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Last active May 20, 2022 22:20
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Prodigy recipe/loader for improving a trained model from the Twitter
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import cytoolz
import spacy
from prodigy.components.db import connect
from prodigy.components.sorters import prefer_uncertain, find_with_terms, prefer_high_scores
from prodigy.core import get_config
from prodigy.core import recipe, recipe_args
from prodigy.models.textcat import TextClassifier
from prodigy.util import get_seeds, get_seeds_from_set, log
from twitter_loader import twitter_search_loader, twitter_stream_loader
DB = connect()
long_text=("Long text", "flag", "L", bool),
prefer=("Prefer type string [uncertain|high]", "flag", "P", str))
def teach(dataset, spacy_model, source=None, label='',
seeds=None, long_text=False, exclude=None, prefer=False):
Collect the best possible training data for a text classification model
with the model in the loop. Based on your annotations, Prodigy will decide
which questions to ask next.
log('RECIPE: Starting recipe model.teach', locals())
nlp = spacy.load(spacy_model)
log('RECIPE: Creating TextClassifier with model {}'.format(spacy_model))
model = TextClassifier(nlp, label.split(','), long_text=long_text)
api_key = get_config()['twitter']
if source is None:
stream = twitter_stream_loader(api_config=api_key)
stream = twitter_search_loader(api_config=api_key, query=source)
if seeds is not None:
if isinstance(seeds, str) and seeds in DB:
seeds = get_seeds_from_set(seeds, DB.get_dataset(seeds))
seeds = get_seeds(seeds)
# Find 'seedy' examples
examples_with_seeds = list(find_with_terms(stream, seeds,
at_least=10, at_most=1000,
for eg in examples_with_seeds:
eg.setdefault('meta', {})
eg['meta']['via_seed'] = True
print("Found {} examples with seeds".format(len(examples_with_seeds)))
examples_with_seeds = [task for _, task in model(examples_with_seeds)]
# Rank the stream. Note this is continuous, as model() is a generator.
# As we call model.update(), the ranking of examples changes.
stream_preference = prefer_uncertain if prefer == (False or 'uncertain') else prefer_high_scores
stream = stream_preference(model(stream))
# Prepend 'seedy' examples, if present
if seeds:
log("RECIPE: Prepending examples with seeds to the stream")
stream = cytoolz.concat((examples_with_seeds, stream))
return {
'view_id': 'classification',
'dataset': dataset,
'stream': stream,
'exclude': exclude,
'update': model.update,
'config': {'lang': nlp.lang, 'labels': model.labels}
import re
from pprint import pprint
from twitter import *
from email.utils import parsedate
from time import strftime
def result_from_tweet(tweet, lang='en', retweets=False):
"""Extract an annotation result from a given search/streaming tweet object."""
# Ignore stream delete actions
if "delete" in tweet:
return None
if "full_text" in tweet:
tweet_text = tweet["full_text"]
elif "extended_tweet" in tweet and "full_text" in tweet["extended_tweet"]:
tweet_text = tweet["extended_tweet"]["full_text"]
elif "text" in tweet:
tweet_text = tweet["text"]
print('^----- Ignored tweet with unknown text property')
return None
quoted = tweet_text.startswith('RT')
if retweets is False and (tweet["retweeted"] is True or quoted is True):
print('Skipped likely RT: {}'.format(tweet_text))
return None
# Ignore tweets that do not match the desired language
if tweet["lang"] != lang:
return None
date_text = strftime("%B %d, %Y", parsedate(tweet["created_at"]))
user_text = tweet["user"]["screen_name"]
return {
"text": tweet_text,
"meta": {
"id": tweet["id"],
"user": user_text,
"date": date_text
def auth_for_tweet(api_config):
return OAuth(
def twitter_stream_loader(api_config,
"""Consume whatever real-time tweets twitter wants to give you"""
auth = auth_for_tweet(api_config)
api = TwitterStream(auth=auth, secure=True)
tweet_iter = api.statuses.sample()
for tweet in tweet_iter:
annotation = result_from_tweet(tweet, lang, retweets)
if annotation is not None:
yield annotation
def twitter_stream_track_loader(api_config,
"""Track a filtered real-time stream of tweets and return results for annotation"""
auth = auth_for_tweet(api_config)
api = TwitterStream(auth=auth, secure=True)
tweet_iter = api.statuses.filter(track=query)
for tweet in tweet_iter:
annotation = result_from_tweet(tweet, lang, retweets)
if annotation is not None:
yield annotation
def twitter_search_loader(api_config, query, lang='en', retweets=False):
"""Search twitter for a term and return results for annotation"""
auth = auth_for_tweet(api_config)
api = Twitter(auth=auth, secure=True)
max_id_extractor = re.compile("\?max_id=(\d+)")
max_id = None
while max_id is not 0:
if max_id is None:
result =, lang=lang, tweet_mode='extended')
result =, lang=lang, max_id=max_id, tweet_mode='extended')
for tweet in result["statuses"]:
annotation = result_from_tweet(tweet, lang, retweets)
if annotation is not None:
yield annotation
# for some reason the next `max_id` value is only encoded in a prebuilt query string value.
if 'next_results' not in result['search_metadata']:
max_id = None
max_id = max_id_extractor.split(result['search_metadata']['next_results'])[1]
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