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Last active November 15, 2019 20:36
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Commands for the AMATI Slack bot CAQAS

AMATI commands

Q&A mode

Using the Question & Answer Module

The bot recognizes all messages containing a "?" in the question channels as Questions.and opens a Question thread for you. These channels can be identified by the "-questions" suffix. It is important that you ask your questions in the corresponding channel. All questions regarding the lecture material belong in the slide-questions channel while organizational and other question belong in general-questions.

The bot provides the ID for this question and the context if a presentation is running. If no presentation is running you can (and should) provide the correct context with the context commands in the thread:

L:4 This sets the slide set to 2 ( use the !lectures command in the questions channel to see the currently available slide sets.

S:10 This sets the slide number as used in the presentation.

If you forgot the "?" or the bot didn't recognize the question you can react to your question with the ❓ emoji. If the bot still doesn't recognize the question please ask it again in the questions-channel after checking the bots online status.

When a teaching assistent provides an answer or a student has submitted a correct answer a teaching assistent will mark it with a ✅. At this point the Question & Answer will be shown on the q&a wall.

Other slides can be referenced with the !ref command. This is useful when you want to compare the context to a different slide. To call slide 5 from presentation 2 as a reference write "!ref L:2 S:5" in the thread.

Anonymous Questions

To ask a question anonymously simply open a direct message channel to the bot. Then send your question to the bot with the following commands:

!aGeneral !aContent !aExercise to post to the corresponding question channels.

!aGeneral Is this how you ask an anonymous question?

If everything worked the bot will respond with the following message.

Your Question has been asked in the question channel.

Anonymous Question are handled exaclty like questions from users directly and the same commands are used but upvotes will not be counted.

Provide feedback

You can report any issues, praise, or other comments regarding the tool (not the lecture) directly via CASQA bot. Open a direct message channel and provide your feedback like this:

!feedback WOW! This tool is very OK. 

The bot will respond to let you know if your feedback was recorded

General Commands that can be used in the questions channel

!help : Provides the link to this page.

!lectures : Shows presentation names and their corresponding number. Example:

1:    SEUH17-AMATI
2:    L2_ModelingwithUMLwithExercises
3:    L3_AdvancedModeling
4:    L2_InClassExercises
5:    L2_ModelingwithUML

!exercises : The same as !lectures but for exercises

!score : Shows the top 5 question askers ;)

Quiz mode

During the lecture the professor may ask mutliple choice Questions via the quiz-channel. When a new quiz is open the bot will post the question with all possible answers to the quiz channel. You can vote for an answer simply by sending the letter of the answer you would like to vote for to the channel.

When the Quiz is finished the bot will post the results to the quiz channel. After this point no more votes will be counted

IMPORTANT: Quiz questions can be Single or Multi Attempt. During a Single Attempt quiz only your first answer will be counted, so choose wisely.

During Multi Attempt quizzes you can change your mind as often as you wish.

for admins

Start the quiz dialogue in a direct message channel with the bot with the following commands:

!single_attempt (!sa) Question text This starts a single attempt quiz

!multi_attempt (!ma) Question text This starts a multi attempt quiz

Then simply follow the instructions given by the bot

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