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<Say language="ja-JP">だるやなぎスピーチです。次のメッセージを発音してシャープキーを押しなさい。こんばんは</Say>
<Record action="" finishOnKey="#"/>
"found": 42,
"meta": {
"links": {
"counts": ""
"next_page": "value=2015-12-06T22%3A35%3A35%2B09%3A00&id=77563"
"posts": [
"ID": 90668331,
"URL": "",
"description": "略してプロ生",
"is_following": false,
"is_private": false,
"jetpack": true,
"logo": {
"id": 0,
"sizes": [],
<CacheOutput(ClientTimeSpan:=100, ServerTimeSpan:=100)>
Public Function GetALl(Optional offset As Integer = 0, Optional count As Integer = 100) As HttpResponseMessage
' ...
End Sub
Imports <xmlns:dc="">
Imports <xmlns:dcndl="">
Imports <xmlns:media="">
Imports <xmlns:p="">
Private Function CreateFeed(offset As Integer, count As Integer) As String
' ダミーデータ作成
Dim channelPubDate = Now
Dim items = New List(Of ComicItem)
For i = offset + 1 To count
Dim item = New ComicItem With {
.Title = "タイトル" & i.ToString,
.PubDate = Now.AddDays(count - i),
jz5 / Model.vb
Created December 17, 2015 12:56
Public Class ComicItem
Property Title As String
Property Description As String
Property PubDate As DateTime
Property ModifiedDate As DateTime
Property Link As String
Property Id As String
Property Volume As Integer
Property IsAvailable As Boolean
Property MediaUrl As String
Public Function GetALl(Optional offset As Integer = 0,
Optional count As Integer = 100) As HttpResponseMessage
If offset < 0 Then
offset = 0
End If
If count < 0 OrElse count > 100 Then
count = 100
End If
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Web.Http
Namespace Controllers
Public Class SpacoController
Inherits ApiController
End Class
End Namespace
var snd = new SoundPlayer(Properties.Resources.kei_voice_023_1);