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Created July 18, 2012 22:30
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Save keenahn/3139373 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create a youtube iframe using jQuery
jQuery ->
window.youtube_iframe = (video_id, args) ->
default_options = {
width: 853
height: 480
autoplay: 0
rel: 0
class: "youtube-video"
frameborder: "0"
allowfullscreen: true
options = $.extend(false, default_options, args)
options.src = "" + video_id + "?rel=" + options.rel + "&autoplay=" + options.autoplay
ret = $(document.createElement "iframe")
ret.attr options
return ret
Copy link

keenahn commented Jul 18, 2012

Return value is ready to be appended or prepended to your jQuery objects.

Copy link

keenahn commented Jul 18, 2012

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