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Created April 23, 2013 00:47
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Liu et al. "Metric Learning from Relative Comparisons by Minimizing Squared Residual". ICDM 2012.
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as LA
def comparison_loss(metric, comparisons):
loss = 0.
for weight, xa, xb, xc, xd in comparisons:
vab = xa - xb
vcd = xc - xd
dab =,, vab))
dcd =,, vcd))
if dab > dcd:
loss += weight * (np.sqrt(dab) - np.sqrt(dcd))**2
return loss
def regularization_loss(metric, prior_inv):
return np.trace(, prior_inv)) - np.log(LA.det(metric))
def total_loss(metric, prior_inv, comparisons):
return comparison_loss(metric, comparisons) + regularization_loss(metric, prior_inv)
def gradient(metric, prior_inv, comparisons):
dMetric = prior_inv - LA.inv(metric)
for weight, xa, xb, xc, xd in comparisons:
vab = xa - xb
vcd = xc - xd
dab =,, vab))
dcd =,, vcd))
if dab <= dcd:
continue # comparison already satisfied.
dMetric += (1-np.sqrt(dcd/dab))*np.outer(vab, vab) + (1-np.sqrt(dab/dcd))*np.outer(vcd, vcd)
return dMetric
def lsml(prior, comparisons, tol=1e-3, max_iter=1000):
prior_inv = LA.inv(prior)
metric = prior.copy()
it = 0
s_best = total_loss(metric, prior_inv, comparisons)
print 'initial loss', s_best
while True:
if it > max_iter:
grad = gradient(metric, prior_inv, comparisons)
grad_norm = LA.norm(grad)
if grad_norm < tol:
print 'gradient norm', grad_norm
M_best = None
for step_size in np.logspace(-10, 0, 10):
step_size /= grad_norm
new_metric = metric - step_size * grad
# spectral decomposition
w, v = LA.eigh(new_metric)
#if np.any(w < 0):
# print 'for step_size', step_size, 'some eigs neg'
new_metric =,, 0)), v.T))
assert new_metric.ndim == 2
cur_s = total_loss(new_metric, prior_inv, comparisons)
if cur_s < s_best:
l_best = step_size
s_best = cur_s
M_best = new_metric
it += 1
print 'iter', it, 'cost', s_best, 'best step', l_best * grad_norm
if M_best is None:
metric = M_best
return metric
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