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Last active August 13, 2017 20:19
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Manage Repository
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Xholon Workbook MIT License, Copyright (C) Ken Webb, Sun Aug 13 2017 16:18:30 GMT-0400 (EDT)-->
Title: Manage Repository
InternalName: 0ff625364c7c624cc20de50b066e90d8
My Notes
August 10, 2017
Peter put together a tentative design for a system called "Manage Repository".
David sent me Peter's diagrams for that system.
I will try to capture these diagrams as a Xholon model.
This workbook is NOT intended to be a complete implementation of the contents of Peter's diagrams. It's just a test.
Peter prepared two types of diagrams:
- 1 overall "arrangement" diagram (AD), with triangles [1 "Another way to see it" and "Example: composition of networks" slides]
- 16 data flow diagrams (DFDs)
- there is one DFD per triangle on the AD
My thoughts on the arrangement diagram:
- each triangle is an arrangement of the inputs to make the single output
- it's a tree structure with "Manage Repository" as the root node
- but it's more than just a tree
- it always specifies how the child nodes at any level are arranged
- I'm not sure what features can make up an arrangement
- perhaps the DFDs are building blocks, and the AD is a building instruction ?
- and each DFD is also a building instruction that contains its own building blocks (data stores, processes)
- in ROOM/OT/eTrice the AR and DFDs are ActorClasses that contain ActorRefs
- the names in ellipses on Peter's AR, are the names of the objects in an operad ?
- the name of the arrangement is the same as its single output
- the best way to view the diagram is to rotate it counter-clockwise 90°, so it looks like a tree with the root at the top
My notes on the "Another way to see it" slide:
- an arrangement combines/composes thhings; it's bottom-up
- somewhere else Spivak wrote about the need to think in terms of composition rather than decomposition
- "arrangement" is related to Bigraph (place graph + link graphs), and "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" (it also includes the link graphs)
My notes on the "Example: composition of networks" slide"
- the structure becomes flattened
- Y1 and Y2 are no longer visible
- use the Xholon DfdEntity mechanism
- possibly put all data stores inside a DfdContainer DfdDataStores
- multiple processes access the same data stores; these are likely to be stored in some sort of database that resides outside the process
- some data stores may be obviously local, and can be contained within a process
- perhaps specify each of the 16 DFDs in its own Xholon Composite Structure Hierarchy (CSH)
- at run time, move these into the overall arrangement diagram; move the building blocks into the building instructions
- instead of using xi:include
- a Xholon behavior node will do this
- it will replace each ActorRef in the outermost Arrangement diagram, with the contents of the DfdProcess that has the same name
-- similar to what I have done with my various implementations of the E2 model that was in the Matriarch paper
- Arrangement ≡ DfdProcess ≡ building instruction ≡ ActorClass ≡ holon
- building block ≡ ActorRef ≡ reference to a holon where the intent is to compose all the holons as a single hierarchical structure at run-time
- design-time top-down decomposition -> run-time bottom-up composition
Graphviz export:
$wnd.xh.xport("Graphviz", $wnd.xh.root().parent().xpath("Chameleon/PhysicalSystem"), '{"gvFileExt":".gv","gvGraph":"digraph","layout":"dot","edgeOp":"->","gvCluster":"cluster","shouldShowStateMachineEntities":false,"filter":"--Behavior,Script","nameTemplateNodeId":"^^^^i^","nameTemplateNodeLabel":"R^^^^^","shouldQuoteLabels":true,"shouldShowLinks":true,"shouldShowLinkLabels":false,"shouldSpecifyLayout":false,"maxLabelLen":-1,"shouldColor":true,"defaultColor":"#f0f8ff","shouldSpecifyShape":true,"shape":"box","shouldSpecifySize":true,"size":"30","shouldSpecifyFontname":true,"fontname":"\"Courier New\"","shouldSpecifyArrowhead":true,"arrowhead":"vee","shouldSpecifyStylesheet":true,"stylesheet":"Xholon.css","shouldSpecifyRankdir":true,"rankdir":"LR","shouldDisplayGraph":true,"outputFormat":"svg"}');
August 12, 2017
Big Question - Is an Arrangement the same as a DfdProcess?
- I have been assuming that these are both the same thing.
- Instead of calling the process nodes DfdProcess, I have called them Arrangement.
- I think it would be better to call them DfdProcess, and simply point out that I think these two are the same.
- I am trying to learn how to use Xholon to implement a Data Flow Diagram (DFD), and Process is the correct DFDish term. See Gane and Sarson[3].
- My Xholon classes all prepend "Dfd" to the start of the standard DFD term.
- Since I'm trying to do a DFD, I should use consistent DFD terms throughout.
