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Last active September 1, 2017 21:16
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Find twin primes <= N, using sequential Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) with P5 prime generator, written in Nim
This Nim source file is a single threaded implementation to perform an
extremely fast Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) to find Twin Primes <= N.
It is based on the P5 Strictly Prime (SP) Prime Generator.
Prime Genrators have the form: mod*k + ri; ri -> {1,r1..mod-1}
The residues ri are integers coprime to mod, i.e. gcd(ri,mod) = 1
For P5, mod = 2*3*5 = 30 and the number of residues are
rescnt = (2-1)(3-1)(5-1) = 8, which are {1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29}.
For just Twin Primes, use generator: Pn = 30*k + {11,13,17,19,29,31}
Adjust segment byte length parameter B (usually L1|l2 cache size)
for optimum operational performance for cpu being used.
Verified on Nim 0.17, using clang (smaller exec) or gcc
$ nim c --cc:[clang|gcc] --d:release twinprimes_ssozp5.nim
Then run executable: $ ./twinprimes_ssozp5 <cr>, and enter value for N.
As coded, input values cover the range: 13 -- 2^64-1
Related code, papers, and tutorials, are downloadable here:
Use of this code is free subject to acknowledgment of copyright.
Copyright (c) 2017 Jabari Zakiya -- jzakiya at gmail dot com
Version Date: 2017/08/30
This code is provided under the terms of the
GNU General Public License Version 3, GPLv3, or greater.
License copy/terms are here:
import math # for sqrt function
import strutils, typetraits # for number input
# Convert segment byte values into number of twin primes in byte.
# For P5 r1=7 and r6=23 aren't used, so byte-mask is b_00100001
# A byte can identify 3 tps, '001xxxx1', 'xx100xx1', 'xx1xx001'
# Thus, convert byte values 0-255 into table of twin primes
# Ex: 33=b_00100001 -> 3; 35=b_00100011 -> 2; 43=b_00101011 -> 1
let pbits = [
# The global residue values for the P5 prime generator.
let residues = [1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31]
# Global parameters
modpg = 30 # mod value for P5 prime generator
rescnt = 8 # number of residues for P5 prime generator
pcnt = 0 # number of primes from r1..sqrt(N)
primecnt = 0'u64 # number of primes <= N
nextp: seq[uint64] # table of regroups vals for primes multiples
primes: seq[int] # list of primes r1..sqrt(N)
seg: seq[uint8] # segment byte array to perform ssoz
# This routine is used to compute the list of primes r1..sqrt(input_num),
# stored in global var 'primes', and its count stored in global var 'pcnt'.
# Any algorithm (fast|small) can be used. Here the SoZ using P7 is used.
proc sozp7(val: int | int64) = # Use P7 prmgen to finds primes upto val
let md = 210 # P7 mod value
let rscnt = 48 # P7 residue count and residues list
let res = [1, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67
, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97,101,103,107,109,113,121,127,131,137,139
var posn = newSeq[int](md) # small array (or hash) to convert
for i in 0 .. <rscnt: posn[res[i]] = i-1 # (x mod md) vals -> -1,0,1,2..46
let num = (val-1) or 1 # if val even then subtract 1
var k = num div md # compute its residue group val
var modk = md * k # compute its base num
var r = 1 # from 1st residue in num's resgroup
while num >= modk+res[r]: r += 1 # find last pc val|position <= num
