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Example JWE Using AES Key Wrap and AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256
(async function () {
"use strict";
let aad;
let aal;
let assertJsonEqual;
let base64urlFromBuffer;
let base64urlToBuffer;
let cek;
let ciphertext;
let crypto;
let enc_key;
let header;
let ii;
let iv;
let jj;
let jwe;
let jwk;
let mac_key;
let plaintext;
let tag;
globalThis.debugInline = function (...argList) {
* this function will both print <argList> to stderr
* and return <argList>[0]
return argList[0];
assertJsonEqual = function (aa, bb) {
* this function will assert JSON.stringify(<aa>) === JSON.stringify(<bb>)
aa = JSON.stringify(aa);
bb = JSON.stringify(bb);
if (aa !== bb) {
throw new Error(JSON.stringify(aa) + " !== " + JSON.stringify(bb));
base64urlFromBuffer = function (buf) {
let base64url;
base64url = "";
ii = 0;
while (ii < buf.byteLength) {
base64url += String.fromCharCode(buf[ii]);
ii += 1;
return globalThis.btoa(base64url).replace((
), "-").replace((
), "_").replace((
), "");
base64urlToBuffer = function (base64url) {
return Uint8Array.from(globalThis.atob(base64url.replace((
), "+").replace((
), "/").replace((
), "")), function (chr) {
return chr.charCodeAt(0);
crypto = globalThis.crypto;
// A.3. Example JWE Using AES Key Wrap and AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256
plaintext = "Live long and prosper.";
plaintext = await new TextEncoder().encode(plaintext);
assertJsonEqual(Array.from(plaintext), [
76, 105, 118, 101, 32, 108, 111, 110, 103, 32, 97, 110, 100, 32,
112, 114, 111, 115, 112, 101, 114, 46
// A.3.1. JOSE Header
header = "{\"alg\":\"A128KW\",\"enc\":\"A128CBC-HS256\"}";
header = globalThis.btoa(header).replace((
), "-").replace((
), "_").replace((
), "");
// A.3.2. Content Encryption Key (CEK)
cek = Uint8Array.from([
4, 211, 31, 197, 84, 157, 252, 254, 11, 100, 157, 250, 63, 170, 106,
206, 107, 124, 212, 45, 111, 107, 9, 219, 200, 177, 0, 240, 143, 156,
44, 207
mac_key = cek.slice(0, 16);
enc_key = cek.slice(16);
cek = base64urlFromBuffer(cek);
cek = {
"k": cek,
"kty": "oct"
assertJsonEqual(cek, {
"k": "BNMfxVSd_P4LZJ36P6pqzmt81C1vawnbyLEA8I-cLM8",
"kty": "oct"
// A.3.3. Key Encryption
jwk = {
"alg": "A128KW",
"k": "GawgguFyGrWKav7AX4VKUg",
"kty": "oct"
jwk = await crypto.subtle.importKey("jwk", jwk, {
name: "AES-KW"
}, false, [
"unwrapKey", "wrapKey"
cek = await crypto.subtle.importKey("jwk", cek, {
name: "AES-CBC"
}, true, [
cek = await crypto.subtle.wrapKey("raw", cek, jwk, "AES-KW");
cek = base64urlFromBuffer(new Uint8Array(cek));
// A.3.4. Initialization Vector
iv = base64urlToBuffer("AxY8DCtDaGlsbGljb3RoZQ");
assertJsonEqual(Array.from(iv), [
3, 22, 60, 12, 43, 67, 104, 105, 108, 108, 105, 99, 111, 116, 104,
// A.3.5. Additional Authenticated Data
aad = new TextEncoder().encode(header);
assertJsonEqual(Array.from(aad), [
101, 121, 74, 104, 98, 71, 99, 105, 79, 105, 74, 66, 77, 84, 73, 52,
83, 49, 99, 105, 76, 67, 74, 108, 98, 109, 77, 105, 79, 105, 74, 66,
77, 84, 73, 52, 81, 48, 74, 68, 76, 85, 104, 84, 77, 106, 85, 50, 73,
110, 48
// A.3.6. Content Encryption
// Appendix B. Example AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 Computation
// B.1. Extract MAC_KEY and ENC_KEY from Key
assertJsonEqual(Array.from(mac_key), [
4, 211, 31, 197, 84, 157, 252, 254, 11, 100, 157, 250, 63, 170, 106,
assertJsonEqual(Array.from(enc_key), [
107, 124, 212, 45, 111, 107, 9, 219, 200, 177, 0, 240, 143, 156, 44,
// B.2. Encrypt Plaintext to Create Ciphertext
enc_key = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", enc_key, "AES-CBC", true, [
ciphertext = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.encrypt({
name: "AES-CBC"
}, enc_key, plaintext));
assertJsonEqual(Array.from(ciphertext), [
40, 57, 83, 181, 119, 33, 133, 148, 198, 185, 243, 24, 152, 230, 6,
75, 129, 223, 127, 19, 210, 82, 183, 230, 168, 33, 215, 104, 143,
112, 56, 102
// B.3. 64-Bit Big-Endian Representation of AAD Length
aal = Uint8Array.from([
