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Working from … anywhere

Karl Dubost karlcow

Working from … anywhere
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karlcow / dump.txt
Created August 9, 2013 15:45
I do not want to forget this one. so a dump.
hmm interesting one.
The desktop redirects to
At first there was no difference in between chrome and firefox with test on the Command Line with HEAD. Let's do an HTTP GET.
→ http GET User-Agent:'Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:18.0) Gecko/18.0 Firefox/18.0'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: BIGipServerpool_BBVANET_GLOBAL_SSL=622373056.47873.0000; path=/
karlcow /
Created May 13, 2024 12:11 — forked from umayr/
How to recover a deleted branch
## Pre-requisite: You have to know your last commit message from your deleted branch.
git reflog
# Search for message in the list
# a901eda HEAD@{18}: commit: <last commit message>
# Now you have two options, either checkout revision or HEAD
git checkout a901eda
# Or
git checkout HEAD@{18}
karlcow / list.uri
Created January 27, 2014 07:23
List of social network sites extracted from wikipedia
(function() {
var n = this,
aa = function(a, b, e) {
return, arguments)
}, ba = function(a, b, e) {
if (!a) throw Error();
if (2 < arguments.length) {
var d =, 2);
return function() {
var e =;
karlcow /
Created February 10, 2021 13:50
lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: Char 0x0 out of allowed range

With lxml 4.5.0

❯ python
Python 3.9.1 (default, Feb  5 2021, 17:04:50) 
[Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from lxml import etree
>>> from io import StringIO
>>> etree.parse(StringIO('<h2>👺</h2>'))
karlcow / stupid-copy-protection.html
Created May 22, 2014 22:27
People trying to put copy protection on their content.
<!-- WP Content Copy Protection script by Rynaldo Stoltz Starts - -->
<div align="center"><noscript>
<div style="position:fixed; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:3000; height:100%; width:100%; background-color:#FFFFFF">
<div style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 14px; background-color:#FFF000; padding: 10pt;">Please enable your Javascript to see this page as it is meant to appear!</div></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
karlcow /
Created September 9, 2014 05:15
emlx to mbox for MacOSX. The Web site has disappeared so Here the code.

A week or so ago I decided I wanted to get all of my archived mail from Mac OS X's into a more readable format. I was a bit surprised to find that ever since 10.4, Mac OS X stores its mail in an Apple-invented format called "EMLX" (well, this is what I'm calling it at least...each mail message is stored in a file that ends in ".emlx"). A very rough sketch of the file format:

  1. The first line of the file (beginning of the document to the first linefeed) is an ASCII-encoded number representing the size of the actual email message in bytes.
  2. Starting with the first byte after the linefeed is the email, exactly N bytes in size where N is the number of bytes specified in #1.
  3. From the end of the email message to the end of the .emlx file is an XML-encoded Apple PList containing metadata about the email message (presumably for spotlight).

I really don't care for the .emlx file format. The only application that's able to read it is Really the only reason for its existence is because Apple w

karlcow /
Last active August 25, 2022 17:44
Decentralized Commenting Systems or more exactly how do we interconnect blog posts.

Threading discussions in between blogs

A recurrent discussion is happening in the French Web community about comments and blogs and how to continue to publish on your own blogs and still aggregates the discussion into a thread in your own blog. So basically how the discussions can be decentralized and distributed with a notion of multiple copies.


Let's use #sudwebcmt for the hashtag. It will help avoid putting plenty of people in cc in the discussions.


karlcow /
Created April 26, 2013 15:51
Prototype for a [webmention]( processor in python
import cgi
import os
method = os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD']
def mimeparse(http_accept):
"Create a reduced list of mime type without quality factors"
reduced_list = []
for mime in http_accept.split(","):
karlcow /
Last active July 3, 2022 09:00
Parsing emlx files on Mac OS X. Apple Proprietary Storage Format for emails.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Class to parse email stored with Apple proprietary emlx format
Created by Karl Dubost on 2013-03-30
Inspired by Rui Carmo —
MIT License"""