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Last active January 24, 2025 06:13
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Rclone systemd user service

rclone systemd service


This service will use the same remote name you specified when using rclone config create. If you haven't done that yet, do so now.

Next, create the mountpoint for your remote. The service uses the location ~/mnt/<remote> by default.

mkdir ~/mnt/dropbox

The --allow-other option is required in order to work in many desktop environments. This flag must be enabled by adding user_allow_other to /etc/fuse.conf. If you aren't using a desktop environment, such as on a server, this option can be omitted.

Adding the service

Save the rclone@.service file in ~/.config/systemd/user/ Make sure you include the @. This is required to work.

As your normal user, run:

systemctl --user daemon-reload

Using the service

You can now start/enable each remote by using rclone@<remote>

systemctl --user enable --now rclone@dropbox
# User service for Rclone mounting
# Place in ~/.config/systemd/user/
# File must include the '@' (ex rclone@.service)
# As your normal user, run
# systemctl --user daemon-reload
# You can now start/enable each remote by using rclone@<remote>
# systemctl --user enable --now rclone@dropbox
Description=rclone: Remote FUSE filesystem for cloud storage config %i
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/mkdir -p %h/mnt/%i
ExecStart= \
/usr/bin/rclone mount \
--config=%h/.config/rclone/rclone.conf \
--vfs-cache-mode writes \
--vfs-cache-max-size 100M \
--log-level INFO \
--log-file /tmp/rclone-%i.log \
--umask 022 \
--allow-other \
%i: %h/mnt/%i
ExecStop=/bin/fusermount -u %h/mnt/%i
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@Nathan22211 I would recommend running the two commands it suggests to see what went wrong

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ok well it's definitely something with fuse... Failed to start rclone: Remote FUSE filesyste m for cloud storage config gDrive. I have fuse 3 and fuse 2 on my system. fuse3 for rclone and fuse2 for orca slicer

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That's just systemd taking the description from line 11 and saying it couldn't start it.

Try copying the command on lines 20 through 28 and running it directly in the terminal. You'll need to replace the values %h with the path to your home directory and %i with the name of the remote when you do this

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yeah that did nothing at all

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