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Last active December 11, 2019 11:30
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namespace hidden
class group (α : Type) extends has_mul α, has_one α, has_inv α :=
(mul_assoc : ∀(a b c : α), (a * b) * c = a * (b * c))
(e_mul : ∀(x : α), 1 * x = x)
(mul_e : ∀(x : α), x * 1 = x)
(mul_right_inv : ∀(x : α), x * x⁻¹ = 1)
namespace group
variables {α : Type} [group α]
-- --x =
-- e * --x =
-- (x * -x) * --x =
-- x * (-x * --x) =
-- x * e =
-- x
lemma inv_inv (x : α) : x⁻¹⁻¹ = x :=
rw ← e_mul (x⁻¹⁻¹),
rw ← mul_right_inv x,
rw mul_assoc,
rw mul_right_inv x⁻¹,
rw mul_e,
-- -x * x =
-- -x * --x =
-- e
lemma mul_left_inv (x : α) : x⁻¹ * x = 1 :=
let hidden_part := x⁻¹,
let hide_part : hidden_part = x⁻¹, reflexivity,
rw ← hide_part,
rw ← inv_inv x,
rw hide_part,
rw mul_right_inv,
lemma monomorphism₁ (m x y : α) : x = y → m * x = m * y :=
begin intro p, rw p end
-- m * x = m * y ==
-- m⁻¹ * (m * x) = m⁻¹ * (m * y) ==
-- (m⁻¹ * m) * x = (m⁻¹ * m) * y ==
-- 1 * x = 1 * y ==
-- x = y
lemma monomorphism₂ (m x y : α) : m * x = m * y → x = y :=
let q₀ := monomorphism₁ m⁻¹ _ _ p in
let q₁ := ((mul_assoc _ _ _).trans q₀).trans (mul_assoc _ _ _).symm in
let q₂ : 1 * x = 1 * y := mul_left_inv m ▸ q₁ in
let q₃ : x = y := (e_mul x).symm.trans (q₂.trans (e_mul y)) in
lemma monomorphism (m x y : α) : x = y ↔ m * x = m * y :=
⟨monomorphism₁ m x y, monomorphism₂ m x y⟩
end group
structure homomorphism α β [group α] [group β] :=
(map : α → β)
(mul_holds : ∀u v, map (u * v) = map u * map v)
namespace homomorphism
variables {α : Type} [group α]
variables {β : Type} [group β]
variables [H : homomorphism α β]
-- h(G.e) =
-- h(G.e) * H.e =
-- h(G.e) * h(G.e) * -h(G.e) =
-- h(G.e * G.e) * -h(G.e) =
-- h(G.e) * -h(G.e) =
-- H.e
theorem e_to_e : 1 = 1 :=
rw ← group.mul_e ( 1),
rw ← group.mul_right_inv ( 1),
rw ← group.mul_assoc,
rw ← homomorphism.mul_holds,
rw group.mul_e,
-- h(-x) =
-- h(-x) * H.e =
-- h(-x) * h(x) * -h(x) =
-- h(-x * x) * -h(x) =
-- h(G.e) * -h(x) =
-- H.e * -h(x) =
-- -h(x)
theorem inv_to_inv (x : α) : x⁻¹ = ( x)⁻¹ :=
rw ← group.mul_e ( x⁻¹),
rw ← group.mul_right_inv ( x),
rw ← group.mul_assoc,
rw ← homomorphism.mul_holds,
rw group.mul_left_inv,
rw homomorphism.e_to_e,
rw group.e_mul,
end homomorphism
end hidden
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