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Created April 4, 2018 19:21
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(* *)
open Printf
let (=>) left right = printf "%c" (if left = right then '.' else 'F')
let print_list list = printf "[%s]" (String.concat "; " list)
let sprint_list list = sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat "; " list)
module Cat = struct
type 'a t =
| List of 'a list
| Append of 'a t * 'a t
let of_list l = List l
let append t1 t2 = Append (t1, t2)
let rec find predicate = function
| List l -> List.find_opt predicate l
| Append (left, right) ->
match find predicate left with
| None -> find predicate right
| result -> result
let rec head = find (fun _ -> true)
let rec fold_right f a = function
| List l -> List.fold_right f l a
| Append (t1, t2) -> fold_right f (fold_right f a t2) t1
let to_list = fold_right List.cons []
let map_to_list f = fold_right (fun head tail -> f head :: tail) []
let filter_to_list predicate =
fold_right (fun head tail ->
if predicate head then head :: tail else tail) []
let rec fold ~list ~append = function
| List l -> list l
| Append (t1, t2) ->
let left = fold t1 ~list ~append in
let right = fold t2 ~list ~append in
append left right
let length = fold ~list:List.length ~append:(+)
let iter f = fold ~list:(List.iter f) ~append:(fun _ _ -> ())
let map f = fold ~list:(fun l -> List ( f l)) ~append
let filter predicate =
fold ~list:(fun l -> List (List.filter predicate l)) ~append
let map f t = List (map_to_list f t)
let filter predicate t = List (filter_to_list predicate t)
let (@) = Cat.append
let xy = Cat.of_list ["x"; "y"]
let ab = Cat.of_list ["a"; "b"]
let abxy = Cat.append ab xy
let abab = Cat.append ab ab
let abxyabxy = Cat.append abxy abxy
let abababxy = Cat.append abab abxy
let ab = Cat.of_list ["a"; "b"]
let cd = Cat.of_list ["c"; "d"]
let ef = Cat.of_list ["e"; "f"]
let gh = Cat.of_list ["g"; "h"]
let abcdefgh = (ab @ cd) @ (ef @ gh)
module Test = struct
Cat.to_list abxyabxy => ["a"; "b"; "x"; "y"; "a"; "b"; "x"; "y"];
Cat.map_to_list String.uppercase_ascii abxyabxy
=> ["A"; "B"; "X"; "Y"; "A"; "B"; "X"; "Y"];
Cat.length abxyabxy => 8;
Cat.find ((<) "f") abcdefgh => Some "g";
Cat.head abcdefgh => Some "a";
open StdLabels
module Slice = struct
type t = {string: string; index: int; length: int}
let of_string string = {string; index=0; length=String.length string}
let slice t ~start ~length =
assert (start >= 0 && length >= 0);
assert (start + length <= t.length);
let index = t.index + start in
{t with index; length}
let divide t =
let middle = t.length / 2 in
let left = {t with length=middle} in
let right = {t with index=t.index + middle; length=t.length - middle} in
left, right
let to_string {string; index; length} =
String.sub string ~pos:index ~len:length
module Test = struct
let s = of_string "foo bar baz qux" in
slice s ~start:4 ~length:0 |> to_string => "";
slice s ~start:4 ~length:7 |> to_string => "bar baz";
slice s ~start:0 ~length:15 |> to_string => "foo bar baz qux";
let left, right = divide s in
left |> to_string => "foo bar";
right |> to_string => " baz qux";
module Words = struct
let conquer slice =
let rec divide_and_conquer slice =
if slice.length < 10 then
conquer slice
let left, right = Slice.divide slice in
Cat.append (divide_and_conquer left) (divide_and_conquer right)
let parse string =
let slice = Slice.of_string string in
let cat = divide_and_conquer slice in
Cat.to_list cat
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