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Last active January 29, 2022 17:29
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Number sequences of items
* Title: Sequence Numbering
* Version: 1.0
* License: MIT
* Author: Justin Barrett
* Sites:
* GitHub gist URL for this script:
* Airtable community thread:
* Description: This script will build a sequential numbering scheme for a collection of non-sequentially ordered records.
* The numbering can be based on the order that the records were created, or the order that they exist in a specific view.
const settings = input.config({
title: "Sequence Numbering",
description: `This script will build a sequential numbering scheme for a collection of non-sequentially ordered records.
The numbering can be based on the order that the records were created, or the order that they exist in a specific view.
[Watch video demo](`,
items: [
input.config.table("sequenceTable", {
label: "Sequence table",
description: "The table containing the records to put into sequences"
input.config.view("itemView", {
label: "Item view",
description: "The view containing the items to sequence",
parentTable: "sequenceTable"
input.config.field("itemField", {
label: "Item field",
description: "The field containing the items to sequence",
parentTable: "sequenceTable"
input.config.field("sequenceField", {
label: "Sequence ID field",
description: "The field where the sequence ID will be saved. This MUST be a number field.",
parentTable: "sequenceTable"
}),"modeSelect", {
label: "Sequencing mode",
description: "How should the items be sequenced?",
options: [
{label: "Sequence all records", value: "all"},
{label: "Only sequence records without a sequence ID", value: "empty"}
}),"orderSelect", {
label: "Item order",
description: "How should the script determine item order?",
options: [
{label: "View order", value: "view"},
{label: "Created time (you MUST have a created time field to use this option)", value: "time"}
const {sequenceTable, itemView, itemField, sequenceField, modeSelect, orderSelect} = settings
let configValid = true
// Check the field type of the sequence field
if (sequenceField.type !== "number") {
output.markdown("## 🛑 The sequence ID field MUST be a number field.")
output.markdown(`The field that you selected is of type "${sequenceField.type}".`)
configValid = false
// Find the created time field (if necessary)
let createdTimeField
if (orderSelect === "time") {
for (let field of sequenceTable.fields) {
if (field.type === "createdTime") {
createdTimeField = field
// If we haven't found a created time field, alert the user
if (!createdTimeField) {
output.markdown("## 🛑 Unable to find a created time field.")
output.text(`Because you chose "Created time" for the "Item order" option, a field of this type is required to set item order.`)
configValid = false
* Update records in a table
* @param {Table} table
* @param {object[]} updates
* @param {string} updates[].id
* @param {object} updates[].fields
* @param {boolean} showProgress
async function updateRecords (table, updates, showProgress=false) {
const total = updates.length
let updateCount = 0
while (updates.length > 0) {
if (showProgress) {
updateCount += Math.min(50, updates.length)
output.text(`Updating records (${updateCount} of ${total})`)
await table.updateRecordsAsync(updates.slice(0, 50));
updates = updates.slice(50);
async function getRecordsFromView() {
const query = await itemView.selectRecordsAsync({
fields: [
return query.records
async function getRecordsByCreatedTime() {
const query = await sequenceTable.selectRecordsAsync({
fields: [
let records = [...query.records]
records.sort((a, b) => {
return (new Date(a.getCellValue(createdTimeField))).getTime() - (new Date(b.getCellValue(createdTimeField))).getTime()
return records
async function main() {
// Collect all records
let records = orderSelect === "view" ? await getRecordsFromView() : await getRecordsByCreatedTime()
// Map unique items to sequence
const sequenceMap = {}
for (let record of records) {
let item = record.getCellValueAsString(itemField)
if (!(item in sequenceMap)) {
sequenceMap[item] = {max: 0}
// If we're only sequencing items without a sequence number, parse the currently-sequenced items and update the map
let toSequence = [...records]
if (modeSelect === "empty") {
for (let record of toSequence) {
let item = record.getCellValueAsString(itemField)
if (item) {
sequenceMap[item].max = Math.max(sequenceMap[item].max, record.getCellValue(sequenceField))
toSequence = toSequence.filter(record => !record.getCellValueAsString(sequenceField))
// Parse the records and build a list of updates
const updates = []
for (let record of toSequence) {
let item = record.getCellValueAsString(itemField)
if (item) {
// Increase the max for this item and add an update record
fields: {
[]: sequenceMap[item].max
// Update records
await updateRecords(sequenceTable, updates)
if (configValid)
await main()
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