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Created March 6, 2012 03:46
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creating a session_https request attribute ( and session ) with pyramid beaker [monkeypatch]
def main(global_config, **settings):
import pyramid
from pyramid_beaker import BeakerSessionFactoryConfig
from beaker.util import coerce_session_params
from pyramid.interfaces import ISessionFactory
from pyramid.decorator import reify
class ISessionHttpsFactory(ISessionFactory):
https_options= {}
https_prefixes = ('session_https.', 'beaker.session_https.')
for k, v in settings.items():
for prefix in https_prefixes:
if k.startswith(prefix):
option_name = k[len(prefix):]
if option_name == 'cookie_on_exception':
v = asbool(v)
https_options[option_name] = v
# setting this true should work...
# i don't have local https setup for testing yet
https_options['secure']= False
https_options = coerce_session_params(https_options)
https_session_factory = config.maybe_dotted( BeakerSessionFactoryConfig(**https_options) )
def register_session_https_factory():
config.registry.registerUtility(https_session_factory, ISessionHttpsFactory)
intr = config.introspectable('session https factory', None,
'session https factory')
intr['factory'] = https_session_factory
config.action(ISessionHttpsFactory, register_session_https_factory, introspectables=(intr,))
def session_https(self):
""" Obtain the :term:`session_https` object associated with this
request. If a :term:`session_https factory` has not been registered
during application configuration, a
:class:`pyramid.exceptions.ConfigurationError` will be raised"""
factory = self.registry.queryUtility(ISessionHttpsFactory)
if factory is None:
raise AttributeError(
'No session_https factory registered '
return factory(self)
pyramid.request.Request.session_https= session_https
return config.make_wsgi_app()
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