rstart += i ;
rem = string_substr( rem , i , rem .len ) ;
if ( idxs .len == 0 ) {
return s ;
int new_len= s .len + idxs .len * ( with .len - rep .len ) ;
byte* b= v_malloc ( new_len + 1 ) ;
int idx_pos= 0 ;
int cur_idx= ( *(int*) array__get( idxs , idx_pos) ) ;
int b_i= 0 ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < s .len ; i ++ ) {
if ( i == cur_idx ) {
for (
int j= 0 ; j < with .len ; j ++ ) {
b [/*ptr*/ b_i ]/*rbyte 1*/ = with .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
b_i ++ ;
i += rep .len - 1 ;
idx_pos ++ ;
if ( idx_pos < idxs .len ) {
cur_idx = ( *(int*) array__get( idxs , idx_pos) ) ;
else {
b [/*ptr*/ b_i ]/*rbyte 1*/ = s .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
b_i ++ ;
b [/*ptr*/ new_len ]/*rbyte 1*/ = '\0' ;
return tos ( b , new_len ) ;
int v_string_int(string s) {
return atoi ( ((char*)( s .str ) ) ) ;
i64 string_i64(string s) {
return atoll ( ((char*)( s .str ) ) ) ;
f32 string_f32(string s) {
return atof ( ((char*)( s .str ) ) ) ;
f64 string_f64(string s) {
return atof ( ((char*)( s .str ) ) ) ;
u32 string_u32(string s) {
return strtoul ( ((char*)( s .str ) ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
u64 string_u64(string s) {
return strtoull ( ((char*)( s .str ) ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
bool string_eq(string s, string a) {
if ( isnil ( s .str ) ) {
v_panic ( tos2((byte*)"string.eq(): nil string") ) ;
if ( s .len != a .len ) {
return 0 ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < s .len ; i ++ ) {
if ( s .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ != a .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) {
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
bool string_ne(string s, string a) {
return ! string_eq( s , a ) ;
bool string_lt(string s, string a) {
for (
int i= 0 ; i < s .len ; i ++ ) {
if ( i >= a .len || s .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ > a .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) {
return 0 ;
else if ( s .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ < a .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) {
return 1 ;
if ( s .len < a .len ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
bool string_le(string s, string a) {
return string_lt( s , a ) || string_eq( s , a ) ;
bool string_gt(string s, string a) {
return ! string_le( s , a ) ;
bool string_ge(string s, string a) {
return ! string_lt( s , a ) ;
string string_add(string s, string a) {
int new_len= a .len + s .len ;
string res= (string) { .len = new_len , .str = v_malloc ( new_len + 1 ) } ;
for (
int j= 0 ; j < s .len ; j ++ ) {
res .str[ j ]/*rbyte 1*/ = s .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
for (
int j= 0 ; j < a .len ; j ++ ) {
res .str[ s .len + j ]/*rbyte 1*/ = a .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
res .str[ new_len ]/*rbyte 1*/ = '\0' ;
return res ;
array_string string_split(string s, string delim) {
array_string res=new_array_from_c_array(0, 0, sizeof(string), (string[]) { 0 }) ;
if ( delim .len == 0 ) {
_PUSH(& res , ( /*typ = array_string tmp_typ=string*/ s ), tmp28, string) ;
return res ;
if ( delim .len == 1 ) {
return string_split_single( s , delim .str[ 0 ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ;
int i= 0 ;
int start= 0 ;
while ( i < s .len ) {
bool a= s .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ == delim .str[ 0 ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
int j= 1 ;
while ( j < delim .len && a ) {
a = a && s .str[ i + j ]/*rbyte 0*/ == delim .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
j ++ ;
bool last= i == s .len - 1 ;
if ( a || last ) {
if ( last ) {
i ++ ;
string val= string_substr( s , start , i ) ;
if ( val .len > 0 ) {
if ( string_starts_with( val , delim ) ) {
val = string_right( val , delim .len ) ;
_PUSH(& res , ( /*typ = array_string tmp_typ=string*/ string_trim_space( val ) ), tmp35, string) ;
start = i ;
i ++ ;
return res ;
array_string string_split_single(string s, byte delim) {
array_string res=new_array_from_c_array(0, 0, sizeof(string), (string[]) { 0 }) ;
if ( ((int)( delim ) ) == 0 ) {
