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Juriy Zaytsev kangax

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var HAS_EXPANDING_BOX_BUG = (function(){
var el = document.createElement('div'),
isBuggy = false; = '1px';
el.innerHTML = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
isBuggy = (el.offsetWidth > 1);
el = null;
return isBuggy;
kangax / deps_age.js
Last active March 29, 2023 20:19
Find average age of npm dependencies
const fs = require('fs');
const { exec } = require('child_process');
const moment = require('moment');
const _ = require('lodash');
const chalk = require('chalk');
fs.readFile('package.json', (err, data) => {
const { dependencies } = JSON.parse(data.toString());
let totalDays = 0;
kangax / quicksort.hs
Last active September 5, 2021 19:44
Haskell-inspired quick sort in ES6
quicksort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) =
let smallerSorted = quicksort (filter (<=x) xs)
biggerSorted = quicksort (filter (>x) xs)
in smallerSorted ++ [x] ++ biggerSorted
kangax / components.child-component.js
Created February 9, 2021 19:16 — forked from kshitij-srv/components.child-component.js
Ember: Access child function from parent component
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
Component, set, get
} = Ember;
export default Component.extend({
didInsertElement() {
get(this, 'setChildReference')(this);
kangax / components.person\.js
Last active August 6, 2020 17:17
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
const defaultProps = {
firstName: 'Kenneth',
lastName: 'Larsen',
export default class PersonComponent extends Component {
args = { defaultProps, ...this.args }
console.highlight = function(text, sample) {
var escapedSample = sample.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
var reSample = new RegExp(escapedSample, 'g');
var args = [''];
var highlightedText = text.replace(reSample, function(match) {
args.push('background-color: #ffc', 'background-color: none');
return '%c' + match + '%c';
args[0] = highlightedText;
console.log.apply(console, args);
import type { GlobalState } from 'redux/modules';
export type ExtractReturn<Fn> = $Call<<T>((...Iterable<any>) => T) => T, Fn>;
// ...
export type BaseAction = $ReadOnly<{ type: string, error?: boolean }>;
// ...
A collection of tests where Flow and TypeScript might have different behavior
Some tests are borrowed from
Some tests now have the same behavior as the new versions of Flow/TS have fixed the bugs and improved type safety
/* 1. Accessing unknown properties on objects */
* Example:
* 'hello {{username}}'.between('{{','}}') === 'username'
String.prototype.between_regexp = function between(begin, end) {
var regexp = new RegExp(begin + '(.+)' + end);
return this.match(regexp)[1];
// 10 percent up to $9,525, versus 10 percent up to $9,325 under existing law;
// 12 percent from $9,526 to $38,700, versus 15 percent on $9,326 to $37,950;
// 22 percent on $38,701 to $82,500, versus 25 percent on $37,951 to $91,900;
// 24 percent on $82,501 to $157,500, versus 28 percent on $91,901 to $191,650;
// 32 percent on $157,501 to $200,000, versus 33 percent on $191,651 to $416,700;
// 35 percent on $200,001 to $500,000, versus 35 percent on $416,701 to $418,400;
function calcTax(income) {