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Created November 16, 2016 01:37
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personal LaTeX command collection
%% By Jacob (
% Department of Physics, THU
% First edited January 1, 2016
%%%%frequently used head template:
%!TEX program = xelatex
\documentclass[hyperref, UTF8,
linktocpage=true,%make the link of the content on the number of page
%\usepackage{staves} %package for peculiar symbols
\newcommand{\beqt}{ \begin{equation} }
\author{基科物理32\phantom{ha}蒋文韬\footnote{\href{}{}} \phantom{ha}2013011717
\\ ({ }清华大学 \phantom{ha}物理系,\phantom{ha}北京\phantom{ha}100084 ) }
%command before \begin{doocument}
%usually included:
%for indexing biblio and adding to content
%%%math related
%set hyperlink color to dark-blue
%if figures or graphs are too many, you can put them in a folder and use
%%%%%%%%%%%%new command and renew command
%%%%math related
%short for a equation environment
%short for a degree symbol
%for tabular generated by excel2latex
%for small dot before item in environment itemize
%set CTEX style of chapter(for ctexbook)/section/... title
%set geometry, package geometry needed
%set biblio style
%options: unsrt
%%%%%in-text codes
%include pdf
%another template
\includepdf[addtotoc={1,section,1,title in toc,cc},pages=1-7,offset=0cm 0.5cm]{*.pdf}
%set line skip
%modify length between items
%add graph
%width can be changed
\caption{some caption}
%add two or more graphs side by side
\caption{some caption}
\caption{some caption2}
%add two sub graph side by side
%please search for subfigure
%add table
%data here
%add two table side by side
%data here
%data here
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