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Created January 17, 2013 07:05
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This file contains a shell for the changelog, followed by a list of every commit for this release.
Choose the appropriate line for the Summary section.
Move all commit notes to the appropriate section.
- Each line should be in the following format:
[Fixed|Added]: The ticket description. ([Ticket link], [Commit link])
- If the commit is not related to a bug or feature, e.g., whitepsace cleanup, remove it.
- If there is no ticket number, search Trac for the relevant ticket.
- If there is no ticket, create one (if needed), or leave just the commit link.
Double check that "TICKETREF" does not appear anywhere in the changelog.
Add this changelog to
"title": "jQuery UI 1.10.0 Changelog"
## Build
## Core &amp; Utilities
### UI Core
### Mouse
### Widget Factory
### Position
## Interactions
### Draggable
### Droppable
### Resizable
### Selectable
### Sortable
## Widgets
### Accordion
### Autocomplete
### Button
### Datepicker
### Dialog
### Menu
### Progressbar
### Slider
### Spinner
### Tabs
### Tooltip
## Effects
### Individual effects
## CSS Framework
## Demos
## Website
### Download Builder
* Accordion: Enhance refresh to allow adding/removing panels. Fixes #4672 - Accordion: ability to add/remove panels ([#4672](, [d657538](
* Accordion: Fix testsuite overflow issue in IE7. (TICKETREF, [37fda49](
* Accordion: Remove deprecated height options. Fixes #5868 - Accordion: Remove clearStyle option. Fixes #5872 - Accordion: Remove autoHeight and fillSpace options. ([#5868](, [#5872](, [0cdd559](
* Accordion: Removed animated option. Fixes #8601 - Accordion: Remove animated option. ([#8601](, [8d35c03](
* Accordion: Removed change and changestart events. Fixes #6841 - Accordion: Remove changestart event. Fixes #6843 - Accordion: Remove change event. ([#6841](, [#6843](, [bc44e61](
* Accordion: Removed deprecated activate method and expanded active option. Fixes #6837 - Accordion: Remove the activate method. Fixes #6853 - Accordion: Remove support for non-number/falsey values for active option. ([#6837](, [#6853](, [d67bc41](
* Accordion: Removed deprecated icon option. Fixes #6835 - Accordion: Remove icons.headerSelected. ([#6835](, [fd952c5](
* Accordion: Removed deprecated navigation options. Fixes #5870 - Accordion: Remove navigation options. ([#5870](, [09eed56](
* Accordion: Removed deprecated resize method. Fixes #6839 - Accordion: Remove resize method. ([#6839](, [974e5f8](
* Accordion: Removed overflow workaround for IE6. (TICKETREF, [1722749](
* Accordion: Use .css() to clear the height, instead of .height(). (TICKETREF, [2553d61](
* Add comment explaining the mouseHandled flag (TICKETREF, [5561f5d](
* Add missing authors (TICKETREF, [2ca5fbf](
* Added (TICKETREF, [f489645](
* All: Convert single quotes to double quotes. (TICKETREF, [74d7eac](
* All: Use .addBack() instead of .andSelf(). (TICKETREF, [8ec7a1b](
* Allow higher cyclomatic complexity in functions that sanely use switch statements. (TICKETREF, [b239298](
* Autocomplete demo: Combobox cleanup. (TICKETREF, [f0c203a](
* Autocomplete demo: Combobox: Encode search term inside tooltips. Fixes #8859 - Autocomplete: XSS in combobox demo. ([#8859](, [5fee6fd](
* Autocomplete: Append to closest .ui-front if available. (TICKETREF, [80e46c9](
* Autocomplete: Combobox demo - Collapse menu when clicking button. (TICKETREF, [f6e99d2](
* Autocomplete: Handle detached elements for appendTo after create. (TICKETREF, [da17a23](
* Autocomplete: Removed CSS workaround for IE6. (TICKETREF, [703d62f](
* Autocomplete: Removed data fallback for item.autocomplete. Fixes #8156 - Autocomplete: Remove data fallbacks. ([#8156](, [9202bb7](
* Autocomplete: Set initial left position for menu. Fixes #8749 - Autocomplete dropdown positioned incorrectly in IE. ([#8749](, [d693ce5](
* Autocomplete: When appendTo is a jQuery object or a DOM element, don't search against the document. Fixes #8858 - Autocomplete: Fails when appendTo is detached from the DOM. ([#8858](, [dec8445](
* Autocomplete: Whitespace. (TICKETREF, [d5afdba](
* Build: Added notStrictEqual to the globals list for unit tests. (TICKETREF, [68a307c](
* Build: Check patch instead of minor to detect major releases. (TICKETREF, [92bcef9](
* Build: Fix generate_themes task to adopt to changes in download builder. (TICKETREF, [d403e5a](
* Build: Install shell dependencies in the right direcytory. Update trac instructions to point out that only minutes and seconds need to be changed. Fixes #8848 - Build: release.js fails to require shelljs/global. ([#8848](, [62ae078](
* Build: Remove generateQuickDownload step, will happen later during a release (TICKETREF, [666014e](
* Build: Set version to 1.10.0pre. (TICKETREF, [30556ce](
* Build: Switch to new browserSet, no IE6 anymore (TICKETREF, [4211866](
* Build: Update grunt-junit, gets rid of the bogus xml files. (TICKETREF, [d5e75ca](
* Build: Update the changelog shell to include more newlines, makes it easier to edit it later (TICKETREF, [fb40f1f](
* Build: Update to node-testswarm 0.3 (TICKETREF, [1481b08](
* Button Tests: move aria-pressed test to correct module (TICKETREF, [22bd9fc](
* Button tests: Handle async focus in IE. (TICKETREF, [fbc7956](
* Button tests: Whitespace. (TICKETREF, [c348f28](
* Button tests: Work around a quirk in Opera. (TICKETREF, [948f874](
* Button tests: fix IE7 fail for latest focus tests (TICKETREF, [70e0138](
* Button tests: replace XHTML with HTML in button test suite (TICKETREF, [8cfee45](
* Button tests: simulated clicks aren't perfect in oldIE and Opera (TICKETREF, [37ea734](