_PUSH(& res , ( /*typ = array_string tmp_typ=string*/ s ), tmp37, string) ;
return res ;
int i= 0 ;
int start= 0 ;
while ( i < s .len ) {
bool is_delim= s .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ == delim ;
bool last= i == s .len - 1 ;
if ( is_delim || last ) {
if ( ! is_delim && i == s .len - 1 ) {
i ++ ;
string val= string_substr( s , start , i ) ;
if ( val .len > 0 ) {
_PUSH(& res , ( /*typ = array_string tmp_typ=string*/ val ), tmp43, string) ;
start = i + 1 ;
i ++ ;
return res ;
array_string string_split_into_lines(string s) {
array_string res=new_array_from_c_array(0, 0, sizeof(string), (string[]) { 0 }) ;
if ( s .len == 0 ) {
return res ;
int start= 0 ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < s .len ; i ++ ) {
bool last= i == s .len - 1 ;
if ( ((int)( s .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ) == 10 || last ) {
if ( last ) {
i ++ ;
string line= string_substr( s , start , i ) ;
_PUSH(& res , ( /*typ = array_string tmp_typ=string*/ line ), tmp49, string) ;
start = i + 1 ;
return res ;
string string_left(string s, int n) {
if ( n >= s .len ) {
return s ;
return string_substr( s , 0 , n ) ;
string string_right(string s, int n) {
if ( n >= s .len ) {
return tos2((byte*)"") ;
return string_substr( s , n , s .len ) ;
string string_substr(string s, int start, int end) {
if ( start > end || start > s .len || end > s .len || start < 0 || end < 0 ) {
v_panic ( _STR("substr(%d, %d) out of bounds (len=%d)", start, end, s .len) ) ;
int len= end - start ;
string res= (string) { .len = len , .str = v_malloc ( len + 1 ) } ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
res .str [/*ptr*/ i ]/*rbyte 1*/ = s .str [/*ptr*/ start + i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
res .str [/*ptr*/ len ]/*rbyte 1*/ = '\0' ;
return res ;
int string_index(string s, string p) {
if ( p .len > s .len ) {
return - 1 ;
int i= 0 ;
while ( i < s .len ) {
int j= 0 ;
while ( j < p .len && s .str[ i + j ]/*rbyte 0*/ == p .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) {
j ++ ;
if ( j == p .len ) {
return i ;
i ++ ;
return - 1 ;
int string_index_kmp(string s, string p) {
if ( p .len > s .len ) {
return - 1 ;
array_int prefix= array_repeat(new_array_from_c_array(1, 1, sizeof(int), (int[]) { 0 }) , p .len ) ;
int j= 0 ;
for (
int i= 1 ; i < p .len ; i ++ ) {
while ( p .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ != p .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ && j > 0 ) {
j = ( *(int*) array__get( prefix , j - 1) ) ;
if ( p .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ == p .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) {
j ++ ;
array_set(&/*q*/ prefix , i , & (int []) { j }) ;
j = 0 ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < s .len ; i ++ ) {
while ( p .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ != s .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ && j > 0 ) {
j = ( *(int*) array__get( prefix , j - 1) ) ;
if ( p .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ == s .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) {
j ++ ;
if ( j == p .len ) {
return i - p .len + 1 ;
return - 1 ;
int string_index_any(string s, string chars) {
string tmp63 = chars;
array_byte bytes_tmp63 = string_bytes( tmp63 );
for (int tmp64 = 0; tmp64 < tmp63 .len; tmp64 ++) {
byte c = ((byte *) bytes_tmp63 . data)[tmp64];
int index= string_index( s , byte_str( c ) ) ;
if ( index != - 1 ) {
return index ;
return - 1 ;
int string_last_index(string s, string p) {
if ( p .len > s .len ) {
return - 1 ;
int i= s .len - p .len ;
while ( i >= 0 ) {
int j= 0 ;
while ( j < p .len && s .str[ i + j ]/*rbyte 0*/ == p .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) {
j ++ ;
if ( j == p .len ) {
return i ;
i -- ;
return - 1 ;
int string_index_after(string s, string p, int start) {
if ( p .len > s .len ) {
return - 1 ;
int strt= start ;
if ( start < 0 ) {
strt = 0 ;
if ( start >= s .len ) {
return - 1 ;
int i= strt ;
while ( i < s .len ) {
int j= 0 ;
int ii= i ;
while ( j < p .len && s .str[ ii ]/*rbyte 0*/ == p .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) {
j ++ ;
ii ++ ;