0, 0, 0, 0,
(aad.length >>> 21) & 0xff,
(aad.length >> 13) & 0xff,
(aad.length >> 5) & 0xff,
(8 * aad.length) & 0xff
assertJsonEqual(Array.from(aal), [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 152
// B.4. Initialization Vector Value
assertJsonEqual(Array.from(iv), [
3, 22, 60, 12, 43, 67, 104, 105, 108, 108, 105, 99, 111, 116, 104,
// B.5. Create Input to HMAC Computation
tag = new Uint8Array(aad.length + iv.length + ciphertext.length + 8);
ii = 0;
aad, iv, ciphertext, [
// 64-bit length of aad
0, 0, 0, 0,
(aad.length >>> 21) & 0xff,
(aad.length >> 13) & 0xff,
(aad.length >> 5) & 0xff,
(8 * aad.length) & 0xff
].forEach(function (elem) {
jj = 0;
while (jj < elem.length) {
tag[ii] = elem[jj];
ii += 1;
jj += 1;
assertJsonEqual(Array.from(tag), [
101, 121, 74, 104, 98, 71, 99, 105, 79, 105, 74, 66, 77, 84, 73, 52,
83, 49, 99, 105, 76, 67, 74, 108, 98, 109, 77, 105, 79, 105, 74, 66,
77, 84, 73, 52, 81, 48, 74, 68, 76, 85, 104, 84, 77, 106, 85, 50, 73,
110, 48, 3, 22, 60, 12, 43, 67, 104, 105, 108, 108, 105, 99, 111,
116, 104, 101, 40, 57, 83, 181, 119, 33, 133, 148, 198, 185, 243, 24,
152, 230, 6, 75, 129, 223, 127, 19, 210, 82, 183, 230, 168, 33, 215,
104, 143, 112, 56, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 152
// B.6. Compute HMAC Value
mac_key = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", mac_key, {
hash: "SHA-256",
name: "HMAC"
}, false, [
tag = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.sign({
name: "HMAC"
}, mac_key, tag));
assertJsonEqual(Array.from(tag), [
83, 73, 191, 98, 104, 205, 211, 128, 201, 189, 199, 133, 32, 38,
194, 85, 9, 84, 229, 201, 219, 135, 44, 252, 145, 102, 179, 140, 105,
86, 229, 116
// B.7. Truncate HMAC Value to Create Authentication Tag
tag = tag.slice(0, 16);
assertJsonEqual(Array.from(tag), [
83, 73, 191, 98, 104, 205, 211, 128, 201, 189, 199, 133, 32, 38,
194, 85
tag = base64urlFromBuffer(tag);
ciphertext = base64urlFromBuffer(ciphertext);
}, {
ciphertext: "KDlTtXchhZTGufMYmOYGS4HffxPSUrfmqCHXaI9wOGY",
tag: "U0m_YmjN04DJvceFICbCVQ"
// A.3.7. Complete Representation
jwe = (
header + "."
+ cek + "."
+ base64urlFromBuffer(iv) + "."
+ ciphertext + "."
+ tag
assertJsonEqual(jwe, (
// header
// cek
+ "6KB707dM9YTIgHtLvtgWQ8mKwboJW3of9locizkDTHzBC2IlrT1oOQ."
// iv
+ "AxY8DCtDaGlsbGljb3RoZQ."
// ciphertext
+ "KDlTtXchhZTGufMYmOYGS4HffxPSUrfmqCHXaI9wOGY."
// tag
+ "U0m_YmjN04DJvceFICbCVQ"
console.error("jwe - " + jwe);
// A.3.8. Validation
header, cek, iv, ciphertext
] = jwe.split(".");
header = new TextEncoder().encode(header);
cek = await crypto.subtle.unwrapKey("raw", base64urlToBuffer(
), jwk, "AES-KW", "AES-CBC", true, [
cek = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", cek));
iv = base64urlToBuffer(iv);
ciphertext = base64urlToBuffer(ciphertext);
// B.5. Create Input to HMAC Computation
tag = new Uint8Array(header.length + iv.length + ciphertext.length + 8);
ii = 0;
header, iv, ciphertext, [
// 64-bit length of header
0, 0, 0, 0,
(header.length >>> 21) & 0xff,
(header.length >> 13) & 0xff,
(header.length >> 5) & 0xff,
(header.length << 3) & 0xff
].forEach(function (elem) {
jj = 0;
while (jj < elem.length) {
tag[ii] = elem[jj];
ii += 1;
jj += 1;
// B.6. Compute HMAC Value
jwk = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", cek.slice(0, 16), {
hash: "SHA-256",
name: "HMAC"
}, false, [
tag = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.sign({
name: "HMAC"
}, jwk, tag));
// B.7. Truncate HMAC Value to Create Authentication Tag
tag = tag.slice(0, 16);
tag = base64urlFromBuffer(tag);
assertJsonEqual(tag, "U0m_YmjN04DJvceFICbCVQ");
// decrypt
jwk = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", cek.slice(16), "AES-CBC", true, [
plaintext = await crypto.subtle.decrypt({
name: "AES-CBC"
}, jwk, ciphertext);
plaintext = new TextDecoder().decode(plaintext);
assertJsonEqual(plaintext, "Live long and prosper.");
console.error("plaintext - " + plaintext);
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