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Last active June 28, 2019 15:51
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let (=>) left right = print_char (if left = right then '.' else 'F')
module Env = struct
include Set.Make (String)
let to_list t = fold List.cons t []
type id = string
type t =
| Var of id
| Const of int
| Apply of t * t
| Function of id * t
| Let of id * t * t
| If of t * t * t
| Sequence of t * t
(*type 'a t =
| Var of id
| Const of int
| Apply of 'a * 'a
| Function of id * 'a
| Let of id * 'a * 'a
| If of 'a * 'a * 'a
| Sequence of 'a * 'a*)
[@@deriving map, fold]
let map f = function
| Var _ | Const _ as t -> t
| Apply (t1, t2) -> Apply (f t1, f t2)
| Function (id, t) -> Function (id, f t)
| Let (id, t1, t2) -> Let (id, f t1, f t2)
| If (t1, t2, t3) -> If (f t1, f t2, f t3)
| Sequence (t1, t2) -> Sequence (f t1, f t2)
(*let rec fold_right ~init ~f = function
| Var _ | Const _ -> init
| Apply (t1, t2) -> f t1 t2
| Function (_, t) -> t
| Let (_, t1, t2) -> f t1 t2
| If (t1, t2, t3) -> f t1 (f t2 t3)
| Sequence (t1, t2) -> f t1 t2*)
(* ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b btree -> 'a *)
let rec fold f init = function
| Var _ | Const _ -> init
| Apply (t1, t2) -> f (f init t1) t2
| Function (_, t) -> f init t
| Let (_, t1, t2) -> f (f init t1) t2
| If (t1, t2, t3) -> f (f (f init t1) t2) t3
| Sequence (t1, t2) -> f (f init t1) t2
let rec fold_right ~init ~f = function
| Var _ | Const _ -> init
| Apply (t1, t2) -> f t1 (f t2 init)
| Function (_, t) -> f t init
| Let (_, t1, t2) -> f t1 (f t2 init)
| If (t1, t2, t3) -> f t1 (f t2 (f t3 init))
| Sequence (t1, t2) -> f t1 (f t2 init)
let (%) left right = Sequence (left, right)
let rec cata f t = f (map (cata f) t)
module With_map = struct
let rec pass = function
| If (Const 0, _, t) -> pass t
| If (Const 1, t, _) -> pass t
| other -> map pass other
module With_map_wrong = struct
let rec pass = map @@ function
| If (Const 0, _, t) -> t
| If (Const 1, t, _) -> t
| other -> other
module With_cata = struct
let pass = cata @@ function
| If (Const 0, _, t) -> t
| If (Const 1, t, _) -> t
| other -> other
module With_cata_wrong = struct
let rec pass = function
| If (Const 0, _, t) -> t
| If (Const 1, t, _) -> t
| other -> cata pass other
module Test = struct
let input =
If (Const 0, Var "dead",
Sequence (Var "live",
If (Const 1, Var "live", Var "dead"))) in
let expected = Sequence (Var "live", Var "live") in
With_map.pass input => expected;
(* With_map_wrong.pass input => expected; *)
With_cata.pass input => expected;
(* With_cata_wrong.pass input => expected; *)
let rec free = function
| Var id -> Env.singleton id
| Const _ -> Env.empty
| Apply (f, x) -> Env.union (free f) (free x)
| Function (id, t) -> Env.remove id (free t)
| Let (id, term, body) ->
Env.union (free term) (Env.remove id (free body))
| If (cond, cons, alt) ->
Env.union (free cond) (Env.union (free cons) (free alt))
| Sequence (left, right) ->
Env.union (free left) (free right)
(*let free' = cata @@ function
| Var id -> Env.singleton id
| Function (id, t) -> Env.remove id t
| Let (id, term, body) -> Env.union term (Env.remove id body)
| other -> fold_right ~init:Env.empty ~f:Env.union other*)
module Free_with_map = struct
let rec pass = function
| Var id -> Env.singleton id
| Function (id, t) -> Env.remove id (pass t)
| Let (id, term, body) -> Env.union (pass term) (Env.remove id (pass body))
| other ->
fold (fun env t -> Env.union (pass t) env) Env.empty other
module Test_free = struct
let input =
Var "x" %
Let ("x", Const 0,
Let ("a", Const 0,
Var "a" %
Let ("b", Var "a",
Let ("y", Var "y",
Let ("z", Const 0, Const 0) %
Var "a" % Var "b" % Var "z")))) in
Env.to_list (free input) => ["z"; "y"; "x"];
(*Env.to_list (free' input) => ["z"; "y"; "x"];*)
Env.to_list (Free_with_map.pass input) => ["z"; "y"; "x"];
let () = print_endline "."
let rec fold ~nil ~cons = function
| Var _id -> nil
| Const _ -> nil
| Apply (f, x) -> cons (fold ~nil ~cons f) (fold ~nil ~cons x)
| Function (id, t) -> (fold ~nil ~cons t)
| Let (_id, term, body) ->
cons (fold ~nil ~cons term) (fold ~nil ~cons body)
| If (condition, consequence, alternative) ->
cons (fold ~nil ~cons condition)
(cons (fold ~nil ~cons consequence) (fold ~nil ~cons alternative))
| Sequence (left, right) ->
cons (fold ~nil ~cons left) (fold ~nil ~cons right)*)
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