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Created July 29, 2020 21:30
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Author: Kevin Joyce
Requirements: Active Directory PowerShell module, Domain Administrator privileges (to ensure the capability to get attribute GUIDs and view all permissions on all gMSA objects)
Description: Looks up permissions within Active Directory on a gMSA to determine access to modify the gMSA attribute (ms-ds-GroupMSAMembership).
Usage: opuplate the $target varbiable with the samaccountname of a gMSA.
To output the results to a text file run the following .\gMSA_Permissions_Collection.ps1 > output.txt
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
##Get the GUID of the extended attribute ms-ds-GroupMSAMembership from Schema
$schemaIDGUID = @{}
Get-ADObject -SearchBase (Get-ADRootDSE).schemaNamingContext -LDAPFilter '(name=ms-ds-GroupMSAMembership)' -Properties name, schemaIDGUID |
ForEach-Object {$schemaIDGUID.add([System.GUID]$_.schemaIDGUID,$}
Declare the samaccountname of the gMSA to search for#>
$target = 'gmsa'
##Get distinguished name of all gMSAs objects from the OU
$gMSAs = Get-ADServiceAccount -identity $target
<#Get objects that have specific permissions on the target(s):
Full Control(GenericAll)
Write all Properties (WriteProperty where ObjectType = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Set-Location ad:
foreach ($gmsa in $gMSAs){
(Get-Acl $gmsa.distinguishedname).access |
Where-Object { (($_.AccessControlType -eq 'Allow') -and ($_.activedirectoryrights -in ('GenericAll') -and $_.inheritancetype -in ('All', 'None')) -or (($_.activedirectoryrights -like '*WriteProperty*') -and ($_.objecttype -eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')))} |
ft ([string]$,identityreference, activedirectoryrights, objecttype, isinherited -autosize
<#Get objects that have specific permissions on the target(s) and specifically the gMSA attribute:
Set-Location ad:
foreach ($gmsa in $gMSAs){
(Get-Acl $gmsa.distinguishedname).access |
Where-Object {(($_.AccessControlType -eq 'Allow') -and (($_.activedirectoryrights -like '*WriteProperty*') -and ($_.objecttype -in $schemaIDGUID.Keys)))} |
ft ([string]$,identityreference, activedirectoryrights, objecttype, isinherited -AutoSize
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