if ( j == p .len ) {
return i ;
i ++ ;
return - 1 ;
int string_count(string s, string substr) {
if ( s .len == 0 || substr .len == 0 ) {
return 0 ;
if ( substr .len > s .len ) {
return 0 ;
int n= 0 ;
int i= 0 ;
while (1) {
i = string_index_after( s , substr , i ) ;
if ( i == - 1 ) {
return n ;
i += substr .len ;
n ++ ;
return 0 ;
bool string_contains(string s, string p) {
bool res= string_index( s , p ) > 0 - 1 ;
return res ;
bool string_starts_with(string s, string p) {
bool res= string_index( s , p ) == 0 ;
return res ;
bool string_ends_with(string s, string p) {
if ( p .len > s .len ) {
return 0 ;
bool res= string_last_index( s , p ) == s .len - p .len ;
return res ;
string string_to_lower(string s) {
byte* b= v_malloc ( s .len + 1 ) ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < s .len ; i ++ ) {
b [/*ptr*/ i ]/*rbyte 1*/ = tolower ( s .str [/*ptr*/ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ;
return tos ( b , s .len ) ;
string string_to_upper(string s) {
byte* b= v_malloc ( s .len + 1 ) ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < s .len ; i ++ ) {
b [/*ptr*/ i ]/*rbyte 1*/ = toupper ( s .str [/*ptr*/ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ;
return tos ( b , s .len ) ;
string string_capitalize(string s) {
string sl= string_to_lower( s ) ;
string cap=string_add( string_to_upper( byte_str( sl .str[ 0 ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ) , string_right( sl , 1 ) ) ;
return cap ;
string string_title(string s) {
array_string words= string_split( s , tos2((byte*)" ") ) ;
array_string tit=new_array_from_c_array(0, 0, sizeof(string), (string[]) { 0 }) ;
array_string tmp85 = words;
for (int tmp86 = 0; tmp86 < tmp85.len; tmp86++) {
string word = ((string *) tmp85 . data)[tmp86];
_PUSH(& tit , ( /*typ = array_string tmp_typ=string*/ string_capitalize( word ) ), tmp87, string) ;
string title= array_string_join( tit , tos2((byte*)" ") ) ;
return title ;
string string_find_between(string s, string start, string end) {
int start_pos= string_index( s , start ) ;
if ( start_pos == - 1 ) {
return tos2((byte*)"") ;
string val= string_right( s , start_pos + start .len ) ;
int end_pos= string_index( val , end ) ;
if ( end_pos == - 1 ) {
return val ;
return string_left( val , end_pos ) ;
bool array_string_contains(array_string ar, string val) {
array_string tmp92 = ar;
for (int tmp93 = 0; tmp93 < tmp92.len; tmp93++) {
string s = ((string *) tmp92 . data)[tmp93];
if (string_eq( s , val ) ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
bool array_int_contains(array_int ar, int val) {
array_int tmp94 = ar;
for (int i = 0; i < tmp94.len; i++) {
int s = ((int *) tmp94 . data)[i];
if ( s == val ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
bool is_space(byte c) {
return _IN(byte, ( c ), new_array_from_c_array(6, 6, sizeof(byte), (byte[]) { ' ' , '\n' , '\t' , '\v' , '\f' , '\r' }) ) ;
bool byte_is_space(byte c) {
return is_space ( c ) ;
string string_trim_space(string s) {
return string_trim( s , tos2((byte*)" \n\t\v\f\r") ) ;
string string_trim(string s, string cutset) {
if ( s .len < 1 || cutset .len < 1 ) {
return s ;
array_byte cs_arr= string_bytes( cutset ) ;
int pos_left= 0 ;
int pos_right= s .len - 1 ;
bool cs_match= 1 ;
while ( pos_left <= s .len && pos_right >= - 1 && cs_match ) {
cs_match = 0 ;
if (_IN(byte, ( s .str[ pos_left ]/*rbyte 0*/ ), cs_arr ) ) {
pos_left ++ ;
cs_match = 1 ;
if (_IN(byte, ( s .str[ pos_right ]/*rbyte 0*/ ), cs_arr ) ) {
pos_right -- ;
cs_match = 1 ;
if ( pos_left > pos_right ) {
return tos2((byte*)"") ;
return string_substr( s , pos_left , pos_right + 1 ) ;
string string_trim_left(string s, string cutset) {
if ( s .len < 1 || cutset .len < 1 ) {
return s ;
array_byte cs_arr= string_bytes( cutset ) ;
int pos= 0 ;
while ( pos <= s .len && _IN(byte, ( s .str[ pos ]/*rbyte 0*/ ), cs_arr ) ) {
pos ++ ;
return string_right( s , pos ) ;
string string_trim_right(string s, string cutset) {
if ( s .len < 1 || cutset .len < 1 ) {
return s ;
array_byte cs_arr= string_bytes( cutset ) ;
int pos= s .len - 1 ;
while ( pos >= - 1 && _IN(byte, ( s .str[ pos ]/*rbyte 0*/ ), cs_arr ) ) {
