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Created July 7, 2016 21:21
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Install.bat file with syntax errors...
$chef_omnibus_root = "$env:systemdrive\opscode\chef"
$msi = "$env:TEMP\chef-latest.msi"
$chef_metadata_url = ""
$pretty_version = "always install latest version"
$version = "latest"
Function Check-UpdateChef($root, $version) {
if (-Not (Test-Path $root)) { return $true }
elseif ("$version" -eq "true") { return $false }
elseif ("$version" -eq "latest") { return $true }
Try { $chef_version = (Get-Content $root\version-manifest.txt -ErrorAction stop | select-object -first 1) }
Catch {
Try { $chef_version = (& $root\bin\chef-solo.bat -v) }
Catch { $chef_version = " " }
if ($chef_version.split(" ", 2)[1].StartsWith($version)) { return $false }
else { return $true }
Function Get-ChefMetadata($url) {
Try { $response = ($c = Make-WebClient).DownloadString($url) }
Finally { if ($c -ne $null) { $c.Dispose() } }
$md = ConvertFrom-StringData $response.Replace("`t", "=")
return @($md.url, $md.sha256)
Function Get-SHA256($src) {
Try {
$c = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed
$bytes = $c.ComputeHash(($in = (Get-Item $src).OpenRead()))
return ([System.BitConverter]::ToString($bytes)).Replace("-", "").ToLower()
} Finally { if (($c -ne $null) -and ($c.GetType().GetMethod("Dispose") -ne $null)) { $c.Dispose() }; if ($in -ne $null) { $in.Dispose() } }
Function Download-Chef($url, $sha256, $dst) {
Try {
Log "Downloading package from $url"
($c = Make-WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $dst)
Log "Download complete."
} Finally { if ($c -ne $null) { $c.Dispose() } }
if ($sha256 -eq $null) { Log "Skipping sha256 verification" }
elseif (($dsha256 = Get-SHA256 $dst) -eq $sha256) { Log "Successfully verified $dst" }
else { throw "SHA256 for $dst $dsha256 does not match $sha256" }
Function Install-Chef($msi) {
Log "Installing Chef Omnibus package $msi"
$p = Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/qn /i $msi" -Passthru -Wait
if ($pA256($src) {
Try {
$c = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed
$bytes = $c.ComputeHash(($in = (Get-Item $src).OpenRead()))
return ([System.BitConverter]::ToString($bytes)).Replace("-", "").ToLower()
} Finally { if (($c -ne $null) -and ($c.GetType().GetMethod("Dispose") -ne $null)) { $c.Dispose() }; if ($in -ne $null) { $in.Dispose() } }
Function Download-Chef($url, $sha256, $dst) {
Try {
Log "Downloading package from $url"
($c = Make-WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $dst)
Log "Download complete."
} Finally { if ($c -ne $null) { $c.Dispose() } }
if ($sha256 -eq $null) { Log "Skipping sha256 verification" }
elseif (($dsha256 = Get-SHA256 $dst) -eq $sha256) { Log "Successfully verified $dst" }
else { throw "SHA256 for $dst $dsha256 does not match $sha256" }
Function Install-Chef($msi) {
Log "Installing Chef Omnibus package $msi"
$p = Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/qn /i $msi" -Passthru -Wait
if ($p.ExitCode -ne 0) { throw "msiexec was not successful. Received exit code $($p.ExitCode)" }
Remove-Item $msi -Force
Log "Installation complete"
Function Log($m) { Write-Host " $m`n" }
Function Make-WebClient {
$proxy = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebProxy
$proxy.Address = $env:http_proxy
$client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient
$client.Proxy = $proxy
return $client
Function Unresolve-Path($p) {
if ($p -eq $null) { return $null }
else { return $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($p) }
$chef_omnibus_root = Unresolve-Path $chef_omnibus_root
$msi = Unresolve-Path $msi
if (Check-UpdateChef $chef_omnibus_root $version) {
Write-Host "-----> Installing Chef Omnibus ($pretty_version)`n"
if ($chef_metadata_url -ne $null) {
$url, $sha256 = Get-ChefMetadata "$chef_metadata_url"
} else {
$url = $chef_msi_url
$sha256 = $null
Download-Chef "$url" $sha256 $msi
Install-Chef $msi
} else {
Write-Host "-----> Chef Omnibus installation detected ($pretty_version)`n"
nibus installation detected ($pretty_version)`n"
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