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Last active April 11, 2018 13:55
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n98-magerun Commands
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n98-magerun version 1.101.1 by netz98 GmbH
command [options] [arguments]
-h, --help Display this help message
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
--root-dir[=ROOT-DIR] Force magento root dir. No auto detection
--skip-config Do not load any custom config.
--skip-root-check Do not check if n98-magerun runs as root
--developer-mode Instantiate Magento in Developer Mode
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Available commands:
help Displays help for a command
install Install magento
list Lists commands
mysql-client Opens mysql client by database config from local.xml
open-browser Open current project in browser (experimental)
script Runs multiple n98-magerun commands
self-update Updates n98-magerun.phar to the latest version.
selfupdate Updates n98-magerun.phar to the latest version.
shell Runs n98-magerun as shell
uninstall Uninstall magento (drops database and empties current folder or folder set via installationFolder)
admin:notifications Toggles admin notifications
admin:user:change-password Changes the password of a adminhtml user.
admin:user:change-status Set active status of an adminhtml user. If no option is set the status will be toggled.
admin:user:create Create admin user.
admin:user:delete Delete the account of a adminhtml user.
admin:user:list List admin users.
cache:clean Clean magento cache
cache:dir:flush Flush (empty) Magento cache directory
cache:disable Disables magento caches
cache:enable Enables magento caches
cache:flush Flush magento cache storage
cache:list Lists all magento caches
cache:report View inside the cache
cache:view Prints a cache entry
category:create:dummy Create a dummy category
cms:block:list List all cms blocks
cms:block:toggle Toggle a cms block
composer:diagnose Diagnoses the system to identify common errors.
composer:init Creates a basic composer.json file in current directory.
composer:install Installs the project dependencies from the composer.lock file if present, or falls back on the composer.json.
composer:require Adds required packages to your composer.json and installs them
composer:search Search for packages
composer:update Updates your dependencies to the latest version according to composer.json, and updates the composer.lock file.
composer:validate Validates a composer.json and composer.lock
config:delete Deletes a store config item
config:dump Dump merged xml config
config:get Get a core config item
config:search Search system configuration descriptions.
config:set Set a core config item
customer:change-password Changes the password of a customer.
customer:create Creates a new customer/user for shop frontend.
customer:create:dummy Generate dummy customers. You can specify a count and a locale.
customer:delete Delete Customer/s
customer:info Loads basic customer info by email address.
customer:list Lists customers
db:console Opens mysql client by database config from local.xml
db:create Create currently configured database
db:drop Drop current database
db:dump Dumps database with mysqldump cli client
db:import Imports database with mysql cli client according to database defined in local.xml
db:info Dumps database informations
db:maintain:check-tables Check database tables
db:query Executes an SQL query on the database defined in local.xml
db:status Shows important server status information or custom selected status values
db:variables Shows important variables or custom selected
design:demo-notice Toggles demo store notice for a store view
dev:class:lookup Resolves a grouped class name
dev:code:model:method Code annotations: Reads the columns from a table and writes the getter and setter methods into the class file for @methods.
dev:console Opens PHP interactive shell with initialized Mage::app() (Experimental)
dev:email-template:usage Display database transactional email template usage
dev:ide:phpstorm:meta Generates meta data file for PhpStorm auto completion (default version : 2016.2+)
dev:log Toggle development log (system.log, exception.log)
dev:log:db Turn on/off database query logging
dev:log:size Get size of log file
dev:merge-css Toggles CSS Merging
dev:merge-js Toggles JS Merging
dev:module:create Create and register a new magento module.
dev:module:dependencies:from Show list of modules which depend on %s module
dev:module:dependencies:on Show list of modules which given module depends on
dev:module:disable Disable a module or all modules in codePool
dev:module:enable Enable a module or all modules in codePool
dev:module:list List all installed modules
dev:module:observer:list Lists all registered observers
dev:module:rewrite:conflicts Lists all magento rewrite conflicts
dev:module:rewrite:list Lists all magento rewrites
dev:module:update Update a Magento module.
dev:profiler Toggles profiler for debugging
dev:report:count Get count of report files
dev:setup:script:attribute Creates attribute script for a given attribute code
dev:symlinks Toggle allow symlinks setting
dev:template-hints Toggles template hints
dev:template-hints-blocks Toggles template hints block names
dev:theme:duplicates Find duplicate files (templates, layout, locale, etc.) between two themes.
dev:theme:info Displays settings of current design on particular store view
dev:theme:list Lists all available themes
dev:translate:admin Toggle inline translation tool for admin
dev:translate:export Export inline translations
dev:translate:set Adds a translation to core_translate table. Globally for locale
dev:translate:shop Toggle inline translation tool for shop
eav:attribute:create-dummy-values Create a dummy values for dropdown attributes
eav:attribute:list Lists all EAV attributes
eav:attribute:remove Removes attribute for a given attribute code
eav:attribute:view View informations about an EAV attribute
extension:download Download magento-connect package
extension:install Install magento-connect package
extension:list List magento connection extensions
extension:search List magento connection extensions
extension:upgrade Upgrade magento-connect package
extension:validate Reads Magento Connect Config, and checks that installed package files are really there
index:list Lists all magento indexes
index:list:mview Lists all magento mview indexes
index:reindex Reindex a magento index by code
index:reindex:all Reindex all magento indexes
index:reindex:mview Reindex a magento index by code using the materialised view functionality
local-config:generate Generates local.xml config
media:cache:image:clear Clears image cache
media:cache:jscss:clear Clears JS/CSS cache
media:dump Creates an archive with content of media folder.
script:repo:list Lists all scripts in repository
script:repo:run Run script from repository
sys:check Checks Magento System
sys:cron:history Last executed cronjobs with status.
sys:cron:list Lists all cronjobs
sys:cron:run Runs a cronjob by job code
sys:info Prints infos about the current magento system.
sys:maintenance Toggles maintenance mode.
sys:modules:list List all installed modules
sys:setup:change-version Change module setup resource version
sys:setup:compare-versions Compare module version with core_resource table.
sys:setup:incremental List new setup scripts to run, then runs one script
sys:setup:remove Remove module setup resource entry
sys:setup:run Runs all new setup scripts.
sys:store:config:base-url:list Lists all base urls
sys:store:list Lists all installed store-views
sys:url:list Get all urls.
sys:website:list Lists all websites
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