pos -- ;
return string_left( s , pos + 1 ) ;
int compare_strings(string* a, string* b) {
if ( string_lt(* a ,* b ) ) {
return - 1 ;
if ( string_gt(* a ,* b ) ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
int compare_strings_by_len(string* a, string* b) {
if ( a ->len < b ->len ) {
return - 1 ;
if ( a ->len > b ->len ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
int compare_lower_strings(string* a, string* b) {
string aa= string_to_lower(* a ) ;
string bb= string_to_lower(* b ) ;
return compare_strings (& /*112 EXP:"string*" GOT:"string" */ aa ,& /*112 EXP:"string*" GOT:"string" */ bb ) ;
void array_string_sort(array_string* s) {
array_sort_with_compare( s ,& /*112 EXP:"void*" GOT:"fn (string*,string*) int" */ compare_strings ) ;
void array_string_sort_ignore_case(array_string* s) {
array_sort_with_compare( s ,& /*112 EXP:"void*" GOT:"fn (string*,string*) int" */ compare_lower_strings ) ;
void array_string_sort_by_len(array_string* s) {
array_sort_with_compare( s ,& /*112 EXP:"void*" GOT:"fn (string*,string*) int" */ compare_strings_by_len ) ;
ustring string_ustring(string s) {
ustring res= (ustring) { .s = s , .runes = new_array ( 0 , s .len , sizeof( int) ) , .len = 0 } ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < s .len ; i ++ ) {
int char_len= utf8_char_len ( s .str [/*ptr*/ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ;
_PUSH(& res .runes , ( /*typ = array_int tmp_typ=int*/ i ), tmp108, int) ;
i += char_len - 1 ;
res .len ++ ;
return res ;
ustring string_ustring_tmp(string s) {
if ( g_ustring_runes .len == 0 ) {
g_ustring_runes = new_array ( 0 , 128 , sizeof( int) ) ;
ustring res= (ustring) { .s = s , .runes = new_array(0, 1, sizeof( int )) , .len = 0 } ;
res .runes = g_ustring_runes ;
res .runes .len = s .len ;
int j= 0 ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < s .len ; i ++ ) {
int char_len= utf8_char_len ( s .str [/*ptr*/ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ;
array_set(&/*q*/ res .runes , j , & (int []) { i }) ;
j ++ ;
i += char_len - 1 ;
res .len ++ ;
return res ;
bool ustring_eq(ustring u, ustring a) {
if ( u .len != a .len || string_ne( u .s , a .s ) ) {
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
bool ustring_ne(ustring u, ustring a) {
return ! ustring_eq( u , a ) ;
bool ustring_lt(ustring u, ustring a) {
return string_lt( u .s , a .s ) ;
bool ustring_le(ustring u, ustring a) {
return ustring_lt( u , a ) || ustring_eq( u , a ) ;
bool ustring_gt(ustring u, ustring a) {
return ! ustring_le( u , a ) ;
bool ustring_ge(ustring u, ustring a) {
return ! ustring_lt( u , a ) ;
ustring ustring_add(ustring u, ustring a) {
ustring res= (ustring) { .s = string_add( u .s , a .s ) , .runes = new_array ( 0 , u .s .len + a .s .len , sizeof( int) ) , .len = 0 } ;
int j= 0 ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < u .s .len ; i ++ ) {
int char_len= utf8_char_len ( u .s .str [/*ptr*/ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ;
_PUSH(& res .runes , ( /*typ = array_int tmp_typ=int*/ j ), tmp117, int) ;
i += char_len - 1 ;
j += char_len ;
res .len ++ ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < a .s .len ; i ++ ) {
int char_len= utf8_char_len ( a .s .str [/*ptr*/ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ;
_PUSH(& res .runes , ( /*typ = array_int tmp_typ=int*/ j ), tmp120, int) ;
i += char_len - 1 ;
j += char_len ;
res .len ++ ;
return res ;
int ustring_index_after(ustring u, ustring p, int start) {
if ( p .len > u .len ) {
return - 1 ;
int strt= start ;
if ( start < 0 ) {
strt = 0 ;
if ( start > u .len ) {
return - 1 ;
int i= strt ;
while ( i < u .len ) {
int j= 0 ;
int ii= i ;
while ( j < p .len && string_eq( ustring_at( u , ii ) , ustring_at( p , j ) ) ) {
j ++ ;
ii ++ ;
if ( j == p .len ) {
return i ;
i ++ ;
return - 1 ;
int ustring_count(ustring u, ustring substr) {
if ( u .len == 0 || substr .len == 0 ) {
return 0 ;
if ( substr .len > u .len ) {
return 0 ;
int n= 0 ;
int i= 0 ;
while (1) {
i = ustring_index_after( u , substr , i ) ;
if ( i == - 1 ) {
return n ;
i += substr .len ;
n ++ ;
return 0 ;
string ustring_substr(ustring u, int _start, int _end) {
