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Created October 23, 2014 09:13
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_qvm-run() {
local app_vms
app_vms=( $(qvm-ls --raw-list|grep -v "^dom0$") )
local exc=
if (( words[(I)--all] )); then
exc="*--exclude=[When --all is used: exclude this VM name (may be repeated)]:QubesVMs:($app_vms)"
_arguments -S '(-a --auto)'{-a,--auto}'[Auto start the VM if not running]'\
'(1)--all[ Run command on all currently running VMs (or all paused, in case of --unpause)]'\
'(--no-color-output --color-output)--color-output[Force marking VM output with given ANSI style (use 31 for red)]'\
'(--no-color-output --color-output)--no-color-output[Disable marking VM output with red color]'\
'(--no-filter-escape-chars --filter-escape-charas)--filter-escape-charas[Filter terminal escape sequences (default if output is terminal)]'\
'(--no-filter-escape-chars --filter-escape-charas)--no-filter-escape-chars[Do not filter terminal escape sequences - overrides --filter-escape-chars, DANGEROUS when output is terminal]'\
'--force[Force operation, even if may damage other VMs (eg shutdown of NetVM)]'\
'(- *)'{-h,--help}'[show help message and exit]'\
'--localcmd=[With --pass-io, pass stdin/stdout/stderr to the given program]:cmd:_command_names' \
'--nogui[Run command without gui]'\
'(--pause --unpause)--pause[Do xl pause for the VM(s) (can be combined this with --all and --wait)]'\
'(--pause --unpause)--unpause[Do xl unpause for the VM(s) (can be combined this with --all and --wait)]'\
'(-p --pass-io)'{-p,--pass-io}'[Pass stdin/stdout/stderr from remote program (implies quiet -q)]'\
'(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[]'\
'--shutdown[(deprecated) Do xl shutdown for the VM(s) (can be combined this with --all and --wait)]'\
'--tray[Use tray notifications instead of stdout]'\
'(-u --user)'{-u,--user}'[Run command in a VM as a specified user]:user:_users'\
'--wait+[Wait for the VM(s) to shutdown]:'\
$exc \
local app_vms
app_vms=( $(qvm-ls --raw-list) )
_arguments -S '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[show help message and exit]'\
'(-n --network)'{-n,--network}'[Show network addresses assigned to VMs]'\
'(-c --cpu)'{-c,--cpu}'[Show CPU load]'\
'(-m --mem)'{-m,--mem}'[Show memory usage]'\
'(-d --disk)'{-d,--disk}'[Show VM disk utilization statistics]'\
'(-k --kernel)'{-k,--kernel}'[Show VM kernel options]'\
'(-i --ids)'{-i,--ids}'[Show Qubes and Xen id#s]'\
'(-b --last-backup)'{-b,--last-backup}'[Show date of last VM backup]'\
'(- *)--raw-list[List only VM names on per line]' \
_qvm-shutdown() {
local app_vms
app_vms=( $(qvm-ls |grep '* |'|cut -d'|' -f 1|tr -d " {}[]<>=") )
local exc=
if (( words[(I)--all] )); then
exc="*--exclude=[When --all is used: exclude this VM name (may be repeated)]:QubesVMs:($app_vms)"
_arguments -S '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[show help message and exit]'\
'(1)--all[Shutdown all running VMs)]'\
'--force[Force operation, even if may damage other VMs (eg shutdown of NetVM)]'\
'--wait[Wait for the VM(s) to shutdown]'\
'(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[]'\
$exc \
_qvm-create() {
local colors templates
templates=( $(qvm-ls|grep 'Tpl |'|cut -d'|' -f1|tr -d " =<>[]{}") )
colors=(red green black yellow orange gray blue purple)
_arguments -S '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[show help message and exit]'\
'(-H --hvm -p --proxy -n --net --hvm-template)'{-p,--proxy}'[Create ProxyVM]'\
'(-H --hvm -p --proxy -n --net --hvm-template)'{-H,--hvm}'[Create HVM (standalone unless --template option used)]'\
'(-H --hvm -p --proxy -n --net --hvm-template)--hvm-template[Create HVM template]'\
'(-H --hvm -p --proxy -n --net --hvm-template)'{-n,--net}'[Create NetVM]'\
'(-r --root-copy-from= -R --root-move-from=)'{-R,--root-move-from=}"[Use provided root.img instead of default/empty one (file will be MOVED)]:files:_files -g '*.(#i)img(.)'"\
