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Created October 25, 2020 18:36
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module Picshare exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
-- 2. add onInput and onSubmit
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput, onSubmit)
-- 1. add disabled and value
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, src, placeholder, type_, disabled, value)
type alias Model =
{ url : String
, caption : String
, liked : Bool
, comments : List String
, newComment : String
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = initialModel
, view = view
, update = update
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
div [ class "header" ]
[ h1 [] [text "Picshare"] ],
div [ class "content-flow"]
[ viewDetailedPhoto model]
-- 3. add two message types related to comments
type Msg
= ToggleLike
| UpdateComment String
| SaveComment
viewLoveButton : Model -> Html Msg
viewLoveButton model =
buttonClass =
if model.liked then
div [ class "like-button" ]
[ i
[ class "fa fa-2x"
, class buttonClass
, onClick ToggleLike
viewComment : String -> Html Msg
viewComment comment =
li []
[ strong [] [ text "Comment:" ]
, text (" " ++ comment)
viewCommentList : List String -> Html Msg
viewCommentList comments =
case comments of
[] ->
text ""
_ ->
div [ class "comments" ]
[ ul []
( viewComment comments)
viewComments : Model -> Html Msg
viewComments model =
div []
[ viewCommentList model.comments
-- 4. add Event
, form [ class "new-comment", onSubmit SaveComment]
[ input
[ type_ "text"
, placeholder "Add a comment..."
-- 5. add value to comment input and event onInput
, value model.newComment
, onInput UpdateComment
, button
-- 6. add disable attribute to button only if comment input is empty
[ disabled (String.isEmpty model.newComment) ]
[ text "Save" ]
viewDetailedPhoto : Model -> Html Msg
viewDetailedPhoto model =
div [ class "detailed-photo" ]
img [ src model.url ] []
, div [ class "photo-info"]
[ viewLoveButton model
, h2 [ class "caption" ] [ text model.caption]
, viewComments model
update :
-> Model
-> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
ToggleLike ->
{ model | liked = not model.liked }
-- 7. add case for messages UpdateComment and SaveComment
UpdateComment comment ->
{model | newComment = comment }
SaveComment ->
saveNewComment model
--8. implement saveNewComment update Model function
saveNewComment : Model -> Model
saveNewComment model =
comment =
-- 8.1 we remove spaces before and after newComment
String.trim model.newComment
case comment of
-- 8.2 model is not changed for empty comment
"" -> model
_ ->
-- 8.3 update comments and set to empty newComment model attribute
{ model
| comments = model.comments ++ [ comment ]
, newComment = ""
baseUrl : String
baseUrl = ""
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ url = baseUrl ++ "27/kuce.folder/planinarska-kuca-picelj.jpg"
, caption = "Picelj Park Near Zabok"
, liked = False
, comments = [ "Really nice place!" ]
, newComment = ""
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