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Last active July 27, 2023 00:06
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-}
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:) (..))
import qualified GHC.TypeLits as GHC (Nat, type (+), type (-))
-- Equality
type (==) = (:~:)
infix 4 ==
type Reverse :: a == b -> b == a
type family Reverse p where
Reverse Refl = Refl
type (>>) :: a == b -> b == c -> a == c
type family a >> b where
Refl >> Refl = Refl
infixr 9 >>
type (<<) :: b == a -> b == c -> a == c
type a << b = Reverse a >> b
infixr 9 <<
type Cong :: forall a b f. a == b -> f a == f b
type family Cong p where
Cong Refl = Refl
type (@@) :: forall a b. forall f -> a == b -> f a == f b
type f @@ (p :: a == b) = Cong @a @b @f p
infixr 0 @@
-- Nat
data Nat where
Zero :: Nat
Succ :: Nat -> Nat
type FromNat :: GHC.Nat -> Nat
type family FromNat n where
FromNat 0 = Zero
FromNat n = Succ (FromNat (n GHC.- 1))
type ToNat :: Nat -> GHC.Nat
type family ToNat n where
ToNat Zero = 0
ToNat (Succ x) = ToNat x GHC.+ 1
type (+) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
type family a + b where
Zero + b = b
Succ a + b = Succ (a + b)
infixl 6 +
type (*) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
type family a * b where
Zero * _ = Zero
Succ a * b = b + (a * b)
infixl 7 *
-- Nat properties
type Plus_Zero_Right :: forall a -> a + Zero == a
type family Plus_Zero_Right a where
Plus_Zero_Right Zero = Refl
Plus_Zero_Right (Succ n) = Succ @@ Plus_Zero_Right n
type Plus_Shift_Right :: forall a b -> Succ a + b == a + Succ b
type family Plus_Shift_Right a b where
Plus_Shift_Right Zero _ = Refl
Plus_Shift_Right (Succ a) b = Succ @@ Plus_Shift_Right a b
type Plus_Left :: forall a b. forall c -> a == b -> c + a == c + b
type family Plus_Left c p where
Plus_Left _ Refl = Refl
type Plus_Right :: forall a b. forall c -> a == b -> a + c == b + c
type family Plus_Right c p where
Plus_Right _ Refl = Refl
type Plus_Assoc :: forall a b c -> (a + b) + c == a + (b + c)
type family Plus_Assoc a b c where
Plus_Assoc Zero _ _ = Refl
Plus_Assoc (Succ a) b c = Succ @@ Plus_Assoc a b c
type Plus_Commute :: forall a b -> a + b == b + a
type family Plus_Commute a b where
Plus_Commute Zero b = Reverse (Plus_Zero_Right b)
Plus_Commute (Succ a) b = (Succ @@ Plus_Commute a b) >> Plus_Shift_Right b a
type Mult_Zero_Right :: forall a -> a * Zero == Zero
type family Mult_Zero_Right a where
Mult_Zero_Right Zero = Refl
Mult_Zero_Right (Succ a) = Mult_Zero_Right a
type Plus_Mult :: forall a b -> a + a * b == a * Succ b
type family Plus_Mult a b where
Plus_Mult Zero _ = Refl
Plus_Mult (Succ a) b = Succ @@ Plus_Assoc a b (a * b) << Plus_Right (a * b) (Plus_Commute a b) >> Plus_Assoc b a (a * b) >> Plus_Left b (Plus_Mult a b)
type Mult_Commute :: forall a b -> a * b == b * a
type family Mult_Commute a b where
Mult_Commute Zero b = Reverse (Mult_Zero_Right b)
Mult_Commute (Succ a) b = Plus_Left b (Mult_Commute a b) >> Plus_Mult b a
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