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Last active September 22, 2019 21:39
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open Printf
module type GENERIC = sig
type t
val constructor : string -> int -> t list -> t
val string : string -> t
val int : int -> t
module Json_string = struct
type t = string
let constructor name _ = function
| [] -> sprintf "%S" name
| payload ->
sprintf "{%S: [%s]}" name (String.concat ", " payload)
let string = sprintf "%S"
let int = sprintf "%d"
module Show = struct
type t = string
let constructor name _ = function
| [] -> name
| payload ->
sprintf "%s (%s)" name (String.concat ", " payload)
let string = sprintf "%S"
let int = sprintf "%d"
type t =
| Bar
| Baz of string * t
[@@deriving Generic]
module Generic (X: GENERIC) = struct
let rec run = function
| Bar -> X.constructor "Bar" 0 []
| Baz (_1, _2) -> X.constructor "Baz" 1 [X.string _1; run _2]
module Test = struct
let (=>) left right = if left = right then printf "." else printf "F" in
let module M = Generic (Json_string) in Bar => {|"Bar"|}; (Baz ("hai", Bar)) => {|{"Baz": ["hai", "Bar"]}|};
let module M = Generic (Show) in Bar => "Bar"; (Baz ("hai", Bar)) => {|Baz ("hai", Bar)|};
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