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Created October 24, 2024 23:07
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class QuoteWidgetWorker(
private val context: Context,
params: WorkerParameters,
) : CoroutineWorker(context, params) {
companion object {
private val uniqueWorkName =
fun enqueue(context: Context, force: Boolean = false) {
val workManager = WorkManager.getInstance(context)
val request =
PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder<QuoteWidgetWorker>(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build()
uniqueWorkName = uniqueWorkName,
existingPeriodicWorkPolicy = if (force) {
} else {
request = request
fun cancel(context: Context) {
override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
val geminiInterface = GeminiInterface()
val appWidgetManager = GlanceAppWidgetManager(context)
// Fetch the current state of each widget, get the current topic, fetch a new quote and update the state
appWidgetManager.getGlanceIds( { glanceId ->
val currentWidgetState =
getAppWidgetState(context, PreferencesGlanceStateDefinition, glanceId)
val currentTopicName = currentWidgetState[KEY_TOPIC]
val generatedQuote = geminiInterface.getSingleQuote(currentTopicName)
val newQuote = sampleData.firstOrNull { == currentTopicName
}?.quotes?.random() ?: generatedQuote
// Update the widget with this new state
updateAppWidgetState(context, glanceId) { prefs ->
prefs[KEY_QUOTE] = newQuote?.text ?: "Quote not found"
// Let the widget know there is a new state so it updates the UI
QuoteWidget().update(context, glanceId)
return Result.success()
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