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Created May 1, 2018 23:51
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Blizzard Colors

Blizzard Colors

A Blizzard Themed 16 Color Ansi Palette


When possible it's always better to use the hex code, or set your ansi terminal colors and use those instead of using the 256 color approximations.

Ansi Number XTerm 256 Number Color Name Hex Lore
0 233 black #151515 #151515 The Black Soulstone
1 124 red #c21e1e #c21e1e For the Horde
2 70 green #519b2e #519b2e Ysera
3 172 yellow #ea7b00 #ea7b00 Pepe
4 31 blue #007dbf #007dbf For the Alliance
5 91 magenta #862ea4 #862ea4 Queen of Blades
6 37 cyan #0fb2a5 #0fb2a5 Symmetra
7 69 white #686868 #686868 Greymane
8 235 bright black #2a2a2a #2a2a2a Reaper
9 196 bright red #ff2e2e #ff2e2e Lord of Terror
10 113 bright green #8cda38 #8cda38 Legion
11 220 bright yellow #ffc70e #ffc70e Overwatch
12 39 bright blue #00aeef #00aeef Psi-Blade
13 205 bright magenta #ee4bb5 #ee4bb5 D.Va
14 86 bright cyan #4bf3e6 #4bf3e6 Tyrande
15 231 bright white #f6f6f6 #f6f6f6 Crusader
" Vim color file - Blizzard
" Maintainer: Christopher Giroir <>
" Last Change:
" URL:
" cool help screens
" :he group-name
" :he highlight-groups
" :he cterm-colors
" your pick:
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name="blizzard"
if has("gui_running")
set background=dark
" Color Variables
let s:colors = {
\ 'black': { 'ansi':0, 'hex':'#151515' },
\ 'red': { 'ansi':1, 'hex':'#c21e1e' },
\ 'green': { 'ansi':2, 'hex':'#519b2e' },
\ 'yellow': { 'ansi':3, 'hex':'#ea7b00' },
\ 'blue': { 'ansi':4, 'hex':'#007dbf' },
\ 'magenta': { 'ansi':5, 'hex':'#862ea4' },
\ 'cyan': { 'ansi':6, 'hex':'#0fb2a5' },
\ 'white': { 'ansi':7, 'hex':'#686868' },
\ 'brightBlack': { 'ansi':8, 'hex':'#2a2a2a' },
\ 'brightRed': { 'ansi':9, 'hex':'#ff2e2e' },
\ 'brightGreen': { 'ansi':10, 'hex':'#8cda38' },
\ 'brightYellow': { 'ansi':11, 'hex':'#ffc70e' },
\ 'brightBlue': { 'ansi':12, 'hex':'#00aeef' },
\ 'brightMagenta': { 'ansi':13, 'hex':'#ee4bb5' },
\ 'brightCyan': { 'ansi':14, 'hex':'#4bf3e6' },
\ 'brightWhite': { 'ansi':15, 'hex':'#f6f6f6' } }
function! s:hi(group, values)
let l:command = 'hi ' . a:group
if has_key(a:values, 'term')
let l:command .= ' term=' . a:values.term
let l:command .= ' cterm=' . a:values.term
let l:command .= ' gui=' . a:values.term
if has_key(a:values, 'fg')
let l:command .= ' ctermfg=' . s:colors[a:values.fg].ansi
let l:command .= ' guifg=' . s:colors[a:values.fg].hex
if has_key(a:values, 'bg')
let l:command .= ' ctermbg=' . s:colors[].ansi
let l:command .= ' guibg=' . s:colors[].hex
if has_key(a:values, 'sp')
let l:command .= ' guisp=' . s:colors[a:values.sp].hex
execute l:command
function! s:onlyUnderline(group, color)
execute 'hi ' . a:group . ' term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline ctermfg=' . s:colors[a:color].ansi . ' guisp=' . s:colors[a:color].hex . ' ctermbg=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE'
" hi Normal ctermbg=0 ctermfg=15 guibg=#151515 guifg=#f6f6f6
call s:hi('Normal', {'bg':'black','fg':'brightWhite'})
"hi Cursor
"hi CursorIM
call s:hi('CursorLineNr', {'fg':'brightYellow'})
call s:hi('Directory', {'fg':'brightBlue'})
call s:hi('DiffAdd', {'bg':'brightBlack'})
call s:hi('DiffChange', {'bg':'brightBlack'})
call s:hi('DiffDelete', {'fg':'red','bg':'brightBlack'})
call s:hi('DiffText', {'term':'none','bg':'brightBlack'})
call s:hi('EndOfBuffer', {'fg':'blue'})
call s:hi('ErrorMsg', {'fg':'brightRed'})
call s:hi('VertSplit', {'term':'NONE','fg':'brightBlack','bg':'black'})
call s:hi('Folded', {'fg':'blue','bg':'brightBlack'})
call s:hi('FoldColumn', {'fg':'blue','bg':'brightBlack'})
call s:hi('IncSearch', {'term':'underline','fg':'yellow','sp':'yellow','bg':'brightBlack'})
call s:hi('LineNr', {'fg':'brightBlack'})
"hi ModeMsg
"hi MoreMsg
"hi NonText
call s:hi('NonText', {'fg':'blue','bg':'brightBlack'})
"hi Question
call s:onlyUnderline('Search', 'yellow')
"hi SpecialKey
call s:hi('StatusLine', {'term':'NONE','fg':'brightWhite','bg':'brightBlack'})
call s:hi('StatusLineNC', {'fg':'brightBlack','bg':'brightBlack'})
"hi Title
call s:hi('Visual', {'bg':'brightBlack'})
"hi VisualNOS
"hi WarningMsg
call s:hi('WildMenu', {'fg':'brightYellow','bg':'brightBlack'})
"hi Menu
"hi Scrollbar
"hi Tooltip
" Base Syntax Groups
call s:hi('Comment',{'fg':'white'})
call s:hi('Constant',{'fg':'brightYellow'})
call s:hi('Identifier',{'fg':'brightBlue'})
call s:hi('Statement',{'fg':'yellow'})
call s:hi('PreProc',{'fg':'brightMagenta'})
call s:hi('Type',{'fg':'blue'})
call s:hi('Special',{'fg':'brightGreen'})
call s:onlyUnderline('Underlined','brightWhite')
call s:hi('Ignore',{'fg':'white'})
call s:hi('Error',{'term':'underline','fg':'brightRed','bg':'black'})
"hi Todo
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