- So I will change all instances of "Arrangement" to "DfdProcess".
- to see the workbook as it was when the term "Arrangement" was used:
Notes from Gane and Sarson [3]:
these are direct quotes
The underlying concept is the building of a logical non-physical model of a system, using graphical techniques which enable users, and analysts, and designers
to get a clear and common picture of the system and how its parts fit together to meet the user's needs.
This methodology involves building a system top down by successive refinement.
We analyze top down, we design top down, we develop top down, we test top down.
DFD means logical data flow diagram
Four basic DFD symbols:
1 Source or destination of data
2 flow of data
3 process which transforms flows of data
4 store of data
External entities are most usually logical classes of things or people which represent a source or destination of transactions.
For example, customers, employees, aircraft, tactical units, suppliers, taxpayers, policyholders.
Where the system we are considering accepts data from another system or provides data to it, that other system is an external entity.
Data flow is symbolized by an arrow, preferably horizontal and or vertical,
with an arrowhead showing the direction of flow.
For clarity, and especially in early drafts of the diagram, a double-headed arrow may be used in place of two arrows where data flows are paired.
Each data flow is to be thought of as a pipe down which parcels of data are sent.
Processes can be symbolized by an upright rectangle, with the corners rounded, optionally divided into three areas.
The description of function should be an imperative sentence, ideally consisting of an active verb (such as extract, compute, verify)
followed by an object clause, the simpler the better.
Without making a physical commitment, we find during analysis that there are places where we need to define data as being stored between processes.
Datastores can be symbolized by a pair of horizontal parallel lines, closed at one end, preferably just wide enough to hold the name.
When a process stores data, the data flow arrow is shown going into the data store.
Conversely, where a datastore is accessed in a read-only manner, it is enough to show the group of data elements retrieved on the data flow coming out.
If it is necessary to specify the search argument, this may be shown on the opposite side of the data flow to the description.
An arrowhead indicates that the search argument is passed to the datastore from the process.
(1) operadics--modularDesign20150617.pdf
"Operadics: the mathematics of modular design", David I. Spivak, 2015/06/17, slides
"Here, psi [a triangle] represents an arrangement of a Y1 and a Y2 to make a Z." (slide "Another way to see it")
Operadics: the mathematics of modularity
various links
(3) Chris Gane and Trish Sarson, Structured Systems Analysis: tools and techniques, 1979
- I have a copy of this book
- much of the book is about Data Flow Diagrams
this Xholon workbook saved as a gist at github, plus one or more saved SVG images
<!-- an arrangement is a DFD process -->
<!--<Arrangement superClass="DfdProcess"/>-->
<DfdProcess xhType="XhtypePureActiveObject"><Color>red</Color></DfdProcess>
<!-- Peter's arrangement diagram (AR); the diagram with triangles; PLUS the 16 DFDs -->
<!-- level 1 -->
I could specify these more compactly as:
Manage Repository,Virtualize a Source,Register a Source,Virtualize a Data Extract,Cache Data in Repository,Integrate Data
Virtualize a Source,Create Standardized Source Interface
This would be OK if arrangement nodes don't need any XML attributes.
OR I could call the child nodes DfdProcessRef because they reference the real node by providing its roleName:
<DfdProcess roleName="Virtualize a Source">
<DfdProcessRef roleName="Create Standardized Source Interface"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Manage Repository">
<DfdProcess roleName="Virtualize a Source"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Register a Source"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Virtualize a Data Extract"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Cache Data in Repository"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Integrate Data"/>
<!-- level 2 -->
<DfdProcess roleName="Virtualize a Source">
<DfdProcess roleName="Create Standardized Source Interface"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Register a Source">
<DfdProcess roleName="Discover Sources"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Virtualize a Data Extract">
<DfdProcess roleName="Expose Data Through Std Ifc"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Cache Data in Repository"></DfdProcess>
<DfdProcess roleName="Integrate Data">
<DfdProcess roleName="Extract Relevant Data"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Manage DQ SnS"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Relevant Standards"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Relevant Documents"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Relevant Semistructured Data"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Relevant Structured Data"/>
<!-- level 3 -->
<DfdProcess roleName="Create Standardized Source Interface">
<DfdProcess roleName="Determine Source Specs"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="ID Existing or Create New Adapter"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Register Adapter"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Register Source"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Discover Sources">
<DfdProcess roleName="Identify Candidate Source"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Request Access"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Create Std Src Ifc"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Profile Source"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Expose Data Through Std Ifc">
<DfdDataStore roleName="Connection"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Connect"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Construct Query"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Connection"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Extract Relevant Data">