* Button: Fixing handling of the disabled options on refresh method calls. Fixed #8828 - Button: Refresh does not re-enable disabled button. ([#8828](, [93abe02](
* Button: Let change handler handle display and aria update. Fixed #5518 - Button: Incorrect state after double click in Firefox ([#5518](, [caacf8f](
* Button: Strange space between buttons in IE 7. Fixed #5253 - Toolbar demo ugly in IE ([#5253](, [e77edc6](
* Button: add blur event to buttons. Fixes #8559 - Button: Button doesn't remove active state when using keyboard. ([#8559](, [f13b5df](
* Button: add explanatory comment for when we bind to blur (TICKETREF, [509259a](
* Button: fixed inconsistent button styling in most browsers. Fixes #7996 - Button: Inconsistent styling based on markup ([#7996](, [83e2a59](
* Button: properly escape button names. Fixes #7505 - Button: Buttonset not applied to radio group with quotation/apostrophe in name. ([#7505](, [cc7df71](
* Button: use _hoverable for hover state management. Fixes #5295 - button doesn't remove hover state if they are disabled ([#5295](, [8e1ceba](
* CSS Framework: Set out-of-view background-position for ui-icon. Fixes #5659 - CSS Framework: Don't show icon when only ui-icon class is present. ([#5659](, [1fe06f0](
* CSS: Reformatted CSS to use better coding standard (TICKETREF, [010e09f](
* CSS: Update .ui-helper-hidden-accessible to match H5BP's current .visuallyhidden. Fixes #8793 - Dialog: Internal autocomplete causes scroll bars. ([#8793](, [48e0aa0](
* CSS: remove spaces from opacity filters so themeRoller can replace properly (TICKETREF, [3c6c22b](
* Core tests: Handle async focus in IE. (TICKETREF, [2841541](
* Core: Moved old jQuery support code to the bottom (above deprecated). (TICKETREF, [8a32c39](
* Core: Moved selectstart support test to deprecated section. (TICKETREF, [ff78d0b](
* Core: Patch over broken .removeData() in jQuery 1.6.1 + 1.6.2. (TICKETREF, [886d6fe](
* Core: Removed $.support.minHeight. (TICKETREF, [0c67254](
* Core: Removed $.ui.contains. Fixes #8902 - Remove $.ui.contains. ([#8902](, [747d853](
* Core: Removed $.ui.ie6. (TICKETREF, [995eb12](
* Core: Removed $.ui.isOver() and $.ui.isOverAxis(). Fixes #8891 - Remove $.ui.isOver() and $.ui.isOverAxis(). ([#8891](, [3ec0c2e](
* Core: Resume focus test based on the event, not the callback. (TICKETREF, [48a790a](
* Core: Simplify IE check now that we don't care about IE6. (TICKETREF, [c677275](
* Create mouseHandled flag per instance instead of globally. Fixes #8866 - Menu: select event not firing due to mouseHandled flag reset bug ([#8866](, [5143b7f](
* Datepicker Tests: Prepare for widget-ization tests. (TICKETREF, [ff47763](
* Datepicker i18n: Fix line endings. (TICKETREF, [68e5ebc](
* Datepicker tests: Fixed setting of option. (TICKETREF, [ff055a0](
* Datepicker tests: Handle async focus in IE. (TICKETREF, [28fcef5](
* Datepicker tests: Work around encoding issues in oldIE. (TICKETREF, [ccdcedd](
* Datepicker: Added Belarusian locale. Fixes #8885 - Datepicker: Add Belarusian locale. ([#8885](, [cff4c3c](
* Datepicker: Added Candian French locale. Fixes #8917 - Datepicker: Add Canadian French locale. ([#8917](, [9f841df](
* Datepicker: Added Kyrgyz localisation (TICKETREF, [4995ea0](
* Datepicker: Added Kyrgyz localization. Fixes #8787 - Datepicker: Add Kyrgyz localization. ([#8787](, [1e19e5e](
* Datepicker: Added Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian Nynorsk locales. Fixes #8886 - Datepicker: Add Norwegian Bokmål (nb) and Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) locales. ([#8886](, [70f5d18](
* Datepicker: Fixed firstDay in Faroese locale. Fixes #8815 - Datepicker: Faroese locale has incorrect firstDay. ([#8815](, [3d96f20](
* Datepicker: Handle changes to the disabled option. Fixes #8883 - Datepicker: Changing disabled option doesn't work. ([#8883](, [598cdae](
* Datepicker: Remove JSHint overrides. (TICKETREF, [e6e706b](
* Datepicker: Remove data event handlers from the dark ages. (TICKETREF, [e21fc29](
* Datepicker: Remove support for setting options via custom attributes. (TICKETREF, [7c53af0](
* Datepicker: Removed iframe cover for IE6. (TICKETREF, [5bd1965](
* Datepicker: Run JSHint test in unit tests. (TICKETREF, [20a29df](
* Datepicker: Updated the range tests so you can't navigate past the yearRange. Fixes #7362 - Datepicker allows changing year to something outside yearRange ([#7362](, [eca5abd](
* Datepicker: Use tabs for indentation. (TICKETREF, [63d624f](
* Datepicker: reinitialize datepicker if mainDiv isn't on the page. Fixed #5679 - Datepicker should reinitialize if dpDiv is removed ([#5679](, [7ffcaa2](
* Dev: Change incorrect references in test suite from #main to #qunit-fixture. (TICKETREF, [5dee8de](
* Dev: Fix test failures in oldIE. Fixed #8748 - Dev: Get draggable test suite to pass ([#8748](, [d771048](
* Dev: Make droppable pass JSHint with no local settings overrides (TICKETREF, [0e80063](
* Dev: Make resizable pass JSHint without any settings overrides (TICKETREF, [9eaa572](
* Dev: Make sortable pass JSHint with only the loopfunc setting override (TICKETREF, [5bae9a4](
* Dev: Remove *_tickets.js test files and move the associated tests to the proper locations. (TICKETREF, [e83a89d](
* Dev: Standardize sortable test suite. Fixed #8755 - Dev: Get sortable test suite to pass ([#8755](, [68ad80c](
* Dev: Standardized the draggable test suite. Fixed #8748 - Dev: Get draggable test suite to pass ([#8748](, [f0daa22](
* Dev: Standardized the droppable test suite. Fixed #8753 - Dev: Get droppable test suite to pass ([#8753](, [8746042](
* Dev: Standardized the resizable test suite. Fixed #8754 - Dev: Get resizable test suite to pass ([#8754](, [d85b016](