'(-r --root-copy-from= -R --root-move-from=)'{-r,--root-copy-from=}"[Use provided root.img instead of default/empty one (file will be COPIED)]:files:_files -g '*.(#i)img(.)'"\
'(-s --standalone)'{-s,--standalone}'[Create standalone VM - independent of template]'\
'(-m --mem)'{-m,--mem}'[Initial memory size (in MB)]'\
'(-c --vcpus)'{-c,--vcpus}'[VCPUs count]'\
'(-i --internal)'{-i,--internal}'[Create VM for internal use only (hidden in qubes-manager, no appmenus)]'\
'--force-root[Force to run, even with root privileges]'\
'(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[]'\
'(-l --label=)'{-l,--label=}"[Specify the label color]:Colors:($colors)"\
'(-t --template=)'{-t,--template=}"[Specify the TemplateVM to use]:TemplateVMs:($templates)"\
local app_vms
app_vms=( $(qvm-ls --raw-list) )
_arguments -S '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[show help message and exit]'\
local app_vms enc_algo
app_vms=( $(qvm-ls --raw-list) )
enc_algo=( $(openssl list-cipher-algorithms|grep -v "=>") )
hmac_algo=( $(openssl list-message-digest-algorithms|grep -v "=>") )
_arguments : '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[show help message and exit]'\
'--force-root[Force to run, even with root privileges]'\
'(-d --dest-vm= 1)'{-d,--dest-vm=}"[AppVM to send backups to (implies -e)]:QubesVM:($app_vms)"\
'(-e --encrypt)'{-e,--encrypt}'[Encrypts backup]' '--no-encrypt[Skip encrypt even if sending the backup to VM]'\
'(-E --enc-algo=)'{-E,--enc-algo=}"[Specify non-default encryption algorithm]:list-cipher-algorithms:($enc_algo)"\
'(-H --hmac-algo=)'{-H,--hmac-algo=}"[Specify non-default hmac algorithm]:list-message-digest-algorithms:($hmac_algo)"\
'(-z --compress)'{-z,--compress}"[Compress backup]"\
\*{-x,--exclude}"[Exclude the specified VM from backup (may be repeated)]:QubesVM:($app_vms)" && return 0
local app_vms
app_vms=( $(qvm-ls |grep 'Halted |'|cut -d'|' -f 1|tr -d " {}[]<>=") )
_arguments : '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[show help message and exit]'\
'--force-root[Force to run, even with root privileges]'\
'(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[]'\
'(-p --path=)'{-p,--path=}'[Specify path to the template directory]:dirs:_directories'\
"1:Halted VMs:($app_vms)";
local app_vms properties values state expl colors foo
colors=(red green black yellow orange gray blue purple)
app_vms=( $(qvm-ls --raw-list) )
properties=( autostart debug default_user include_in_backups internal kernel kernelopts label mac maxmem memory name netvm pcidevs qrexec_timeout template vcpus )
#echo "${app_vms[(I)$words[2]]}"
if (( app_vms[(I)$words[2]] )); then
values="(-l)-s[Set property]:Property:($properties):value:->set";
values="(-l)-s[Set property]:QubesVM:($app_vms):Property:($properties):value:->set";
_arguments '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[show help message and exit]'\
"(-s)-l[List properties]"\
$values \
'--force-root[Force to run, even with root privileges]'\
&& return 0
if [[ $state == set ]]; then
case "$foo" in
_describe -t colors "Boolean" "(True False)" && return
_wanted directory expl 'Directory' _directories && return;
_describe -t colors "Colors" colors && return
netvm=( $(qvm-ls |grep 'netvm |'|grep -v updbl|cut -d'|' -f 1|tr -d " {}[]<>=") )
_describe -t netvm "NetVM" netvm && return
templates=( $(qvm-ls|grep 'Tpl |'|cut -d'|' -f1|tr -d " =<>[]{}") )
_describe -t templates "Template" templates && return
values=( 'default:Default Choice' 'none:Use kernel subdir in VM' )
values+=( $(qvm-prefs java -s kernel 2>&1|grep ' \- '|tr -d ' \-') )
_describe -t kernel "Kernel" values && return
compdef _qvm-run qvm-run
compdef _qvm-ls qvm-ls
compdef _qvm-shutdown qvm-shutdown
compdef _qvm-create qvm-create
compdef _qubes-hcl-report qubes-hcl-report
compdef _qvm-backup qvm-backup
compdef _qvm-clone qvm-clone
compdef _qvm-prefs qvm-prefs
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