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Created December 26, 2014 18:10
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My base code of shared functions for vectorscript
import vs
import VSEnums
from imp import reload
reload (VSEnums)
def createClass(newname):
# check to see if the class name is in use }
if vs.GetObject(newname):
# if the class name is not in use, create the class; otherwise alert }
# the user and exit the script }
vs.AlrtDialog('Class name already exists.')
def printObjects (string, handle):
if handle == 0:
vs.AlrtDialog("Object is Nill")
type = vs.GetTypeN(handle)
vs.AlrtDialog("The " + string + " is " + str(handle) + " of typeIndex " + str(type) + " of type " + VSEnums.typeOfObject(type)+ " the name is " + str(vs.GetName(handle)))
kCreatePullDownMenu = 33
kCreatePullDownMenuGroupBox = 34
kCreateListBox = 29
kCreateListBoxN = 30
kCreatePushButton = 100
#control Type
Image = 1
SystemColor = 2
Slider = 3
ImagePopup = 10
GradientSlider = 11
#{Alignment constants}
kRight = 1;
kBottom = 2;
kLeft = 3;
kColumn = 4;
kResize = 0;
kShift = 1;
#{ default and cancel button IDs}
kOK = 1
kCancel = 2;
#{ control IDs}
kListBoxText = 4;
kListBox1 = 5;
kListBrowserText = 6;
kListBrowser = 7;
kListBox2 = 8;
def imageSelectResourceFile (folderID):
aListID = 111111
selectINT = 1
objectType = 16 #Symbol Index
folderIndex = -2 # Plug-In Data Folder (negative means user folder)
aListID, numOfItems = vs.BuildResourceList( objectType , folderIndex, "JRSPlugins/JRSPythonProjectsLinked/VWXSymbols")
def dialog2_Handler(item, data):
nonlocal selectINT
global importedSymbolName
kLayoutDialogOpen = 12255 # Documented - Value passed as item when opening
kLayoutDialogClosed = 12256 # Documented- Value passed as item when closing
kLayoutDialogEndAction = 4 # Think this is after an end action
if item == kLayoutDialogOpen:
for i in range(0, numOfItems):
myInt = vs.InsertImagePopupResource (dialog1, 4, aListID, i)
elif item == kLayoutDialogClosed:
hand = vs.ImportResourceToCurrentFile(aListID, selectINT)
name = vs.GetName(hand)
elif item == kLayoutDialogEndAction:
selectINT = data + 1
dialog1 = vs.CreateLayout('Select From this list', False, 'OK', '')
vs.CreateStaticText( dialog1, kListBox1, "My test String", -1 );
vs.CreateThumbnailPopup(dialog1, 4)
vs.CreateControl(dialog1, 4, ImagePopup, 'displayName', 0)
vs.SetFirstLayoutItem(dialog1, kListBox1)
vs.SetBelowItem(dialog1,kListBox1, 4, 0, 0)
myInt = vs.RunLayoutDialog(dialog1, dialog2_Handler)
def JRSymbol(name, x, y, rotation):
if not symbolExists(name):
vs.Symbol(name, x, y, rotation)
return vs.LNewObj()
def importSymbol(id):
aListID = 1
objectType = 16 #Symbol Index
folderIndex = -2 # Plug-In Data Folder (negative means user folder)
aListID, numOfItems = vs.BuildResourceList( objectType , folderIndex, "JRSPlugins/JRSPythonProjectsLinked/VWXSymbols")
aString = ""
for i in range(0, numOfItems):
#myInt = vs.InsertImagePopupResource (dialog1, 4, aListID, i)
name = vs.GetNameFromResourceList (aListID, i)
if name == id:
vs.ImportResourceToCurrentFile(aListID, i)
def symbolExists (id):
objectType = 16 #Symbol Index
folderIndex = 0 # Current Document
aListID, numOfItems = vs.BuildResourceList( objectType , folderIndex, "")
for i in range(0, numOfItems):
name = vs.GetNameFromResourceList (aListID, i)
if name == id:
return True
return False
def Symbol2D3D(SymString, X, Y, Z, Xr, Yr, Zr):
JRSymbol (SymString, X, Y, Xr)
vs.Move3DObj(vs.LNewObj(), 0, 0, Z)# to move an individual
def Symbol3D(SymString, X, Y, Z, Xr, Yr, Zr):
#{ Place a 3D Symbol in the drawing at the specified 3D point and rotations. }
JRSymbol (SymString, 0, 0, 0)
vs.SetRot3D (vs.LNewObj(), Xr, Yr, Zr, 0, 0, 0)
vs.Move3DObj (vs.LNewObj(), X, Y, Z)
# Symbol3D
''' Debug Information '''
def stringOfParamaters():
return 'width ' + str(vs.Pwidth) + '. length ' + str(vs.Plength) + '. yaxis ledger ' + str(vs.PyLedgerSize) + '. xaxis ledger ' + str(vs.PxLedgerSize)
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