let maxprms = k*rscnt + r - 1 # max number of prime candidates <= num
var prms = newSeq[bool](maxprms) # array of prime candidates set False
let sqrtN =int(sqrt float64(num)) # compute integer sqrt of input num
modk = 0; r = 0; k = 0
# process to mark the prime multiples in the list of pcs r1..sqrtN
for prm in prms: # from list of pc positions in prms
r += 1; if r > rscnt: (r = 1; modk += md; k += 1)
if prm: continue # if pc not prime go to next location
let prm_r = res[r] # if prime save its residue value
let prime = modk + prm_r # numerate the prime value
if prime > sqrtN: break # we're finished if it's > sqrtN
let prmstep = prime * rscnt # prime's stepsize to mark its mults
for ri in res[1..rscnt]: # mark prime's multiples in prms
let prod = prm_r * ri # residues cross-product for this prime
# compute resgroup val of 1st prime multiple for each restrack
# starting there, mark all prime multiples on restrack upto end of prms
var prm_mult = (k*(prime + ri) + prod div md)*rscnt + posn[prod mod md]
while prm_mult < maxprms: prms[prm_mult] = true; prm_mult += prmstep
# prms now contains the nonprime positions for the prime candidates r1..N
# extract primes into global var 'primes' and count into global var 'pcnt'
primes = @[7] # r1 prime for P5
modk = 0; r=0
for prm in prms: # numerate|store primes from pcs list
r += 1; if r > rscnt: (r = 1; modk += md)
if not prm: primes.add(modk + res[r]) # put prime in global 'primes' list
pcnt = len(primes) # set global count of primes
# This routine initializes the [rescnt x pcnt] global var 'nextp' table with
# resgroup vals of the 1st prime multiples for each prime r1..sqrtN along the
# the residue tracks for the used prime generator.
proc nextp_init() =
var pos = newSeq[int](modpg) # create small array to
for i in 0..<rescnt: pos[residues[i]] = i-1 # convert (x mod modpg) vals
pos[1] = rescnt-1 # to restracks -> 0,1..rescnt-1
# load 'nextp' with 1st prime multiples regroups vals on each residue track
for j, prime in primes: # for each prime r1..sqrt(N)
let k = (prime-2) div modpg # find the resgroup it's in
let r = (prime-2) mod modpg + 2 # and its residue value
for ri in residues[1 .. rescnt]: # for each prime|residue pair
let prod = r * ri # compute res cross-products
let row = pos[prod mod modpg] * pcnt # compute restrack address
# compute|store resgroup val of 1st prime mult for prime|residue pair
nextp[row + j] = uint(k*(prime + ri) + (prod-2) div modpg)
# This routine performs the twin prime sieve for a segment of Kn resgroups.
# Each 'seg' bit represents a restrack of Kn resgroups, but restracks for
# ri 7 and 23 are set as nonprime. The 'nextp' resgroup vals mark the prime
# mults in 'seg' on each restrack, and are udpated for each prime for the
# next segment. The twin prime count for each 'seg' byte is then added.
proc segsieve(Kn: int) = # for Kn resgroups|bytes in segment
for b in 0 .. <Kn: seg[b] = 0x21 # set all bits to prime except ri 7|23
for r in 1 .. <rescnt: # for restracks, starting at ri=11, r=1
if r == 0x20: continue # skip sieve for ri = 23, r = 0x20
let biti = uint8(1 shl r) # set its residue track bit mask
let row = r * pcnt # set address to its restrack in 'nextp'
for j, prime in primes: # for each prime r1..sqrt(N)
if nextp[row + j] < uint(Kn): # if 1st mult resgroup is within 'seg'
var k = int(nextp[row + j]) # starting from this resgroup in 'seg'
while k < Kn: # for each primenth byte to end of 'seg'