if ( _start > _end || _start > u .len || _end > u .len || _start < 0 || _end < 0 ) {
v_panic ( _STR("substr(%d, %d) out of bounds (len=%d)", _start, _end, u .len) ) ;
int end= ( _end >= u .len ) ? ( u .s .len ) : ( ( *(int*) array__get( u .runes , _end) ) ) ;
return string_substr( u .s , ( *(int*) array__get( u .runes , _start) ) , end ) ;
string ustring_left(ustring u, int pos) {
if ( pos >= u .len ) {
return u .s ;
return ustring_substr( u , 0 , pos ) ;
string ustring_right(ustring u, int pos) {
if ( pos >= u .len ) {
return tos2((byte*)"") ;
return ustring_substr( u , pos , u .len ) ;
byte string_at(string s, int idx) {
if ( idx < 0 || idx >= s .len ) {
v_panic ( _STR("string index out of range: %d / %d", idx, s .len) ) ;
return s .str [/*ptr*/ idx ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
string ustring_at(ustring u, int idx) {
if ( idx < 0 || idx >= u .len ) {
v_panic ( _STR("string index out of range: %d / %d", idx, u .runes .len) ) ;
return ustring_substr( u , idx , idx + 1 ) ;
void v_ustring_free(ustring u) {
v_array_free( u .runes ) ;
bool byte_is_digit(byte c) {
return c >= '0' && c <= '9' ;
bool byte_is_hex_digit(byte c) {
return byte_is_digit( c ) || ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) || ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) ;
bool byte_is_oct_digit(byte c) {
return c >= '0' && c <= '7' ;
bool byte_is_letter(byte c) {
return ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) || ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ) ;
void v_string_free(string s) {
v_free ( s .str ) ;
string string_all_before(string s, string dot) {
int pos= string_index( s , dot ) ;
if ( pos == - 1 ) {
return s ;
return string_left( s , pos ) ;
string string_all_before_last(string s, string dot) {
int pos= string_last_index( s , dot ) ;
if ( pos == - 1 ) {
return s ;
return string_left( s , pos ) ;
string string_all_after(string s, string dot) {
int pos= string_last_index( s , dot ) ;
if ( pos == - 1 ) {
return s ;
return string_right( s , pos + dot .len ) ;
string array_string_join(array_string a, string del) {
if ( a .len == 0 ) {
return tos2((byte*)"") ;
int len= 0 ;
array_string tmp136 = a;
for (int i = 0; i < tmp136.len; i++) {
string val = ((string *) tmp136 . data)[i];
len += val .len + del .len ;
len -= del .len ;
string res= tos2((byte*)"") ;
res .len = len ;
res .str = v_malloc ( res .len + 1 ) ;
int idx= 0 ;
array_string tmp139 = a;
for (int i = 0; i < tmp139.len; i++) {
string val = ((string *) tmp139 . data)[i];
for (
int j= 0 ; j < val .len ; j ++ ) {
byte c= val .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
res .str [/*ptr*/ idx ]/*rbyte 1*/ = val .str [/*ptr*/ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
idx ++ ;
if ( i != a .len - 1 ) {
for (
int k= 0 ; k < del .len ; k ++ ) {
res .str [/*ptr*/ idx ]/*rbyte 1*/ = del .str [/*ptr*/ k ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
idx ++ ;
res .str [/*ptr*/ res .len ]/*rbyte 1*/ = '\0' ;
return res ;
string array_string_join_lines(array_string s) {
return array_string_join( s , tos2((byte*)"\n") ) ;
string string_reverse(string s) {
string res= (string) { .len = s .len , .str = v_malloc ( s .len ) } ;
for (
int i= s .len - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
res .str[ s .len - i - 1 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = s .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
return res ;
string string_limit(string s, int max) {
ustring u= string_ustring( s ) ;
if ( u .len <= max ) {
return s ;
return ustring_substr( u , 0 , max ) ;
bool byte_is_white(byte c) {
int i= ((int)( c ) ) ;
return i == 10 || i == 32 || i == 9 || i == 13 || c == '\r' ;
int string_hash(string s) {
int h= 0 ;
if ( h == 0 && s .len > 0 ) {
string tmp148 = s;
array_byte bytes_tmp148 = string_bytes( tmp148 );
for (int tmp149 = 0; tmp149 < tmp148 .len; tmp149 ++) {
byte c = ((byte *) bytes_tmp148 . data)[tmp149];
h = h * 31 + ((int)( c ) ) ;
return h ;
array_byte string_bytes(string s) {
if ( s .len == 0 ) {
return new_array_from_c_array(0, 0, sizeof(byte), (byte[]) { 0 }) ;