<DfdProcess roleName="Id and Extract Standards"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Id and Extract Documents"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Id and Extract Semistructured Data"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Id and Extract Structured Data"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Manage DQ SnS">
<DfdProcess roleName="Resolve Entities"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Standardize Instance Data"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Merge Overlap and Sources"/>
<!-- level 4 -->
<DfdProcess roleName="Identify Candidate Source">
<DfdProcess roleName="Interview SMEs"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Run Enterprise Search"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Query Source Catalog"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Create Std Src Ifc"> <!-- duplicate of "Create Standardized Source Interface" -->
<DfdProcess roleName="Determine Src Specs"/> <!-- duplicate -->
<DfdProcess roleName="Id Existing or Create New Adapter"/> <!-- duplicate -->
<DfdProcess roleName="Register Adapter"/> <!-- duplicate -->
<DfdProcess roleName="Register Source"/> <!-- duplicate -->
<DfdProcess roleName="Resolve Entities">
<DfdProcess roleName="Extract Subjects, Properties and Property Values"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Identify Classes and Functional Dependencies"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Standardize Entities"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Standardize Instance Data">
<DfdProcess roleName="Identify Overlap"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Pull Sources into Overlap"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Normalize Class Members"/>
<!-- the following is used within numerous other DFDs -->
<DfdProcess roleName="COMMON DATA">
<DfdProcess roleName="Expose Data"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Bind Variables"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Implement Query"/>
<DfdProcess roleName="Execute Query"/>
<!-- the data stores identified in Peter's DFDs -->
<!-- put global data stores here -->
<!-- data stores external to "Manage Repository" -->
<DfdDataStore roleName="Service Account, Authentication and Authorization"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Data and Application Landscape"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Identified Source"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="SME Input"/>
<!-- data stores internal to "Manage Repository" -->
<DfdDataStore roleName="Central Repository"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Registered Adapter"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Source Interface"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Source Catalog Interface"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Digital Exhaust"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Query Template"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Data Extract"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Source Profile"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Cached Source Data"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Integrated Structured Data"/>
data stores internal to "Create Standardized Source Interface"; it also has new external data store: "Desired Source" or "Data Source: File System or Database"
TODO how to handle external and internal data stores at multiple levels in the hierarchy ?
I probably need to place data stores at the correct place in the hierarchy.
<DfdDataFlowsbehavior> should search up the tree, starting with its DfdDataFlow siblings.
<DfdDataStore roleName="Data Source Specifications"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="Adapter"/>
<DfdDataStore roleName="TODO more ..."/>
<DfdExternalEntity roleName="Pattern Library"/>
<DfdExternalEntity roleName="Reporting Requirements"/>
<!-- Data Flows
Only leaf arrangements have data flows.
A data flow is a Xholon port, with an attribute name and the roleName of a DfdDataStore.
The port itself is unidirectional from arrangement to data store.
Data may flow in either or both directions between arrangement and data store.
<DfdDataFlowsbehavior> will set up the ports by reading the <Attribute_String> data.
Ports could be standard Xholon ports, indexed by the name of the data store (replace " " with "_" and "," with "COMMA"):
const Service AccountCOMMA_Authentication_and_Authorization = 0;
const Source_Interface = 1;
arrangement.port(AccountCOMMA_Authentication_and_Authorization, dfdDataStore1); // set port
arrangement.port(Source_Interface, dfdDataStore2); // set port
var remoteNode = arrangement.port(Source_Interface); // get remote node
OR ports could be individually-named JavaScript properties:
arrangement["AccountCOMMA_Authentication_and_Authorization"] = dfdDataStore1; // set port
var remoteNode = arrangement["AccountCOMMA_Authentication_and_Authorization"]; // get remote node
To create this list of nodes:
Click on nodes at runtime (the d3cp GUI is best).
first the arrangement node
then all the data store nodes that that arrangement references
repeat for all leaf-level arrangement nodes
Register Source:dfdProcess_68
Service Account, Authentication and Authorization:dfdDataStore_109
Source Interface:dfdDataStore_115
Construct Query:dfdProcess_76
Query Template:dfdDataStore_117
Source Profile:dfdDataStore_119
Source Interface:dfdDataStore_115
Run Enterprise Search:dfdProcess_88 []
Reporting Requirements:dfdExternalEntity_128
Digital Exhaust:dfdDataStore_117
Interview SMEs:dfdProcess_87 []
Reporting Requirements:dfdExternalEntity_128
SME Input:dfdDataStore_112
Extract Relevant Data:dfdProcess_81 []
Relevant Standards:dfdDataStore_63
Relevant Documents:dfdDataStore_64
Relevant Semistructured Data:dfdDataStore_65
Relevant Structured Data:dfdDataStore_66
Reporting Requirements:dfdExternalEntity_132
Digital Exhaust:dfdDataStore_121
Central Repository:dfdDataStore_117
Manage DQ SnS:dfdProcess_86 []
Relevant Standards:dfdDataStore_63
Relevant Documents:dfdDataStore_64
Relevant Semistructured Data:dfdDataStore_65
Relevant Structured Data:dfdDataStore_66
Pattern Library:dfdExternalEntity_131
SME Input:dfdDataStore_116
Integrated Structured Data:dfdDataStore_126
<DfdProcessesbehavior implName="org.primordion.xholon.base.Behavior_gwtjs"><![CDATA[
// This JavaScript code recursively composes the "Manage Repository" DFD tree.