* Dev: Standardized the selectable test suite. Fixed #8752 - Dev: Get selectable test suite to pass ([#8752](, [b49e071](
* Dev: add .gitattributes file to force all line endings to LF (TICKETREF, [cc5ac08](
* Dev: clean up dialog test suite with new helper methods. Fixes #8803 - Dev: re-enable the dialog test suite ([#8803](, [543abc9](
* Dev: enable slider in the test suite (TICKETREF, [cc5c2aa](
* Dev: fix IE fails in draggable and selectable - Fixed #8770 Dev: Remove globals and Standardize Test Suite ([#8770](, [068d597](
* Dev: fix the datepicker test suite and jshint everything. Fixes #8804 - Dev: re-enable the datepicker test suite ([#8804](, [254f2b3](
* Dev: make Datepicker pass JSHint with only eval setting overridden (TICKETREF, [4334b5d](
* Dev: make draggable pass JSHint with no local overrides (TICKETREF, [53c462b](
* Dev: make sure all files can pass JSHint! (TICKETREF, [d6c6b7d](
* Dev: remove all-active test runner as now all test suites can run cleanly! (TICKETREF, [00e92e1](
* Dev: remove globals from tests and moved test helpers to correct location - Fixed #8770 Dev: Remove globals and Standardize Test Suite ([#8770](, [3df9ea2](
* Dev: remove todos from datepicker and dialog testsuite (TICKETREF, [fec36fd](
* Dev: remove unnecessary simulated drag delegation in test suite (TICKETREF, [9f76446](
* Dev: stop loading *_tickets.js in the test suite. (TICKETREF, [48d7d53](
* Dev: temporarily disable odd test failures in Datepicker (TICKETREF, [7ed4aa5](
* Dev: update jquery.simulate.js to latest version from (TICKETREF, [a677ea7](
* Dialog Tests: Fix test fails due to window measurements in FF and IE7 (TICKETREF, [6d88d26](
* Dialog tests: More async focus handling to deal with IE8. (TICKETREF, [245a82d](
* Dialog tests: Removed stack option. (TICKETREF, [2a68a7d](
* Dialog tests: Updated markup for deprecated tests to match standard tests. (TICKETREF, [0f0ec00](
* Dialog tests: Work around inconsistent handling of non-breaking spaces in IE7/8 with jQuery <1.8. (TICKETREF, [8c36603](
* Dialog: Add missing unit test for aria-describedby attribute (TICKETREF, [5aac8f5](
* Dialog: Add unit test to cover #8789 and #8838. (TICKETREF, [a68d5ca](
* Dialog: Added appendTo option. Fixes #7948 - Dialog: Allow dialog to be attached to a element other than body. ([#7948](, [70b16ef](
* Dialog: Adjust southeast resize handle to not be visible and more closely match other resize handles. Fixes #4575 - Dialog: Scrollbar is difficult to use with overflow content and resize handle. ([#4575](, [1ed853f](
* Dialog: Awesome new stacking and overlay implementation. Fixes the following tickets: (TICKETREF, [3829a37](
* Dialog: Button is now a fixed dependency, so remove the check (TICKETREF, [972f5c1](
* Dialog: Cleanup in ticket tests: TODO to merge one test, fix whitespace (TICKETREF, [299681e](
* Dialog: Cleanup style properties on _destroy. Reenables style check in domEqual, while removing commented and unnecessary old code. Fixes #8119 - Dialog: Destroying a dialog leaves style, scrollleft, and scrolltop leftovers. ([#8119](, [d687a1b](
* Dialog: Cleanup. (TICKETREF, [b9f206d](
* Dialog: Don't focus dialog when mousedown is on close button. Fixes #8838 - Dialog: Close icon does not work in dialog larger than the window in IE. ([#8838](, [60486ac](
* Dialog: Don't use .attr( props, true ). (TICKETREF, [a8de99c](
* Dialog: Ensure all animations finish and clean up themselve when destroying dialog. Fixes #5860 - Dialog: Destroying a dialog during animated close leaves .ui-effects-wrapper in DOM. ([#5860](, [13505e5](
* Dialog: Exclude deprecated units from phantomjs (TICKETREF, [73533d9](
* Dialog: Extend autofocus, starting with [autofocus], then :tabbable content, then buttonpane, then close button, then dialog. Fixes #4731 - Dialog: Add option to set which element gains focus on open ([#4731](, [b27db7e](
* Dialog: Extend visual test to verify DOM position restore on destroy; overhaul unit test for destroy method. (TICKETREF, [b694409](
* Dialog: Extract button pane creation into _createButtonPane (TICKETREF, [4c9caa8](
* Dialog: Extract setting the title into a _title method, use .text() to prevent XSS. Fixes #6016 - Dialog: Title XSS Vulnerability. ([#6016](, [7e9060c](
* Dialog: Extracting wrapper creation into _createWrapper. Merging the two keydown handlers into one. (TICKETREF, [625a111](
* Dialog: Finish refactoring _setOption, getting rid of unnecessary switch (no fallthroughs). (TICKETREF, [16a79c1](
* Dialog: Fix yoda-if, remove unnecessary TODOs; add missing callbacks to commons test (TICKETREF, [4632780](
* Dialog: Focus tabbable only when dialog lost focus before. (TICKETREF, [0848040](
* Dialog: Follow-up to 9fe3a62d8 - also deprecate string notation for position option. (TICKETREF, [a09f5c0](
* Dialog: Follow-up to c77ca67 - exclude button options from properties to create the button. (TICKETREF, [ec1f1bd](
* Dialog: Have _createButtons access the buttons option directly. Start refactoring _setOption, no need for switch. (TICKETREF, [7e964be](
* Dialog: Have _makeResizable look at options instead of passing handles. (TICKETREF, [c8aef20](
* Dialog: Improve _destroy method, detaching dialog content from wrapper instead of appending to body. (TICKETREF, [32a8931](
* Dialog: Improve accessibilty - add an aria-describedby attribute on the dialog if there is nothing yet in the dialog content. Partial fix for: (TICKETREF, [2a887e4](
* Dialog: Inline code review (TICKETREF, [2062a18](
* Dialog: Keep focus inside dialog, even when dialog itself has focus. (TICKETREF, [513b6da](
* Dialog: Keep focus inside modal dialog, by handling focus events on elements outside of it (TICKETREF, [8ee8046](