seg[k] = seg[k] or biti # mark restrack bit in byte as nonprime
k += prime # compute next prime multiple resgroup
nextp[row + j] = uint(k-Kn) # save 1st resgroup in next eligible seg
else: nextp[row+j] -= uint(Kn) # do if 1st mult resgroup not within seg
# count the twin primes in the segment
for byt in seg[0..<Kn]: # for every resgroup|byte in the segment
primecnt += uint(pbits[byt]) # count the '0' bit pairs as twin primes
# Print even mid values 'n' between twin primes, e.g. n-1|n+1 are the primes.
# Can store as: $ ./ssozp5 {| less} or {> <primesfile>} for easier viewing
proc printprms(Kn: int, Ki: uint64)= # starting at resgroup value Ki for seg
var modk = Ki * modpg # compute its base num
for k in 0 .. <Kn: # then for each of Kn seg resgroups|bytes
if (int(not seg[k]) and 0x06)==0x06: # if restracks ri = 11|13 are prime
write(stdout, modk+12, " ") # print even value between twin primes
if (int(not seg[k]) and 0x18)==0x18: # if restracks ri = 17|19 are prime
write(stdout, modk+18, " ") # print even value between twin primes
if (int(not seg[k]) and 0xc0)==0xc0: # if restracks ri = 29|31 are prime
write(stdout, modk+30, " ") # print even value between twin primes
modk += modpg # incr base num to next resgroup in seg
proc twinprimes() = # Use P5 prime generator for SSoZ
stdout.write "Enter integer number: "
let val = stdin.readline.parseBiggestUInt # find primes <= val (13..2^64-1)
let B = 256 * 1024 # adjust size to optimize for system
let KB = B # number of segment resgroups
seg = newSeq[uint8](B) # create segment array of B bytes size
echo("segment has ", KB, " bytes and residues groups")
let num = uint64((val-1) or 1) # if val even subtract 1
var k = num div modpg # compute its resgroup
var modk = k * modpg # compute its base num
var r = 1 # starting with first residue
while num >= modk+uint(residues[r]): r += 1 # find last pc position <= num
let maxpcs =k*rescnt + uint(r-1) # maximum number of prime candidates
let Kmax = (num-2) div modpg + 1 # maximum number of resgroups for num
echo("prime candidates = ", maxpcs, "; resgroups = ", Kmax)
let sqrtN=int(sqrt float64(num)) # compute integer sqrt of input num
sozP7(sqrtN) # get pcnt and primes <= sqrt(num)
echo("create nextp[", rescnt, "x", pcnt, "] array")
nextp = newSeq[uint64](rescnt*pcnt) # create size of global 'nextp' table
nextp_init() # load with first prime multiples resgroups
primecnt = 2 # for first two twin primes (3,5)|(5,7)
var Kn = KB # set sieve resgroups size to segment size
var Ki = 0'u64 # starting resgroup index for each segment
let kb = uint(KB) # to make code shorter and less noisy
echo("perform Twin Prime Segmented SoZ")
while Ki < Kmax: # for KB size resgroup slices up to Kmax
if Kmax-Ki < kb: Kn = int(Kmax-Ki) # this is to set last segment size
segsieve(Kn) # sieve and count primes for this segment
#printprms(Kn,Ki) # print middle tp vals for the seg (opt)
Ki += kb # first resgroup index for next seg slice
var lprime = 0'u64 # get last twin prime and primecnt <= num
modk = (Kmax-1) * modpg # set mod for last resgroup in last segment
var b = Kn-1 # set val for last resgroup in last segment
while true: # step backwards from end of last resgroup
if (int(not seg[b]) and 0xc0)==0xc0: # if ri = 29|31 restracks both prime
lprime = modk + 31 # numerate|save larger twin prime value
if lprime <= num: break # if its <= num its the last prime, so exit
primecnt -= 1 # else reduce primecnt, keep backtracking
if (int(not seg[b]) and 0x18)==0x18: # if ri = 17|19 restracks both prime
lprime = modk + 19 # numerate|save larger twin prime value
if lprime <= num: break # if its <= num its the last prime, so exit
primecnt -= 1 # else reduce primecnt, keep backtracking
if (int(not seg[b]) and 0x06)==0x06: # if ri = 11|13 restracks both prime
lprime = modk + 13 # numerate|store larger twin prime value
if lprime <= num: break # if its <= num its the last prime, so exit
primecnt -= 1 # else reduce primecnt, keep backtracking
# reduce modk val for next smaller resgroup
modk -= modpg; b -= 1 # if twin prime <= num not in this resgroup
echo("last segment = ", Kn, " resgroups; segment slices = ", Ki div kb)
echo("total twins = ", primecnt, "; last twin = ", lprime-1, "+/-1\n")
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