var me, beh = {
postConfigure: function() {
me = this.cnode.parent();
var indexOfDfdProcesses = this.indexDfdProcesses();
// Create an index of the immediate children of the DfdProcesses node.
indexDfdProcesses: function() {
me.println("indexing dfdProcesses");
var index = {};
var node = me.first();
while (node) {
var key = node.role();
index[key] = node;
node =;
return index;
assembleTreeFromForest: function(index) {
me.println("assembling tree from forest");
var node = me.last();
while (node) {
var child = node.first();
var replacements = [];
while (child) {
// replace child with match in the index
var nextChild =;
var replacement = index[child.role()];
if (replacement) {
child = nextChild;
for (var i = 0; i < replacements.length; i++) {
node = node.prev();
//# sourceURL=DfdProcessesbehavior.js
<DfdDataFlowsbehavior implName="org.primordion.xholon.base.Behavior_gwtjs"><![CDATA[
// This JavaScript code creates ports from processes (dfdProcess) to data stores
var me, indexOfNodes, beh = {
postConfigure: function() {
me = this.cnode.parent();
me.println("indexing nodes");
indexOfNodes = {};
indexNodes: function(node) {
if (!node) {return;}
var key = node.role();
indexOfNodes[key] = node;
var child = node.first();
while (child) {
child =;
createPorts: function() {
var items = me.first().text();
var itemsArr = items.split("\n");
var dfdProcessNode = null;
var dfdDataStoreNode = null;
var dfdExternalEntityNode = null;
for (var i = 0; i < itemsArr.length; i++) {
var item = itemsArr[i];
if (!item) {continue;} // item is null or has zero length
var partsArr = item.split(":");
var rname = partsArr[0];
var cname = partsArr[1].split("_")[0];
$wnd.console.log(rname + "|" + cname);
//var node = indexOfNodes[rname];
switch (cname) {
case "dfdProcess":
$wnd.console.log(dfdProcessNode); // write out previous node with all of its newly-created ports
dfdProcessNode = indexOfNodes[rname];
case "dfdDataStore":
dfdDataStoreNode = indexOfNodes[rname];
dfdProcessNode[rname] = dfdDataStoreNode;
case "dfdExternalEntity":
dfdExternalEntityNode = indexOfNodes[rname];
dfdProcessNode[rname] = dfdExternalEntityNode;
//# sourceURL=DfdDataFlowsbehavior.js
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>TODO more ...</text
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>Digital Exhaust</text
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>Service Account, Authentication and Authorization</text
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>Normalize Class Members</text
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>Pull Sources into Overlap</text
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>Identify Classes and Functional Dependencies</text
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>Extract Subjects, Properties and Property Values</text
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>Merge Overlap and Sources</text
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>Extract Relevant Data</text
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>Expose Data Through Std Ifc</text
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>Identify Candidate Source</text
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>Interview SMEs</text
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>Create Standardized Source Interface</text
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>ID Existing or Create New Adapter</text
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>Determine Source Specs</text
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>Central Repository</text
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>SME Input</text
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>Service Account, Authentication and Authorization</text
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>Execute Query</text
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>Implement Query</text
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>Manage Repository</text
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>Manage DQ SnS</text
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>Standardize Instance Data</text
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>Normalize Class Members</text
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>Pull Sources into Overlap</text
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>Identify Overlap</text
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>Resolve Entities</text
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>Standardize Entities</text
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>Identify Classes and Functional Dependencies</text
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>Extract Subjects, Properties and Property Values</text
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>Merge Overlap and Sources</text
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>Extract Relevant Data</text
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>Id and Extract Structured Data</text
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>Id and Extract Semistructured Data</text
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>Id and Extract Documents</text
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>Id and Extract Standards</text
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>Relevant Structured Data</text
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>Relevant Semistructured Data</text
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>Relevant Documents</text
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>Relevant Standards</text
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>Cache Data in Repository</text
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>Virtualize a Data Extract</text
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>Expose Data Through Std Ifc</text
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>Construct Query</text
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>Register a Source</text
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