* Dialog: Move array notation support for position option to backCompat check. Fixes #8824 - Deprecate array notation for position option. ([#8824](, [a0310eb](
* Dialog: Moved resizable handle test from resizable. (TICKETREF, [ee8d20e](
* Dialog: Only add the new dialogClass, not the base classes when changing the option. (TICKETREF, [f7d3a51](
* Dialog: Pass through icons and showText (as 'text') options to button. Fixes #6830 - Allow Icons to be specified for Dialog buttons. ([#6830](, [9996173](
* Dialog: Prevent dialog form losing focus (or move it back in IE <= 8). (TICKETREF, [2a2a2c0](
* Dialog: Prevent tabbing off any dialog. Fixes #3768 - Dialog: contain focus within dialog. ([#3768](, [3a09a4a](
* Dialog: Refactor _create, extracting title bar creation in _createTitlebar (TICKETREF, [1d6ce64](
* Dialog: Refactor _createOverlay and _destroyOverlay to use widget methods and properties. (TICKETREF, [9bd4430](
* Dialog: Refactor _setOption to call _super early. Move dialogClass update above that to access old option value. (TICKETREF, [fed2972](
* Dialog: Refactor overlay handling into two instance methods. Remove unaddressable TODOs. (TICKETREF, [41c2afd](
* Dialog: Refactor the mousedown-bind call to use _on, removing the need for the uiDialog closure. Use this.uiDialog and remove the variable. (TICKETREF, [7a03535](
* Dialog: Refactor uiDialogTitlebar variable, use this.uiDialogTitlebar instead. Wasn't needed anymore (previous refactorings). (TICKETREF, [f0acaac](
* Dialog: Remove attroperty workaround for title attribute. Make the default null, as it should be. No back-compat, as the behaviour doesn't change. (TICKETREF, [6edce86](
* Dialog: Remove busted ui-dialog-disabled class, shouldn't be there. Removed outdated TODOs. (TICKETREF, [0bc73b7](
* Dialog: Remove deprecated disableSelection() usage. (TICKETREF, [b6cefc7](
* Dialog: Remove outdated TODO (TICKETREF, [1001504](
* Dialog: Remove the instance-storing for the overlay, just create one whenever it is needed. Heavily simplifies the code, while the memorly leak should be hardly an issue anymore, since fixed positioning restricts the overlay size to the window dimensions. Fixes #6058 - Dialog overlays are not properly reused when multiple instances of a Dialog exist. ([#6058](, [1e8baf5](
* Dialog: Remove unnecessary margin on title. (TICKETREF, [975bde5](
* Dialog: Remove useless tmp vars. (TICKETREF, [0ae6fc1](
* Dialog: Remove uuid and getTitleId. Leftovers from 240b22b1439df22408c5782e640e98cb335c7a2e. (TICKETREF, [e3dcaf2](
* Dialog: Remove width, min-height, height styles on destroy. Fixes #8119 - Dialog: Destroying a dialog leaves some styles changed. ([#8119](, [3c2acc3](
* Dialog: Removed broken disabled option from dialog, defuse disable/enable methods. Disabling dialogs is not supported. (TICKETREF, [0be97bf](
* Dialog: Removed minHeight workaround for IE6. (TICKETREF, [5bd4b11](
* Dialog: Removed unnecessary style properties. (TICKETREF, [2c16435](
* Dialog: Respect maxHeight when determining size on open. Fixes #4820 - Dialog: Auto height does not respect the maxHeight option. ([#4820](, [d4551bc](
* Dialog: Restore inline styles for dimensions/display. Fixes #8119 - Dialog: Destroying a dialog leaves some styles changed. ([#8119](, [f59f5a8](
* Dialog: Restrict title to a single line. Fixes #7773 - Dialog: If titlebar changes height during resize, button pane positioning changes. ([#7773](, [bdb0fbe](
* Dialog: Save the active element that opened the dialog and restore focus to that. Fixes #8730 - Dialog: Restore focus to opener. ([#8730](, [14691ae](
* Dialog: Set top and left properties in the default styles to avoid a bug in core. Fixes #8741 - Dialog: dialog with position:fixed goes offscreen when opening after scrolling down since v 1.9.0. ([#8741](, [5986571](
* Dialog: Spacing. (TICKETREF, [0f111a2](
* Dialog: Tiny code improvements (TICKETREF, [d8b98ec](
* Dialog: Trigger focus event when dialog is moved to top. (TICKETREF, [4e03321](
* Dialog: Update focus-tabbable test with a timer workaround to get IE8 to pass. (TICKETREF, [f3525af](
* Dialog: Update position when size is changed. Fixes #8789 - Dialog does not close for first click on chrome. ([#8789](, [d179cba](
* Dialog: Use $.isEmptyObject() to check if there a button-option properties (TICKETREF, [324d54d](
* Dialog: Use _show and _hide consistently. Fixes #4892 - Dialog: zIndex error with animated modal dialog. ([#4892](, [d07074d](
* Dialog: Use button widget for close button (was already listed as dependency) (TICKETREF, [83a9f21](
* Dialog: Use consistent code for appending to body (TICKETREF, [24d9141](
* Dialog: Visual test page for animated modal dialog (TICKETREF, [8251440](
* Dialog: Visual test page for modal form dialogs (TICKETREF, [039ee74](
* Dialog: move to top when opening again, and focus as if opened from scratch. (TICKETREF, [0a25b2c](
* Draggable Tests: Cover all cursorAt option formats. (TICKETREF, [18b8ffd](
* Draggable Tests: Fix IE7 offset failures (TICKETREF, [1045d3a](
* Draggable Tests: add back in unreliable offset hack for cursorAt tests (TICKETREF, [ecb7b6e](
* Draggable Tests: use jquery.simulate.js to simulate drag events (TICKETREF, [46925b8](
* Draggable: made handles work with complex markup. Fixes #8757 - Draggable: Resizable handle with inner element does not work, when its also draggable ([#8757](, [cf9fbce](
* Droppable demo: Removed IE6 CSS hack. (TICKETREF, [be51d53](
* Droppable: Added missing semicolon. (TICKETREF, [fb38c20](
* Effects Core: Upgrading jQuery Color to 2.1.1 (TICKETREF, [d7adc2b](
* Effects: Avoid cssHook blending in non-rgba browsers when the value is "transparent". Fixes #8914: odd behaviour of css hook when setting backgroundColor to transparent in IE7/8 ([#8914](, [da01fb6](
