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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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(ns kleene)
;; Inspired by "Regexes, Kleene Algebras and Real Ultimate Power"
;; What do we want to do?...
;; (def p1 (times (Var. "w") (Var. "o") (Var. "w"))
;; (matches? p1 "wow") ;; true
;; (def p2 (times (Var. "w") (kplus (Var. "o")) (Var. "w"))
;; (matches? p2 "woooooow") ;; true
;; (def p3 (times (Var. "w") (Var. "o") (Var. "o") (plus (Var. "w") (Var. "d"))))
;; (matches? p3 "wood") ;; true
(defrecord Nul [])
(defrecord Empty [])
(defrecord Var [x])
(defrecord Or [x y])
(defrecord Then [x y])
(defrecord Star [x])
(defn zero [] (Nul.))
(defn one [] (Empty.))
(defn plus [x y]
(let [cx (class x)
cy (class y)]
(= Nul cx) y
(= Nul cy) x
(and (= Empty cx) (= Empty cy)) (one)
(and (= Empty cx) (= Star cy)) y
(and (= Star cx) (= Empty cy)) x
:else (Or. x y))))
(defn times
([x y] (let [cx (class x)
cy (class y)]
(= Nul cx) (zero)
(= Nul cy) (zero)
(= Empty cx) y
(= Empty cy) x
:else (Then. x y))))
([x y & args]
(reduce times (concat [x y] args))))
(defmulti kstar class)
(defmethod kstar Nul [_] (one))
(defmethod kstar Empty [_] (one))
(defmethod kstar Star [expr] (kstar (:x expr)))
(defmethod kstar :default [expr] (Star. expr))
(defn kplus [x] (Then. x (kstar x)))
(defn fits? [pos a input]
(and (< pos (count input))
(= a (str (get input pos)))))
(defmulti look (fn [expr _ _] (class expr)))
(defmethod look Nul [_ _ _] '())
(defmethod look Empty [_ _ pos] '(pos))
(defmethod look Var [expr input pos]
(if (fits? pos (:x expr) input) (list (inc pos)) '()))
(defmethod look Or [{:keys [x y]} input pos]
(lazy-cat (look x input pos)
(look y input pos)))
(defmethod look Then [{:keys [x y]} input pos]
(mapcat #(look y input %)
(look x input pos)))
(defmethod look Star [expr input pos]
(cons pos (mapcat #(look expr input %)
(look (:x expr) input pos))))
(defn matches? [expr input]
(let [len (count input)]
(not= nil (some (partial = len) (look expr input 0)))))
;; How to use?
;; wo*(w|t)
(def p (times
(Var. "w")
(kplus (Var. "o"))
(plus (Var. "w") (Var. "t"))))
(matches? p "woot") ;; true
(matches? p "wooow") ;; true
(matches? p "wood") ;; false
;; Higher level
(defn string [s]
(if (= 1 (count s))
(Var. s)
(apply times (map #(Var. (str %)) s))))
(matches? (string "wow") "wow") ;; true
(matches? (string "wow") "wow such kleene") ;; false
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