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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- FIXME: should we replace Data with System?
module Data.AutoUpdate where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.IORef
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkIO, ThreadId, myThreadId)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Exception (throwTo, Exception, handle, fromException, throwIO, assert, SomeException)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
data UpdateSettings a = UpdateSettings
{ updateFreq :: !Int
, updateSpawnThreshold :: !Int
, updateAction :: !(IO a)
data Status a = AutoUpdated !a
!Int -- ^ # of manual update during updateFreq
| ManualUpdates !Int -- ^ # of manual update
data AutoUpdate a = AutoUpdate
{ auSettings :: !(UpdateSettings a)
, auStatus :: !(IORef (Status a))
data Action a = Return a | Manual | Spawn
data Replaced = Replaced deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception Replaced
mkAutoUpdate :: UpdateSettings a -> IO (AutoUpdate a)
mkAutoUpdate settings = AutoUpdate settings <$> newIORef (ManualUpdates 0)
getCurrent :: AutoUpdate a -> IO a
getCurrent au@(AutoUpdate (UpdateSettings _ spawnThreshold action) istatus) = do
ea <- atomicModifyIORef' istatus increment
case ea of
Return a -> return a
Manual -> action
Spawn -> do
a <- action
tid <- forkIO $ spawn au
doit <- atomicModifyIORef' istatus (turnToAuto a tid)
return a
increment (AutoUpdated a cnt tid) = (AutoUpdated a (succ cnt) tid, Return a)
increment (ManualUpdates i) = (ManualUpdates (succ i), act)
-- FIXME: i is just a counter. we cannot tell how frequent
-- getCurrent is called.
act = if i > spawnThreshold then Spawn else Manual
-- Normal case.
turnToAuto a tid (ManualUpdates cnt) = (AutoUpdated a cnt tid, return ())
-- Race condition: multiple threads were spawned.
-- So, let's kill the previous one by this thread.
turnToAuto a tid (AutoUpdated _ cnt oldtid)
= (AutoUpdated a cnt tid, throwTo oldtid Replaced)
spawn :: AutoUpdate a -> IO ()
spawn (AutoUpdate (UpdateSettings freq _ action) istatus) = handle (onErr istatus) $ forever $ do
threadDelay freq
myid <- myThreadId
a <- action
doit <- atomicModifyIORef' istatus $ trunToManual myid a
-- Normal case.
trunToManual myid a (AutoUpdated _ cnt tid)
| myid /= tid = assert False (ManualUpdates 0, stop)
| cnt >= 1 = (AutoUpdated a 0 tid, return ())
| otherwise = (ManualUpdates 0, stop)
-- This case must not happen.
trunToManual _ _ (ManualUpdates i) = assert False (ManualUpdates i, stop)
onErr :: IORef (Status a) -> SomeException -> IO ()
onErr istatus ex = case fromException ex of
Just Replaced -> return ()
Nothing -> do
myid <- myThreadId
atomicModifyIORef istatus $ clear myid
throwIO ex
-- In the race condition described above,
-- suppose thread A is running, and is killed by thread B.
-- Thread B then updates the IORef to refer to thread B.
-- Then thread A's exception handler fires.
-- We don't want to modify the IORef at all,
-- since it refers to thread B already.
-- Solution: only switch back to manual updates
-- if the IORef is pointing at the current thread.
clear myid (AutoUpdated _ _ tid)
| myid == tid = (ManualUpdates 0, ())
clear _ status = (status, ())
stop :: IO a
stop = throwIO Replaced
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