array_byte buf= array_repeat(new_array_from_c_array(1, 1, sizeof(byte), (byte[]) { ((byte)( 0 ) ) }) , s .len ) ;
memcpy ( buf .data , (char*) s .str , s .len ) ;
return buf ;
string string_repeat(string s, int count) {
if ( count <= 1 ) {
return s ;
byte* ret= v_malloc ( s .len * count + 1 ) ;
int tmp152 = 0;
for (int tmp153 = tmp152; tmp153 < count; tmp153++) {
int i = tmp153;
int tmp154 = 0;
for (int tmp155 = tmp154; tmp155 < s .len; tmp155++) {
int j = tmp155;
ret [/*ptr*/ i * s .len + j ]/*rbyte 1*/ = s .str[ j ]/*rbyte 0*/ ;
ret [/*ptr*/ s .len * count ]/*rbyte 1*/ = 0 ;
return (tos2((byte *) ret ) ) ;
void v_exit(int code) {
exit ( code ) ;
bool isnil(void* v) {
return v == 0 ;
void on_panic(int (*f)( int /*FFF*/ )) {
void print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames(int skipframes) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
byte* buffer [100 ] ;
int nr_ptrs= backtrace ( ((voidptr*)( buffer ) ) , 100 ) ;
backtrace_symbols_fd ( ((voidptr*)( & /*v*/ buffer [ skipframes ]/*rbyte* 0*/ ) ) , nr_ptrs - skipframes , 1 ) ;
return ;
#ifdef __linux__
#ifndef __BIONIC__
if ( backtrace_symbols_fd != 0 ) {
byte* buffer [100 ] ;
int nr_ptrs= backtrace ( ((voidptr*)( buffer ) ) , 100 ) ;
backtrace_symbols_fd ( & /*v*/ buffer [ skipframes ]/*rbyte* 0*/ , nr_ptrs - skipframes , 1 ) ;
return ;
else {
printf ( "backtrace_symbols_fd is missing, so printing backtraces is not available.\n" ) ;
printf ( "Some libc implementations like musl simply do not provide it.\n" ) ;
println ( tos2((byte*)"print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames is not implemented on this platform for now...\n") ) ;
void print_backtrace() {
print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames ( 2 ) ;
void _panic_debug(int line_no, string file, string mod, string fn_name, string s) {
println ( tos2((byte*)"================ V panic ================") ) ;
printf( " module: %.*s\n", mod.len, mod.str ) ;
printf( " function: %.*s()\n", fn_name.len, fn_name.str ) ;
printf( " file: %.*s\n", file.len, file.str ) ;
println (string_add( tos2((byte*)" line: ") , int_str( line_no ) ) ) ;
printf( " message: %.*s\n", s.len, s.str ) ;
println ( tos2((byte*)"=========================================") ) ;
print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames ( 1 ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
void v_panic(string s) {
printf( "V panic: %.*s\n", s.len, s.str ) ;
print_backtrace ( ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
void println(string s) {
if ( isnil ( s .str ) ) {
v_panic ( tos2((byte*)"println(NIL)") ) ;
#ifdef _WIN32
_putws ( string_to_wide( s ) ) ;
printf ( "%.*s\n" , s .len , (char*) s .str ) ;
void eprintln(string s) {
if ( isnil ( s .str ) ) {
v_panic ( tos2((byte*)"eprintln(NIL)") ) ;
#ifdef __APPLE__
fprintf ( stderr , "%.*s\n" , s .len , (char*) s .str ) ;
fflush ( stderr ) ;
return ;
#ifdef __linux__
fprintf ( stderr , "%.*s\n" , s .len , (char*) s .str ) ;
fflush ( stderr ) ;
return ;
println ( s ) ;
void print(string s) {
#ifdef _WIN32
wprintf ( string_to_wide( s ) ) ;
printf ( "%.*s" , s .len , (char*) s .str ) ;
byte* v_malloc(int n) {
if ( n < 0 ) {
v_panic ( tos2((byte*)"malloc(<0)") ) ;
byte* ptr= malloc ( n ) ;
if ( isnil ( ptr ) ) {
v_panic ( _STR("malloc(%d) failed", n) ) ;
return ptr ;
byte* v_calloc(int n) {
if ( n < 0 ) {
v_panic ( tos2((byte*)"calloc(<0)") ) ;
return calloc ( n , 1 ) ;
void v_free(void* ptr) {
free ( ptr ) ;
void* memdup(void* src, int sz) {
byte* mem= v_malloc ( sz ) ;
return memcpy ((char*) mem , src , sz ) ;
void v_ptr_free(void* ptr) {
free ( ptr ) ;
string f64_str(f64 d) {
byte* buf= v_malloc ( sizeof( double) * 5 + 1 ) ;
sprintf ( ((char*)( buf ) ) , "%f" , d ) ;
return tos ( buf , vstrlen ( buf ) ) ;
string f32_str(f32 d) {
byte* buf= v_malloc ( sizeof( double) * 5 + 1 ) ;
sprintf ( ((char*)( buf ) ) , "%f" , d ) ;
return tos ( buf , vstrlen ( buf ) ) ;
string ptr_str(void* ptr) {
byte* buf= v_malloc ( sizeof( double) * 5 + 1 ) ;
sprintf ( ((char*)( buf ) ) , "%p" , ptr ) ;
return tos ( buf , vstrlen ( buf ) ) ;
bool f64_eq(f64 a, f64 b) {
return fabs ( a - b ) <= DBL_EPSILON ;
