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Created June 17, 2024 08:33
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List named exports and it's imports
import { Project } from 'ts-morph';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
// Initialize a new ts-morph project
const project = new Project();
// Specify the directory of the ui-components package
const uiComponentsDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'libs/ui-components/src');
const otherPackagesDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'apps');
const otherPackagesDir2 = path.resolve(__dirname, 'libs');
// Add all TypeScript files in the ui-components directory to the project
// Collect exported components
const exportedComponents: string[] = [];
project.getSourceFiles().forEach((sourceFile) => {
sourceFile.getExportDeclarations().forEach((exportDecl) => {
exportDecl.getNamedExports().forEach((namedExport) => {
const name = namedExport.getName();
// console.log('Exported components from ui-components package:');
// console.log(exportedComponents);
// Initialize a map to track component usage
const usageMap: { [key: string]: number } = {};
exportedComponents.forEach((component) => {
usageMap[component] = 0;
// Scan other packages for imports from @portal/ui-components
project.getSourceFiles().forEach((sourceFile) => {
sourceFile.getImportDeclarations().forEach((importDecl) => {
const moduleSpecifier = importDecl.getModuleSpecifierValue();
if (moduleSpecifier === '@portal/ui-components') {
importDecl.getNamedImports().forEach((namedImport) => {
const name = namedImport.getName();
if (usageMap.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
usageMap[name] += 1;
// Sort the components by usage
const sortedComponents = Object.entries(usageMap)
.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])
.map(([component, usage]) => ({ component, usage }));
// Create object with component name and usage
const componentUsage = sortedComponents.reduce(
(obj, { component, usage }) => ({
[component]: usage,
console.log('Usage of components from ui-components package:');
// Optionally, write the result to a file
JSON.stringify(componentUsage, null, 2)
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yarn ts-node list-exports.ts
npx ts-node list-exports.ts

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