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with a julia package and would like to write and deploy documentation for it using Documenter.jl
Install DocumenterTools.jl
You have your own repository on
with a julia package and would like to write and deploy documentation for it using Documenter.jl
Install DocumenterTools.jl
# # Character Multiplication Example | |
# | |
using SymbolicWedderburn | |
SW_path = dirname(dirname(pathof(SymbolicWedderburn))) | |
include(joinpath(SW_path, "examples", "preamble.jl")); | |
include(joinpath(SW_path, "examples", "action_polynomials.jl")) | |
# Let us define some basis | |
N = 4 | |
@polyvar x[1:4] |
using Revise | |
using Arblib | |
import MutableArithmetics | |
const MA = MutableArithmetics | |
using LinearAlgebra | |
MA.mutability(::Type{Arb}) = MA.IsMutable() | |
MA.mutable_copy(x::Arb) = set!(Arb(prec=precision(x)), x) |
Fast paced github setting up guide
You have your own repository on with a julia package and would like to write and deploy documentation for it using Documenter.jl.
Step 0 - Prerequisites
Install DocumenterTools.jl:
struct BacktrackSearch{V<:AbstractVector, VI<:AbstractVector, VS<:AbstractVector, O, A} | |
nodes::V | |
iterators::VI | |
states::VS | |
oracle_descend::O | |
node_accept::A | |
end | |
""" | |
BacktrackSearch(iterators; oracle_descend, node_accept) |
#!/bin/bash | |
JULIA_HOME="/opt/julias/julia-1.6" | |
JULIA_LD_PATH="$JULIA_HOME/lib/julia" | |
BLASLDFLAGS="-L$JULIA_LD_PATH -lopenblas64_" | |
make purge | |
make -j4 CFLAGS="-march=native" DLONG=1 ${SCSFLAGS} BLASLDFLAGS="${BLASLDFLAGS}" direct | |
make -j4 CFLAGS="-march=native" DLONG=1 ${SCSFLAGS} BLASLDFLAGS="${BLASLDFLAGS}" indirect |
import Arblib: arb_struct, arf_struct, @libarb, ArbLike | |
struct arf_interval | |
lo::arf_struct | |
hi::arf_struct | |
# function arf_interval() | |
# v = new() | |
# init!(v) | |
# finalizer(clear!, v) |
module Monoids | |
using KnuthBendix | |
import KnuthBendix: Alphabet, AbstractWord, LenLex, alphabet | |
export Alphabet, FreeMonoid, gens | |
# this should go to KnuthBendix.jl | |
Base.convert(::Type{Word{I}}, v::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) where I = Word{I}(v) |
struct Order{I} <: Integer | |
val::I | |
Order{I}(n::Integer) where I<:Integer = (n > 0 ? new{I}(n) : throw(DomainError(0, "invalid order"))) | |
Order{I}(::Val{Inf}) where I<:Integer = new{I}(0) | |
end | |
Order(n::I) where I<:Integer = Order{I}(n) | |
Order(v::Val{Inf}) = Order{Int}(v) |
using Statistics | |
using Random | |
using LinearAlgebra | |
function Wstatistic(X, sw_coeffs) | |
@boundscheck @assert length(X) == length(sw_coeffs) | |
@assert issorted(X) | |
@assert last(X) - first(X) > length(X) * eps(eltype(X)) "Data seems to be constant!" | |
µ = mean(X) |