* Effects: Cleaned up getElementStyles(). (TICKETREF, [dbaecf0](
* Effects: Making sure outerHeight and outerWidth make it through to the .size() implementation in all cases - Fixes IE8 effects failure (TICKETREF, [a217bd3](
* Effects: Remove deprecated $.effects[]. Fixes #7115 - Effects: Remove support for effects in $.effects[]. ([#7115](, [b8e0de2](
* Effects: Use $ instead of jQuery in $.effects.animateClass. Fixes #8860 - Effects: Class animation has broken noConflict support. ([#8860](, [c5e0961](
* Effects: fix backwards compatibility in animateClass for jQuery Core <1.8 (TICKETREF, [78a6354](
* Fix AUTHORS.txt, remove the various duplicate entries - follow-up to 2ca5fbf8 (TICKETREF, [ca88fc1](
* Fixed order of authors. (TICKETREF, [0cc8197](
* Grunt: Set testswarm/browserSets from JSON file. (TICKETREF, [c6a755d](
* Interactions: Update widget defaults to match documented API. (TICKETREF, [f667d09](
* Libs/externals: Fix line endings. (TICKETREF, [a335740](
* Menu tests: Better handling of async focus in IE. (TICKETREF, [694987f](
* Menu: Allow changing icons option after creation. Fixes #8927 - Menu: Can't change icons option after init ([#8927](, [2c3d311](
* Menu: Look into submenus for uninitialized menu items. Fixes #8773 - Menu: refresh() doesn't refresh existing submenus. ([#8773](, [8b3e570](
* Menu: Remove display property on hidden submenus instead of setting display:block. Surfaced by domEqual now checking for style property (see d687a1b). (TICKETREF, [53b940f](
* Mixed spaces and tabs removed (TICKETREF, [a688e7c](
* Position: Removed offset option. Fixes #6982 - Position: Remove offset option. ([#6982](, [2582bfa](
* Position: Split out dimension parsing. (TICKETREF, [a1eb9ca](
* Progress tests: Cleanup. (TICKETREF, [9d0df53](
* Progressbar demos: Cleanup. (TICKETREF, [a5d50da](
* Progressbar demos: Removed animated demo. (TICKETREF, [840e0cd](
* Progressbar demos: Removed resize demo. (TICKETREF, [eb938a6](
* Progressbar: Add ability to set value: false for an indeterminate progressbar. Fixes #7624 - Progressbar: Support value: false for indeterminate progressbar ([#7624](, [d3bc471](
* Progressbar: Add custom label demo. (TICKETREF, [548a6ce](
* Progressbar: Add link to custom label demo in demo index. (TICKETREF, [9deb71b](
* Progressbar: Cleanup, byte shaving. (TICKETREF, [f761470](
* Progressbar: Create and destroy indeterminate overlay as needed and code cleanup. (TICKETREF, [f2ee4c5](
* Progressbar: Custom label demo cleanup (TICKETREF, [da240d9](
* Progressbar: Define defaults for callbacks. (TICKETREF, [8c763cd](
* Progressbar: Do not duplicate base _setOptions method (TICKETREF, [11687e4](
* Progressbar: Moved .ui-progressbar-indeterminate to main element. Added tests for markup structure. (TICKETREF, [f5aaf87](
* Progressbar: Only remove aria-valuenow for indeterminate progressbars. Added more accessibility tests. (TICKETREF, [f1be88e](
* Progressbar: Refactor to better handle option changes and sanitize values. Fixes #8785 - Progressbar: Remove _value() and always sanitize value option ([#8785](, [8976bc7](
* Progressbar: Take min into account when calculating percentage. (TICKETREF, [b44375a](
* Release: Add support for pre-releases. (TICKETREF, [1f5dd8d](
* Release: Remove TODO for uploading release zip to GitHub since downloads are discontinued. (TICKETREF, [e63cb47](
* Release: Remove support for node <0.8. (TICKETREF, [9b74740](
* Release: Updated list of globals. (TICKETREF, [549ffe3](
* Removed bgiframe. (TICKETREF, [68cab60](
* Resizable: Grid now respects min/max dimensions. Fixed #8435 - grid does not respect min/max dimensions ([#8435](, [6e0a055](
* Resizable: Made handles work with complex markup. Fixes #8756 - Resizable: Complex markup for handles. ([#8756](, [0bff32a](
* Resizable: Modified the default z-index value of resizable handles. Fixed #7960 - Dialog: Modal dialogs do not disable resizables on the page. ([#7960](, [0cd470b](
* Resizable: Removed pixel shifting for IE6. (TICKETREF, [d73edff](
* Resizable: Respect containment for alsoResize option. Fixes #4603 - Resizable: alsoResize option doesn't work with containment. Fixes #5559 - Dialog: Content grows bigger than widget on resize at document edge. ([#4603](, [#5559](, [5ba267e](
* Resizable: Update CSS dimensions selectively. Fixes #7605 - Setting width and height when only one is changing ([#7605](, [3974b55](
* Resizable: use css() instead of position() for absolute placement. Fixes #3815 - Resizable: absolutely positioned element inside scrollable element is repositioned when resized ([#3815](, [a1b32b5](
* Revert "Datepicker: Added Kyrgyz localisation" (TICKETREF, [979bcab](
* Revert "Dialog: Cleanup style properties on _destroy. Reenables style check in domEqual, while removing commented and unnecessary old code. Fixes #8119 - Dialog: Destroying a dialog leaves style, scrollleft, and scrolltop leftovers." ([#8119](, [050e71b](
* Revert "Menu: Remove display property on hidden submenus instead of setting display:block. Surfaced by domEqual now checking for style property (see d687a1b)." (TICKETREF, [8072099](
* Revert "Tabs: Remove display property on hidden panels instead of setting display:block. Surfaced by domEqual now checking for style property (see d687a1b)." (TICKETREF, [86f1087](
* Revert "Updating the master version to 1.10.1pre." (TICKETREF, [5549dfa](
* Selectable tests: Removed a non-existent script tag causing a 404 in the tests. (TICKETREF, [2620be8](
* Selectable: Account for scrolling on the helper's initial position. Fixed #8915 - Selectable: Lasso offset issue with scrolling. ([#8915](, [6953589](
* Skip collision: fit test in IE until TestSwarm stops using iframes. (TICKETREF, [8bdf035](
