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Jason Vanderhoof jvanderhoof

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jvanderhoof /
Last active December 14, 2018 22:03
Conjur Upgrade

Starting Configuration:

  container: Conjur v5.2.2
  configured as: Master

  container: Conjur v5.2.2
jvanderhoof / authn-openid_connect-policy.yml
Created August 20, 2018 20:42
Sample Okta OpenID Connect
- !policy
id: conjur/authn-openid_connect/okta
- !webservice
credential/client-id: ops/okta/client-id
credential/client-secret: ops/okta/client-secret
credential/organization: ops/okta/org
credential/url: ops/okta/url
jvanderhoof /
Created June 25, 2018 13:43
Example authenticating with Conjur, setting, and retrieving a variable.
#!/bin/bash -e
function authentication_token {
api_key="$(curl -k --user admin:secret https://localhost/authn/cucumber/login)"
raw_token="$(curl -k -X POST -d "$api_key" https://localhost/authn/cucumber/admin/authenticate)"
token=$(echo -n $raw_token | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')
echo "$token"
jvanderhoof /
Last active May 23, 2018 22:22
High level overview of patterns to use when building policies across departments

Patterns for Scalable Policy

For security policies to be effective, those policies need to be considerate of the people, teams, and existing workflows. Security policy without consideration is destined to be ignored or circumvented. When designing Conjur policies, we need to be considerate of an organization's existing structure, communication, and workflow. A few simple guidelines will get an organization a long way.

What is a Credential?

Let's start by understanding what credentials really are. Credentials are the keys that enable their holder to access a restricted resource. When we talk about credential management, we're actually talking about restricting access to the resources those credentials enable.

Let's look at an example to help illustrate how we can accomplish this goal.

Building a Billing Microservice

jvanderhoof / sample_comjur_seccomp_profile.json
Created May 14, 2018 17:17
Sample Conjur seccomp profile (default profile with `keyctl` enabled, which provides access to underlying kernel keychain)
"description": "Default Docker seccomp profile, plus keyctl calls (required by Conjur)",
"comment": "Run with `docker run --security seccomp:path/to/seccomp.json` to use it.",
"defaultAction": "SCMP_ACT_ERRNO",
"architectures": [
"syscalls": [{
jvanderhoof /
Created March 12, 2018 12:58
Overview of how to secure SSH keys for use by Ansible

Ansible connects to remote machines using SSH. This leads to a challenge running Ansible at scale: How do we manage the private SSH keys Ansible uses to connect to the remote machines it manages? We can keep those keys on the Ansible Controller, but this makes them difficult to rotate, and makes the Controller a high value target in the network for attackers. Let's look at a better option: moving those SSH keys into a vault, and retrieve those keys only when they are needed for an Ansible playbook run.

Setting the Stage

Everyone's environment is going to look a bit different. Let's start by defining some context for our example environment: We have two applications: Foo and Bar, and two different environments: staging and production. Each application has a load balancer to manage traffic. In our production environment, applications Foo and Bar each have five application servers running behind the load balancer. In staging, each application has a single node. Each node for a given application and envir

jvanderhoof / ansible_sample_policy.yml
Created February 21, 2018 19:08
Example Conjur Policy files using the Conjur Ansible plugin
# config_management/ansible.yml
- !policy
id: ansible
- !layer
- !host-factory
layer: [ !layer ]
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
agent { label 'executor-v2' }
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '30'))
#!/bin/bash -e
docker pull registry.tld/conjurinc/publish-rubygem
summon --yaml "RUBYGEMS_API_KEY: !var rubygems/api-key" \
docker run \
--rm \
--env-file @SUMMONENVFILE \
-v "$(pwd)":/opt/src \
registry.tld/conjurinc/publish-rubygem conjur-api
version: '2.1'
image: postgres:9.3
image: cyberark/conjur
command: server -a cucumber
DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres@pg/postgres