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Created December 29, 2016 19:08
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Copyright 2016-present The Material Motion Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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limitations under the License.
import UIKit
import IndefiniteObservable
import MaterialMotionStreams
enum TossDirection {
case none
case left
case right
class CardSwipeInteraction: Interaction {
let view: UIView
let tossDirection = createProperty(withInitialValue: TossDirection.none)
init(containerView: UIView, previousInteraction: CardSwipeInteraction? = nil, rotation: CGFloat) {
self.containerView = containerView
self.previousInteraction = previousInteraction
self.rotation = rotation
self.dragGesture = UIPanGestureRecognizer()
self.view = UIView(frame: .init(x: 16, y: 16 + 64,
width: containerView.bounds.size.width - 32,
height: containerView.bounds.size.height - 32 - 64))
view.layer.borderWidth = 0.5
view.layer.borderColor = UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.1).cgColor
view.layer.cornerRadius = 4
view.backgroundColor = UIColor(hue: CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(256)) / 256.0,
saturation: 1,
brightness: 1,
alpha: 1)
position = propertyOf(view).centerX
func connect(with runtime: MotionRuntime) {
var destination = createProperty(withInitialValue: containerView.bounds.midX)
let attachment = AttachWithSpring(property: position,
to: destination,
springSource: popSpringSource)
let dragStream = gestureSource(dragGesture)
let directionStream = dragStream.onRecognitionState(.ended)
.velocity(in: containerView)
.threshold(min: -500, max: 500,
whenWithin: TossDirection.none,
whenBelow: TossDirection.left,
whenAbove: TossDirection.right)
runtime.write(directionStream, to: tossDirection)
let midpoint = containerView.bounds.midX
let left = -view.bounds.width
let right = containerView.bounds.width + view.bounds.width
let destinationStream = tossDirection._map { direction -> CGFloat in
switch direction {
case .none: return midpoint
case .left: return left
case .right: return right
runtime.write(destinationStream, to: attachment.destination)
let gestureEnabledStream = tossDirection._map { direction -> Bool in
switch direction {
case .none: return true
case .left: return false
case .right: return false
to: ReactiveProperty(read: { self.dragGesture.isEnabled },
write: { self.dragGesture.isEnabled = $0 } ))
to: ReactiveProperty(read: { self.view.isUserInteractionEnabled },
write: { self.view.isUserInteractionEnabled = $0 } ))
let initialVelocityStream = dragStream.onRecognitionState(.ended).velocity(in: containerView).x()
runtime.write(initialVelocityStream, to: attachment.initialVelocity)
let translationStream = dragStream
.translated(from: propertyOf(view).center, in: containerView)
runtime.write(attachment.valueStream.toggled(with: translationStream), to: position)
let radians = CGFloat(M_PI / 180.0 * 15.0)
let rotationStream = position
.offset(by: -containerView.bounds.width / 2)
.normalized(by: containerView.bounds.width / 2)
.scaled(by: CGFloat(radians))
// Previous card
if let previousInteraction = previousInteraction {
dragGesture.require(toFail: previousInteraction.dragGesture)
let nextRotationStream = previousInteraction.position
.distance(from: containerView.bounds.width / 2)
.normalized(by: containerView.bounds.width / 2)
.scaled(by: CGFloat(rotation))
runtime.write(nextRotationStream.toggled(with: rotationStream), to: propertyOf(view).rotation)
} else {
runtime.write(rotationStream, to: propertyOf(view).rotation)
private let containerView: UIView
private let dragGesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer
private let previousInteraction: CardSwipeInteraction?
private let position: ReactiveProperty<CGFloat>
private let rotation: CGFloat
class Callback<T>: Writable {
let callback: (T) -> Void
init(_ callback: @escaping (T) -> Void) {
self.callback = callback
func write(_ value: T) {
public class SwipeExampleViewController: UIViewController {
let runtime = MotionRuntime()
var queue: [CardSwipeInteraction] = []
public override func viewDidLoad() {
view.backgroundColor = .white
(0 ..< 10).forEach { _ in
dequeueCard().connect(with: runtime)
var lastRotation: CGFloat = CGFloat(M_PI / 180.0 * 2)
func dequeueCard() -> CardSwipeInteraction {
let rotation = -lastRotation
let interaction = CardSwipeInteraction(containerView: view, previousInteraction: queue.last, rotation: rotation)
lastRotation = rotation
if let last = queue.last {
view.insertSubview(interaction.view, belowSubview: last.view)
} else {
return interaction
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