* Slider demo: Removed IE6 CSS hack. (TICKETREF, [9473ea7](
* Slider tests: Don't use QUnit.reset() or on(). (TICKETREF, [8f46418](
* Slider: Create clone of options.values during _create(). Fixed #8892 - Multiple Sliders have Conflict with options.values. ([#8892](, [209443d](
* Slider: Explicitly apply opacity filter to disabled handles. Fixed #6727 - Slider: Visual issues with disabled slider in IE8 ([#6727](, [421aeaa](
* Slider: Moved events to named functions (to allow extended plugins to hook in). (TICKETREF, [176e0ed](
* Slider: add options for event callbacks (TICKETREF, [b477098](
* Slider: factorize code with Widget method call. Fixed #8772 - Wrong slider UI state when disabled at init ([#8772](, [cb748b4](
* Slider: when handles overlap, clicking and dragging will now pick the last one that was moved. Fixed #3467 - Sliders Handles can overlap, only small sliver of slider is selectable ([#3467](, [a188632](
* Spinner tests: Better handling of async focus in IE. (TICKETREF, [d5f06c3](
* Spinner tests: Delay all the things to make IE happy. Maybe... (TICKETREF, [020abcf](
* Spinner: Inherit font color since we inherit background color. Fixes #8950 - Spinner: value can't be seen in dark themes. ([#8950](, [d3d1e31](
* Spinner: Trigger start/spin/stop events when calling step/page methods. Fixes #8901 - Spinner does not fire start/spin/stop events when calling stepUp()/Down(), pageUp()/Down() methods ([#8901](, [0d53fbf](
* Spinner: Update button icons when option changes. Fixes #8926 - Spinner: Can't change icons option after init ([#8926](, [04d668b](
* Tabs: Calculate border and padding on tabs container. Fixed #8836: Height overflows parent with heightStyle: 'fill'. ([#8836](, [6121683](
* Tabs: Decode URIs before comparing. Fixes #8877 - Tabs: isLocal function issue in Safari 5.1.7. ([#8877](, [1e5662e](
* Tabs: Encode spaces from window.location. Fixes #8777 - Tabs fail in Safari 5.1 when window.location contains a space. ([#8777](, [c6b52db](
* Tabs: Reduce cyclomatic complexity. (TICKETREF, [ebf8a60](
* Tabs: Remove display property on hidden panels instead of setting display:block. Surfaced by domEqual now checking for style property (see d687a1b). (TICKETREF, [b9068c1](
* Tabs: Remove ui-tabs-aria-controls data on destroy. (TICKETREF, [23f7e30](
* Tabs: Removed abort method. Fixes #7150 - Tabs: Remove abort method. ([#7150](, [828b3c4](
* Tabs: Removed ajaxOptions and cache options. Fixes #7147 - Tabs: Remove ajaxOptions and cache options. ([#7147](, [52a184e](
* Tabs: Removed all templating features. Fixes #7158 - Tabs: Remove add and remove methods. Fixes #7157 - Tabs: Remove templating (idPrefix, tabTemplate, panelTemplate options). Fixes #7149 - Tabs: Remove use of title attribute. ([#7158](, [#7157](, [#7149](, [054b208](
* Tabs: Removed back-compat filter in tests for negative active option. (TICKETREF, [056f83f](
* Tabs: Removed back-compat for load event. Fixes #8731 - Tabs: Remove back-compat for load event. ([#8731](, [3d6c2a6](
* Tabs: Removed cookie option. Fixes #7162 - Tabs: Remove cookie option. ([#7162](, [0429532](
* Tabs: Removed enable and disable events. Fixes #7160 - Tabs: Remove enable and disable events. ([#7160](, [0fc682a](
* Tabs: Removed fx option. Fixes #8320 - Tabs: Remove fx option. ([#8320](, [723d3e0](
* Tabs: Removed length method. Fixes #7161 - Tabs: Remove length method. ([#7161](, [1a7958a](
* Tabs: Removed overflow workaround for IE6. (TICKETREF, [da1255a](
* Tabs: Removed select event. Fixes #7154 - Tabs: Remove select event. ([#7154](, [fb525e1](
* Tabs: Removed select method. Fixes #7156 - Tabs: Remove select method. ([#7156](, [7cf2719](
* Tabs: Removed selected option. Fixes #7152 - Tabs: Remove selected option. ([#7152](, [a9053d9](
* Tabs: Removed show event. Fixes #7155 - Tabs: Remove show event. ([#7155](, [a1fd49f](
* Tabs: Removed some legacy code that isn't doing anything. (TICKETREF, [3541c54](
* Tabs: Removed spinner option. Fixes #7151 - Tabs: Remove spinner option. ([#7151](, [6a00d41](
* Tabs: Removed url method. Fixes #7148 - Tabs: Remove url method. ([#7148](, [acdd191](
* Tabs: Show panels on destroy. Fixes #8795 - Tabs: 'display: none;' attribute is not removed from tabs when destroy is called. ([#8795](, [fd48568](
* Tabs: Update manipulation demo - implement alt+del shortcut to remove active tab. Fixes #7847 - Tabs: simple manipulation accessibility ([#7847](, [e3ab5f8](
* Tabs: Update manipulation demo - use delegate instead of live (can't use on until we drop core 1.6 support), reuse selected element (TICKETREF, [55ebc95](
* Tagging the 1.10.0 release. (TICKETREF, [ca23774](
* Tests: Allow async domEqual() tests. (TICKETREF, [902df84](
* Tests: Commented out getElementStyles() while its not used. (TICKETREF, [608341d](
* Tests: Convert single quotes to double quotes. (TICKETREF, [0d4022b](
* Tests: Correct all 404 errors in the test suite (TICKETREF, [cf7dc08](
* Tests: Removed old code that kept bad test suites out of TestSwarm. (TICKETREF, [d68ef5e](
* Tests: Temporarily remove style checks in domEqual(). (TICKETREF, [248e632](
* Theme: Split opacityOverlay from opacityFilterOverlay on theme styles. (TICKETREF, [6da708e](
* Theme: removed obsolete vendor-specific prefixes. Fixed #8834 - Theme: Remove unneeded vendor prefixing ([#8834](, [c4b7c75](
* Theme: removed or changed occurrences of zoom. Fixes #7975 - Remove invalid CSS for legacy browsers ([#7975](, [d7bff01](
* Tooltip: Avoid errors on mouseover of tooltips with parents that have no title attribute. Fixes #8955 - Tooltip: error when parent element has no title attribute using jQuery <1.7 This corrects a failing test with core 1.6, so no new test is required. ([#8955](, [e4a786e](
