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Created January 8, 2016 01:49
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use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/;
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Copy;
sub find_path {
my $pg = shift;
my $path;
for ( split /:/, $ENV{PATH} ) {
if ( -x "$_/$pg" ) {
$path = "$_/$pg";
$path = "/usr/local/bin/$pg" if !$path && -x "/usr/local/bin/$pg";
sub cap_cmd {
my ($cmdref) = @_;
pipe my $logrh, my $logwh
or die "Died: failed to create pipe:$!\n";
my $pid = fork;
if ( ! defined $pid ) {
die "Died: fork failed: $!\n";
elsif ( $pid == 0 ) {
close $logrh;
open STDOUT, '>&', $logwh
or die "Died: failed to redirect STDOUT\n";
close $logwh;
exec @$cmdref;
die "Died: exec failed: $!\n";
close $logwh;
my $result;
$result .= $_;
close $logrh;
while (wait == -1) {}
my $exit_code = $?;
$exit_code = $exit_code >> 8;
return ($result, $exit_code);
my $identifier = "";
Getopt::Long::Configure ("no_ignore_case");
'identifier' => \$identifier,
"h|help" => \my $help,
my @command = @ARGV;
if ( $help || !@command ) {
print qq!usage: $0 [--identifier=..] -- command args1 args2 args3\n!;
exit($help ? 0 : 1);
my $diff_cmd = find_path("diff")
or die "failed to searchdiff command";
my $comamnd_key = md5_hex($identifier,@command);
my $tmpdir = File::Spec->tmpdir();
my $prev_file = File::Spec->catfile($tmpdir, "diff-detector-".$comamnd_key);
my $cur_file;
my $cur_fh;
($cur_fh, $cur_file) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1);
binmode $cur_fh, ':unix';
pipe my $logrh, my $logwh
or die "Died: failed to create pipe:$!";
my $pid = fork;
if ( ! defined $pid ) {
die "Died: fork failed: $!";
elsif ( $pid == 0 ) {
close $logrh;
open STDOUT, '>&', $cur_fh or die "failed to redirect STDOUT to logfile";
open STDERR, '>&', $logwh or die "failed to redirect STDERR to logfile";
close $logwh;
close $cur_fh;
exec @ARGV;
die "Died: exec failed: $!";
my $stderr = '';
close $logwh;
$stderr .= $_ if length $stderr < 512;
close $logrh;
while (wait == -1) {}
my $exit_code = $?;
if ( $exit_code != 0 ) {
print "Error: $stderr\n";
exit $exit_code >> 8;
if ( ! -f $prev_file ) {
printf 'Notice: first time execution command:"%s"'."\n", join(" ", @command);
copy($cur_file, $prev_file) or die "Copy failed: $!";
exit 0;
(my $diff_result, $exit_code) = cap_cmd([$diff_cmd, "-U","1", $prev_file, $cur_file]);
copy($cur_file, $prev_file) or die "Copy failed: $!";
if ( $exit_code == 0 ) {
print "OK: no difference\n";
exit $exit_code;
elsif ( $exit_code == 1 ) {
my @diff_result = split /\n/, $diff_result;
shift @diff_result;
shift @diff_result;
$diff_result = join "\n", @diff_result;
$diff_result =~ s/(\n|\r|\r\n)/\\n/g;
print "NG: detect difference: " . substr($diff_result, 0, 512) . "\n";
exit 2;
print "Error: failed execute diff\n";
exit 3;
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