bool f32_eq(f32 a, f32 b) {
return fabsf ( a - b ) <= FLT_EPSILON ;
bool f64_eqbit(f64 a, f64 b) {
return DEFAULT_EQUAL ( a , b ) ;
bool f32_eqbit(f32 a, f32 b) {
return DEFAULT_EQUAL ( a , b ) ;
string int_str(int nn) {
int n= nn ;
if ( n == 0 ) {
return tos2((byte*)"0") ;
int max= 16 ;
byte* buf= v_calloc ( max ) ;
int len= 0 ;
bool is_neg= 0 ;
if ( n < 0 ) {
n = - n ;
is_neg = 1 ;
while ( n > 0 ) {
int d= n % 10 ;
buf [/*ptr*/ max - len - 1 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = d + ((int)( '0' ) ) ;
len ++ ;
n = n / 10 ;
if ( is_neg ) {
buf [/*ptr*/ max - len - 1 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = '-' ;
len ++ ;
return tos ( buf + max - len , len ) ;
string u32_str(u32 nn) {
u32 n= nn ;
if ( n == ((u32)( 0 ) ) ) {
return tos2((byte*)"0") ;
int max= 16 ;
byte* buf= v_malloc ( max ) ;
int len= 0 ;
while ( n > ((u32)( 0 ) ) ) {
u32 d= n % ((u32)( 10 ) ) ;
buf [/*ptr*/ max - len - 1 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = d + ((u32)( '0' ) ) ;
len ++ ;
n = n / ((u32)( 10 ) ) ;
return tos ( buf + max - len , len ) ;
string i64_str(i64 nn) {
i64 n= nn ;
if ( n == ((i64)( 0 ) ) ) {
return tos2((byte*)"0") ;
int max= 32 ;
byte* buf= v_malloc ( max ) ;
int len= 0 ;
bool is_neg= 0 ;
if ( n < ((i64)( 0 ) ) ) {
n = - n ;
is_neg = 1 ;
while ( n > ((i64)( 0 ) ) ) {
int d= ((int)( n % ((i64)( 10 ) ) ) ) ;
buf [/*ptr*/ max - len - 1 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = d + ((int)( '0' ) ) ;
len ++ ;
n = n / ((i64)( 10 ) ) ;
if ( is_neg ) {
buf [/*ptr*/ max - len - 1 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = '-' ;
len ++ ;
return tos ( buf + max - len , len ) ;
string u64_str(u64 nn) {
u64 n= nn ;
if ( n == ((u64)( 0 ) ) ) {
return tos2((byte*)"0") ;
int max= 32 ;
byte* buf= v_malloc ( max ) ;
int len= 0 ;
while ( n > ((u64)( 0 ) ) ) {
u64 d= n % ((u64)( 10 ) ) ;
buf [/*ptr*/ max - len - 1 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = d + ((u64)( '0' ) ) ;
len ++ ;
n = n / ((u64)( 10 ) ) ;
return tos ( buf + max - len , len ) ;
string bool_str(bool b) {
if ( b ) {
return tos2((byte*)"true") ;
return tos2((byte*)"false") ;
string int_hex(int n) {
int len= ( n >= 0 ) ? ( int_str( n ) .len + 3 ) : ( 11 ) ;
byte* hex= v_malloc ( len ) ;
int count= ((int)( sprintf ( ((char*)( hex ) ) , "0x%x" , n ) ) ) ;
return tos ( hex , count ) ;
string i64_hex(i64 n) {
int len= ( n >= ((i64)( 0 ) ) ) ? ( i64_str( n ) .len + 3 ) : ( 19 ) ;
byte* hex= v_malloc ( len ) ;
int count= ((int)( sprintf ( ((char*)( hex ) ) , "0x%llx" , n ) ) ) ;
return tos ( hex , count ) ;
bool array_byte_contains(array_byte a, byte val) {
array_byte tmp32 = a;
for (int tmp33 = 0; tmp33 < tmp32.len; tmp33++) {
byte aa = ((byte *) tmp32 . data)[tmp33];
if ( aa == val ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
string rune_str(rune c) {
int fst_byte= ((int)( c ) ) >> 8 * 3 & 0xff ;
int len= utf8_char_len ( fst_byte ) ;
string str= (string) { .len = len , .str = v_malloc ( len + 1 ) } ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
str .str [/*ptr*/ i ]/*rbyte 1*/ = ((int)( c ) ) >> 8 * ( 3 - i ) & 0xff ;
str .str[ len ]/*rbyte 1*/ = '\0' ;
return str ;
string byte_str(byte c) {
string str= (string) { .len = 1 , .str = v_malloc ( 2 ) } ;
str .str [/*ptr*/ 0 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = c ;
str .str [/*ptr*/ 1 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = '\0' ;
return str ;
bool byte_is_capital(byte c) {
return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ;
array_byte array_byte_clone(array_byte b) {
array_byte res= array_repeat(new_array_from_c_array(1, 1, sizeof(byte), (byte[]) { ((byte)( 0 ) ) }) , b .len ) ;
for (
int i= 0 ; i < b .len ; i ++ ) {
array_set(&/*q*/ res , i , & (byte []) { ( *(byte*) array__get( b , i) ) }) ;
return res ;
int utf8_char_len(byte b) {
return ( ( 0xe5000000 >> ( ( b >> 3 ) & 0x1e ) ) & 3 ) + 1 ;
string utf32_to_str(u32 code) {
int icode= ((int)( code ) ) ;
byte* buffer= v_malloc ( 5 ) ;
if ( icode <= 127 ) {
buffer [/*ptr*/ 0 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = icode ;
return tos ( buffer , 1 ) ;
if ( ( icode <= 2047 ) ) {