* Tooltip: Check type on event directly, preventing TypeError when programmatically moving focus to track-toolipped-input. Fixes #8747 - Tooltip: Using the track option within dialogs creates JS errors ([#8747](, [98173a3](
* Tooltip: Clear the tracking interval on close. Fixes #8920 -Tooltip potential setinterval endless loop. ([#8920](, [9cbd4b4](
* Tooltip: Escape the title attribute so that it's treated as text and not HTML. Fixes #8861 - Tooltip: XSS vulnerability in default content. ([#8861](, [f285440](
* Tooltip: Fix default for position option, follow-up to 1d9eab1. (TICKETREF, [6874f19](
* Tooltip: Handle synthetic focusin events. Fixes #8740 - Tooltip: Does not hide consistently with dynamically loaded content. ([#8740](, [1b503a2](
* Tooltip: Ignore disabled checks when closing. Fixes #8758 - Tooltip: Tooltip is shown, but not hidden if element has class=ui-state-disabled. ([#8758](, [498aadf](
* Tooltip: Make 'flipfit flip' the collision default to avoid the tooltip ever overlapping the trigger. Also fix max-width for custom-content demo. Fixes #8739 - Tooltip: Default positioning on large items off. ([#8739](, [1d9eab1](
* Tooltip: Remoed IE6 CSS hack. (TICKETREF, [f83f07d](
* Tooltip: Removed logic for handling tracking tooltips which gain focus while open (we no longer mix events). Fixes #8799 - Tooltip: tracking fails on nested elements. ([#8799](, [ca0df6b](
* Tooltip: Use attributes, not properties, when checking for parent tooltips. Fixes #8742 - Tooltip shows incorrect message in chrome if there is input with name='title' in a form. ([#8742](, [d074efe](
* Tooltip: Use ui-tooltip-open instead of tooltip-open for data key. (TICKETREF, [02694a9](
* Update .gitattributes to only touch files with text content. (TICKETREF, [43fa904](
* Update copyright year to 2013. (TICKETREF, [83cbf97](
* Updated AUTHORS.txt. (TICKETREF, [4bb92f9](
* Updated AUTHORS.txt. (TICKETREF, [7a45a47](
* Updated all widgets to use proper data keys when getting plugin instances. (TICKETREF, [f587071](
* Updated maintainers list. (TICKETREF, [6970715](
* Updating the master version to 1.10.1pre. (TICKETREF, [20cf7ab](
* Updating to jQuery 1.9.0 (TICKETREF, [34409e7](
* Updating to jQuery Color 2.1.2 (TICKETREF, [722c4be](
* Upgrade jQuery to 1.8.3. (TICKETREF, [fb6119e](
* Whitespace. (TICKETREF, [1f65b3b](
* Widget tests: Fixed order of actual and expected. (TICKETREF, [7312933](
* Widget: Added suppressDisabledCheck flag to _on(). Fixes #8800 - Widget: Ability to use _on() even when disabled. ([#8800](, [84cd214](
* Widget: Bridge falls back to name if there is no widgetFullName, and always stores instances in data. Fixed #8775 - Widget: Bridge fails if widgetFullName is not supplied. ([#8775](, [75bd22e](
* Widget: Don't modify the prototype passed to $.widget(). Fixes #8876 - Calling _super calls wrong inherited widget. ([#8876](, [8b15aaf](
* Widget: Only use the event prefix from the base if we're redefining a widget. Fixes #8805 - Widget: widgetEventPrefix is incorrect when inheriting with jQuery UI 1.9.1. ([#8805](, [9e858ba](
* Widget: Removed dual storage of widget instances. Fixes #8801 - Widget: Remove data fallbacks for widget names. ([#8801](, [d44557f](
* Widget: Removed use of metadata. Fixes #7192 - Widget: Remove use of metadata. ([#7192](, [7678b90](
* Widget: Removed widgetBaseClass property. Fixes #8155 - Widget: Remove widgetBaseClass property. ([#8155](, [cb030cb](
* Widget: Suppress disabled check when binding destroy to the remove event. Fixes #8769 - Widget: ui-state-disabled blocks destroy to be triggered on remove. ([#8769](, [1cdeecc](
id component summary
4672 ui.accordion Accordion: ability to add/remove panels
5868 ui.accordion Accordion: Remove clearStyle option
5870 ui.accordion Accordion: Remove navigation options
5872 ui.accordion Accordion: Remove autoHeight and fillSpace options
6835 ui.accordion Accordion: Remove icons.headerSelected
6837 ui.accordion Accordion: Remove the activate method
6839 ui.accordion Accordion: Remove resize method
6841 ui.accordion Accordion: Remove changestart event
6843 ui.accordion Accordion: Remove change event
6853 ui.accordion Accordion: Remove support for non-number/falsey values for active option
8601 ui.accordion Accordion: Remove animated option
8156 ui.autocomplete Autocomplete: Remove data fallbacks
8858 ui.autocomplete Autocomplete: Fails when appendTo is detached from the DOM
8859 ui.autocomplete Autocomplete: XSS in combobox demo
5253 ui.button Toolbar demo ugly in IE
5518 ui.button Button: Incorrect state after double click in Firefox
7505 ui.button Button: Buttonset not applied to radio group with quotation/apostrophe in name
7996 ui.button Button: Inconsistent styling based on markup
8559 ui.button Button: Button doesn't remove active state when using keyboard.
8891 ui.core Remove $.ui.isOver() and $.ui.isOverAxis()
8902 ui.core Remove $.ui.contains
5659 ui.css-framework CSS Framework: Don't show icon when only ui-icon class is present
7975 ui.css-framework Remove invalid CSS for legacy browsers
8834 ui.css-framework Theme: Remove unneeded vendor prefixing
5679 ui.datepicker Datepicker should reinitialize if dpDiv is removed
7362 ui.datepicker Datepicker allows changing year to something outside yearRange
8787 ui.datepicker Datepicker: Add Kyrgyz localization
8883 ui.datepicker Datepicker: Changing disabled option doesn't work
8885 ui.datepicker Datepicker: Add Belarusian locale
8886 ui.datepicker Datepicker: Add Norwegian Bokmål (nb) and Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) locales
8917 ui.datepicker Datepicker: Add Canadian French locale
3534 ui.dialog Dialog: Modal dialog disables all input elements on page.
