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Last active November 26, 2019 09:18
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pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
//pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import "";
import "";
import "";
interface InteractiveTaker {
function interact(
IERC20 takerAsset,
IERC20 makerAsset,
uint256 takingAmount,
uint256 expectedAmount
) external;
library LimitOrder {
struct Data {
address makerAddress;
address takerAddress;
IERC20 makerAsset;
IERC20 takerAsset;
uint256 makerAmount;
uint256 takerAmount;
uint256 expiration;
function hash(Data memory order) internal pure returns(bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
contract OneDex {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
using LimitOrder for LimitOrder.Data;
mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public remainings;
event LimitOrderUpdated(
address indexed makerAddress,
address indexed takerAddress,
IERC20 indexed makerAsset,
IERC20 indexed takerAsset,
uint256 makerAmount,
uint256 takerAmount,
uint256 expiration,
uint256 remaining
) anonymous;
function makeOrder(
address takerAddress,
IERC20 makerAsset,
IERC20 takerAsset,
uint256 makerAmount,
uint256 takerAmount,
uint256 expiration
) public payable {
LimitOrder.Data memory order = LimitOrder.Data({
makerAddress: msg.sender,
takerAddress: takerAddress,
makerAsset: makerAsset,
takerAsset: takerAsset,
makerAmount: makerAmount,
takerAmount: takerAmount,
expiration: expiration
bytes32 orderHash = order.hash();
require(remainings[orderHash] == 0, "OneDex: existing order");
if (makerAsset == IERC20(0)) {
require(makerAmount == msg.value, "OneDex: for ETH makerAmount should be equal to msg.value");
_updateOrder(order, orderHash, makerAmount);
function cancelOrder(
address takerAddress,
IERC20 makerAsset,
IERC20 takerAsset,
uint256 makerAmount,
uint256 takerAmount,
uint256 expiration
) public {
LimitOrder.Data memory order = LimitOrder.Data({
makerAddress: msg.sender,
takerAddress: takerAddress,
makerAsset: makerAsset,
takerAsset: takerAsset,
makerAmount: makerAmount,
takerAmount: takerAmount,
expiration: expiration
bytes32 orderHash = order.hash();
require(remainings[orderHash] != 0, "OneDex: not existing or already filled order");
if (makerAsset == IERC20(0)) {
require(msg.sender.send(remainings[orderHash]), "OneDex: maker should receive ETH when cancel ETH order");
_updateOrder(order, orderHash, 0);
function takeOrder(
address makerAddress,
address takerAddress,
IERC20 makerAsset,
IERC20 takerAsset,
uint256 makerAmount,
uint256 takerAmount,
uint256 expiration,
uint256 takingAmount,
bool interactive
) public payable {
require(block.timestamp <= expiration, "OneDex: order already expired");
require(takerAddress == address(0) || takerAddress == msg.sender, "OneDex: access denied to this order");
LimitOrder.Data memory order = LimitOrder.Data({
makerAddress: makerAddress,
takerAddress: takerAddress,
makerAsset: makerAsset,
takerAsset: takerAsset,
makerAmount: makerAmount,
takerAmount: takerAmount,
expiration: expiration
bytes32 orderHash = order.hash();
_updateOrder(order, orderHash, remainings[orderHash].sub(takingAmount, "OneDex: remaining amount is less than taking amount"));
// Maker => Taker
if (makerAsset == IERC20(0)) {
} else {
makerAsset.safeTransferFrom(makerAddress, msg.sender, takingAmount);
// Taker can handle funds interactively
uint256 expectedAmount = takingAmount.mul(makerAmount).div(takerAmount);
if (interactive) {
InteractiveTaker(msg.sender).interact(takerAsset, makerAsset, takingAmount, expectedAmount);
// Taker => Maker
if (takerAsset == IERC20(0)) {
require(takingAmount == msg.value, "OneDex: for ETH takingAmount should be equal to msg.value");
} else {
takerAsset.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, makerAddress, expectedAmount);
function _updateOrder(LimitOrder.Data memory order, bytes32 orderHash, uint256 remainingAmount) internal {
if (remainings[orderHash] != remainingAmount) {
remainings[orderHash] = remainingAmount;
emit LimitOrderUpdated(
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