buffer [/*ptr*/ 0 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = 192 | ( icode >> 6 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 1 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = 128 | ( icode & 63 ) ;
return tos ( buffer , 2 ) ;
if ( ( icode <= 65535 ) ) {
buffer [/*ptr*/ 0 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = 224 | ( icode >> 12 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 1 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = 128 | ( ( icode >> 6 ) & 63 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 2 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = 128 | ( icode & 63 ) ;
return tos ( buffer , 3 ) ;
if ( ( icode <= 1114111 ) ) {
buffer [/*ptr*/ 0 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = 240 | ( icode >> 18 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 1 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = 128 | ( ( icode >> 12 ) & 63 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 2 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = 128 | ( ( icode >> 6 ) & 63 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 3 ]/*rbyte 1*/ = 128 | ( icode & 63 ) ;
return tos ( buffer , 4 ) ;
return tos2((byte*)"") ;
string utf32_to_str_no_malloc(u32 code, void* buf) {
int icode= ((int)( code ) ) ;
byteptr buffer= ((byteptr)( buf ) ) ;
if ( icode <= 127 ) {
buffer [/*ptr*/ 0 ]/*rbyteptr 1*/ = icode ;
return tos ( buffer , 1 ) ;
if ( ( icode <= 2047 ) ) {
buffer [/*ptr*/ 0 ]/*rbyteptr 1*/ = 192 | ( icode >> 6 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 1 ]/*rbyteptr 1*/ = 128 | ( icode & 63 ) ;
return tos ( buffer , 2 ) ;
if ( ( icode <= 65535 ) ) {
buffer [/*ptr*/ 0 ]/*rbyteptr 1*/ = 224 | ( icode >> 12 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 1 ]/*rbyteptr 1*/ = 128 | ( ( icode >> 6 ) & 63 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 2 ]/*rbyteptr 1*/ = 128 | ( icode & 63 ) ;
return tos ( buffer , 3 ) ;
if ( ( icode <= 1114111 ) ) {
buffer [/*ptr*/ 0 ]/*rbyteptr 1*/ = 240 | ( icode >> 18 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 1 ]/*rbyteptr 1*/ = 128 | ( ( icode >> 12 ) & 63 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 2 ]/*rbyteptr 1*/ = 128 | ( ( icode >> 6 ) & 63 ) ;
buffer [/*ptr*/ 3 ]/*rbyteptr 1*/ = 128 | ( icode & 63 ) ;
return tos ( buffer , 4 ) ;
return tos2((byte*)"") ;
int string_utf32_code(string _rune) {
if ( _rune .len == 0 ) {
return 0 ;
if ( _rune .len == 1 ) {
return ((int)( _rune .str[ 0 ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ) ;
byte b= ((byte)( ((int)( _rune .str[ 0 ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ) ) ) ;
b = b << _rune .len ;
int res= ((int)( b ) ) ;
int shift= 6 - _rune .len ;
for (
int i= 1 ; i < _rune .len ; i ++ ) {
int c= ((int)( _rune .str[ i ]/*rbyte 0*/ ) ) ;
res = res << shift ;
res |= c & 63 ;
shift = 6 ;
return res ;
u16* string_to_wide(string _str) {
#ifdef _WIN32
int num_chars= ((int)( MultiByteToWideChar ( builtin__CP_UTF8 , 0 , (char*) _str .str , _str .len , 0 , 0 ) ) ) ;
u16* wstr= ((u16*)( v_malloc ( ( num_chars + 1 ) * 2 ) ) ) ;
if ( wstr > 0 ) {
MultiByteToWideChar ( builtin__CP_UTF8 , 0 , (char*) _str .str , _str .len , wstr , num_chars ) ;
memset ((char*) ((byte*)( wstr ) ) + num_chars * 2 , 0 , 2 ) ;
return wstr ;
return 0 ;
string string_from_wide(u16* _wstr) {
#ifdef _WIN32
int wstr_len= ((int)( wcslen ( _wstr ) ) ) ;
return string_from_wide2 ( _wstr , wstr_len ) ;
return tos2((byte*)"") ;
string string_from_wide2(u16* _wstr, int len) {
#ifdef _WIN32
int num_chars= ((int)( WideCharToMultiByte ( builtin__CP_UTF8 , 0 , _wstr , len , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ) ;
byte* str_to= ((byte*)( v_malloc ( num_chars + 1 ) ) ) ;
if ( str_to > 0 ) {
WideCharToMultiByte ( builtin__CP_UTF8 , 0 , _wstr , len , (char*) str_to , num_chars , 0 , 0 ) ;
memset ((char*) ((byte*)( str_to ) ) + num_chars , 0 , 1 ) ;
return tos2 ( str_to ) ;
return tos2((byte*)"") ;
int utf8_len(byte c) {
int b= 0 ;
byte x= c ;
if ( ( ( x & 240 ) != 0 ) ) {
x >>= 4 ;
else {
b += 4 ;
if ( ( ( x & 12 ) != 0 ) ) {
x >>= 2 ;
else {
b += 2 ;