3768 ui.dialog Dialog: contain focus within dialog
4575 ui.dialog Dialog: Scrollbar is difficult to use with overflow content and resize handle
4671 ui.dialog Dialog: Modal Dialog disables vertical scroll bar in Chrome & Safari
4727 ui.dialog Dialog: CKEditor in Modal Dialog is not editable
4731 ui.dialog Dialog: Add option to set which element gains focus on open
4820 ui.dialog Dialog: Auto height does not respect the maxHeight option.
4892 ui.dialog Dialog: zIndex error with animated modal dialog
4995 ui.dialog Dialog: Modal Dialog's overlay dissapears in IE when content is tall.
5388 ui.dialog Dialog: Don't change z-index when already at the top
5466 ui.dialog "Dialog: ""modal"" Dialog Incorrectly Cancels Input Events"
5559 ui.dialog Dialog: Content grows bigger than widget on resize at document edge
5762 ui.dialog Dialog: Get rid of z-index workaround, document it instead
5860 ui.dialog Dialog: Destroying a dialog during animated close leaves .ui-effects-wrapper in DOM
6016 ui.dialog Dialog: Title XSS Vulnerability
6058 ui.dialog Dialog overlays are not properly reused when multiple instances of a Dialog exist
6267 ui.dialog Dialog: checkboxes that inherit a z-index < jqueryui.dialog z-index don't work
6830 ui.dialog Allow Icons to be specified for Dialog buttons
6899 ui.dialog Dialog: show: true and buttons break the layout
7051 ui.dialog Dialog: modal prevents tab key from moving focus off slider handle
7063 ui.dialog Dialog: Buttons in background still working even when an active modal dialog is in open state
7107 ui.dialog Dialog: Modal dialog event loss with high zindex child elements (FF 3.6)
7120 ui.dialog Dialog: Modal operation interrupts drag drop marker functionality on gmaps
7773 ui.dialog Dialog: If titlebar changes height during resize, button pane positioning changes
7861 ui.dialog Dialog: default accessibility
7862 ui.dialog Dialog: modal accessibility
7948 ui.dialog Dialog: Allow dialog to be attached to a element other than body.
7960 ui.dialog Dialog: Modal dialogs do not disable resizables on the page
8119 ui.dialog Dialog: Destroying a dialog leaves some styles changed
8172 ui.dialog Dialog: Change event cancelled when opening modal dialog from another modal dialog
8351 ui.dialog Dialog problem on Firefox when creating dynamic element
8508 ui.dialog Dialog: Position changes on first resize
8583 ui.dialog Dialog: Mouse event wrongly stopped
8722 ui.dialog Dialog: Remove stack option
8729 ui.dialog Dialog: Remove zIndex option
8730 ui.dialog Dialog: Restore focus to opener
8789 ui.dialog Dialog doesnot close for first click on chrome.
8824 ui.dialog Dialog: Deprecate array and string notation for position option
8838 ui.dialog Dialog: Close icon does not work in dialog larger than the window in IE
8963 ui.dialog Dialog: focus close button and closing dialog with Jaws 13.0.1006 64bit
8757 ui.draggable Draggable: Resizable handle with inner element does not work, when its also draggable
7115 ui.effects.core Effects: Remove support for effects in $.effects[]
7612 ui.effects.core Calling stop(true, true) on an effect will change absolute positioning from the affected element
8860 ui.effects.core Effects: Class animation has broken noConflict support
8914 ui.effects.core Effects: odd behaviour of css hook when setting backgroundColor to transparent in IE7/8
8866 Menu: select event not firing due to mouseHandled flag reset bug
8927 Menu: Can't change icons option after init
6982 ui.position Position: Remove offset option
7624 ui.progressbar Progressbar: Support value: false for indeterminate progressbar
3815 ui.resizable Resizable: absolutely positioned element inside scrollable element is repositioned when resized
4603 ui.resizable Resizable: alsoResize option doesn't work with containment
5545 ui.resizable Resizable: Callbacks ignore the grid
5817 ui.resizable Resizable: resize event reports unconstrained ui.size when using aspectRatio
7605 ui.resizable Resizable: Plugin sets width and height when only one is changing
8756 ui.resizable Resizable: Complex markup for handles
8915 ui.selectable Selectable: lasso offset issue with scrolling
3467 ui.slider Sliders Handles can overlap, only small sliver of slider is selectable
6727 ui.slider Slider: Visual issues with disabled slider in IE8
8772 ui.slider Slider: Incorrect UI state when disabled at init
8892 ui.slider Slider: Multiple Sliders have Conflict with options.values
8901 ui.spinner Spinner does not fire start/spin/stop events when calling stepUp()/Down(), pageUp()/Down() methods
8926 ui.spinner Spinner: Can't change icons option after init
8950 ui.spinner Spinner: value can't be seen in dark themes
7147 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove ajaxOptions and cache options
7148 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove url method
7149 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove use of title attribute
7150 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove abort method
7151 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove spinner option
7152 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove selected option
7154 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove select event
7155 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove show event
7156 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove select method
7157 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove templating (idPrefix, tabTemplate, panelTemplate options)
7158 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove add and remove methods
7160 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove enable and disable events
7161 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove length method
7162 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove cookie option
7847 ui.tabs Tabs: simple manipulation accessibility
8320 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove fx option
8731 ui.tabs Tabs: Remove back-compat for load event
8836 ui.tabs Tabs: Height overflows parent with heightStyle: 'fill'
8877 ui.tabs Tabs: isLocal function issue in Safari 5.1.7
8861 ui.tooltip Tooltip: XSS vulnerability in default content
8920 ui.tooltip Tooltip potential setinterval endless loop
8955 ui.tooltip Tooltip: error when parent element has no title attribute using jQuery <1.7
7192 ui.widget Widget: Remove use of metadata
8155 ui.widget Widget: Remove widgetBaseClass property
8801 ui.widget Widget: Remove data fallbacks for widget names.
8876 ui.widget Calling _super calls wrong inherited widget
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