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Created May 28, 2017 10:10
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temporary version local
/* Local
Example code on how to remote control the RGB led on the Particle Photon.
It listens to hue (0-359), saturation (0-255), brightness (0-255)
Copyleft 19-05-2017 -
// see WebServer/WebServer.h for documentation of the defines.
#define WEBDUINO_SERIAL_DEBUGGING 2 // debug serial
#define WEBDUINO_FAVICON_DATA "" // no favicon
#include "Particle.h"
#include "MDNS/MDNS.h"
#include "WebDuino.h"
const String hostname = "myphoton";
//const String remote_url = "";
const String remote_url = "";
const unsigned char header[] =
"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n";
const unsigned char header_content_html[] =
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n";
const unsigned char header_content_json[] =
"Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\n";
const unsigned char index_html[] =
"<!DOCTYPE html> <html > <head> <meta charset=\"UTF-8\"> <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">"
"<title>Particle Photon RGB LOCAL Remote</title> <script src=\"\"></script>"
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\">"
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\"> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/style.css\">"
"<script src=\"\"></script>"
"<script src=\"\"></script>"
"<script src=\"\"></script>"
"</head> <body></body> </html> ";
MDNS mdns;
WebServer webserver("", 80);
// brightness perception of the eye is not linair.
// so we use a LookUpTable to for the correct eye response.
const uint8_t luminanceLUT[] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6,
6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11,
11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16,
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int hue;
int saturation;
int brightness;
int red;
int green;
int blue;
// store red, green and blue in a character array
// we added time in this version
// because in local host we respond directly with this string.
char rgbTimeString[43];
// pre-declare functions
//int setHSB(String command);
void setHSB(char*);
void convertHSBtoRGB();
void webIndex(WebServer &server, WebServer::ConnectionType type, char *, bool) {
//server.write(header, sizeof(header));
//server.write(header_content_html, sizeof(header_content_html));
// content length...
// I use sizeof here, because the index_html is set at compile time
// so the length is solid.
server.write(index_html, sizeof(index_html));
//server.print(remote_url + "?url=" + hostname);
void parseCmd(WebServer &server, WebServer::ConnectionType type, char *, bool) {
bool receivedCmd = false;
if (type == WebServer::POST) {
bool repeat;
char name[16], value[32];
// readPOSTparam returns false when there are no more parameters
// to read from the input. We pass in buffers for it to store
// the name and value strings along with the length of those
// buffers.
repeat = server.readPOSTparam(name, 16, value, 32);
// this is a standard string comparison function. It returns 0
// when there's an exact match. We're looking for a parameter
// named args
if (strcmp(name, "cmd") == 0) {
receivedCmd = true;
} while (repeat);
if(receivedCmd) {
//server.write(header, sizeof(header));
//server.write(header_content_html, sizeof(header_content_html));
// content length...
// we use strlen here to determine the current length.
// strlen counts to the null byte (written by sprintf)
// sizeof would give the complete buffer length
//server.write((const uint8_t*)rgbTimeString,strlen(rgbTimeString));
//server.print("{\"r\": 255, \"g\": 255, \"b\": 0, \"t\": 1954}");
else {
void setup() {
//Particle.function("setHSB", setHSB);
//Particle.variable("getRGB", rgbString);
// give your device a local url like
// mylight.local
bool mdns_success = mdns.setHostname(hostname);
if(mdns_success) {
mdns.addService("tcp", "http", 80, hostname);
// webserver
// just point to the main page in case of a failure
// (not calling / or sethsb/)
webserver.addCommand("index.html", &webIndex);
webserver.addCommand("sethsb/", &parseCmd);
void loop() {
// default buffer of 32 is enough. if you would like to send
// more data create a buffer yourself.
char buff[64];
int len = 64;
webserver.processConnection(buff, &len);
if(RGB.controlled()) {
RGB.color(red, green, blue);
// Particle Cloud Function
//int setHSB(String command) {
void setHSB(char * inputCharArray) {
// split inputCharArray in tokens
char *p = strtok(inputCharArray,",");
// convert string to int
// make sure the value stays in 360 range
hue = constrain(atoi(p),0,359);
// scan for next comma
p = strtok(NULL,",");
saturation = constrain(atoi(p),0,255);
p = strtok(NULL,",");
brightness = constrain(atoi(p),0,255);
p = strtok(NULL,",");
int timeSendFromBrowser = atoi(p);
p = strtok(NULL,",");
// directly convert to rgb
//Convert RGB values to JSON format for easy processing at the browser side
sprintf(rgbTimeString,"{\"r\": %u, \"g\": %u, \"b\": %u, \"t\": %u}",red,green,blue,timeSendFromBrowser);
// if we don't have control yet over the RGB led
// take control
if(RGB.controlled() == false) {
void convertHSBtoRGB() {
// convert hue, saturation and brightness ( HSB/HSV ) to RGB
int base;
if (saturation == 0) { // Acromatic color (gray). Hue doesn't mind.
red = brightness;
green = brightness;
blue = brightness;
} else {
base = ((255 - saturation) * brightness)>>8;
switch(hue/60) {
case 0:
red = brightness;
green = (((brightness-base)*hue)/60)+base;
blue = base;
case 1:
red = (((brightness-base)*(60-(hue%60)))/60)+base;
green = brightness;
blue = base;
case 2:
red = base;
green = brightness;
blue = (((brightness-base)*(hue%60))/60)+base;
case 3:
red = base;
green = (((brightness-base)*(60-(hue%60)))/60)+base;
blue = brightness;
case 4:
red = (((brightness-base)*(hue%60))/60)+base;
green = base;
blue = brightness;
case 5:
red = brightness;
green = base;
blue = (((brightness-base)*(60-(hue%60)))/60)+base;
red = luminanceLUT[red];
green = luminanceLUT[green];
blue = luminanceLUT[blue];
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