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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Neo4j Movie-Actor example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Xholon Workbook MIT License, Copyright (C) Ken Webb, Sat Apr 26 2014 21:43:52 GMT-0400 (EDT)-->
Title: Neo4j Movie-Actor example
InternalName: 11286090
My Notes
This workbook explores a simple Neo4j[2] example, and various issues that it raises:
- how to represent this as a Xholon app using a XholonWorkbook in a gist
- what it looks like using the Xholon D3 Circle Pack GUI
- how to deal with the many-to-many relationships between actors and movies
- Xholon currently doesn't handle arrays of ports with a fieldName other than "port"
- can I represent this as a Petri Net
- but then I have to deal with the Petri Net arcs in the composite structure hierarchy
- how to represent node properties with arbitrary names (ex: year)
- how to deal with relationship properties
- use a Xholon IPort
- use an intermediate Role or MovieRole node
- how to show only the roleName for movie and actor nodes, with clsc and d3cp GUI ???
- be able to set a default getName() template
- this isn't necessary to do
I'm manually converting the Neo4j nodes, relationships and properties to Xholon XML format.
I want to be able to do this automatically for any Neo4j content.
Quick notes as I work through how to do this:
- convert Neo4j/Cypher ' to Xholon/XML "
- with Xholon/XML it's better to use " because there may be an embedded XPath expression that requires '
- convert Neo4j/Cypher principle naming property to Xholon roleName
- for ports, I'll use the approach I use with state machines, where ports are specified in ClassDetails,
and each port specification includes an initial step to identify the source node
Graph Setup[1] using the Cypher[3] language:
// Movie nodes
(matrix1:Movie { id : '603', title : 'The Matrix', year : '1999-03-31' }),
(matrix2:Movie { id : '604', title : 'The Matrix Reloaded', year : '2003-05-07' }),
(matrix3:Movie { id : '605', title : 'The Matrix Revolutions', year : '2003-10-27' }),
// Actor nodes
(neo:Actor { name:'Keanu Reeves' }),
(morpheus:Actor { name:'Laurence Fishburne' }),
(trinity:Actor { name:'Carrie-Anne Moss' }),
// relationships
(matrix1)<-[:ACTS_IN { role : 'Neo' }]-(neo),
(matrix2)<-[:ACTS_IN { role : 'Neo' }]-(neo),
(matrix3)<-[:ACTS_IN { role : 'Neo' }]-(neo),
(matrix1)<-[:ACTS_IN { role : 'Morpheus' }]-(morpheus),
(matrix2)<-[:ACTS_IN { role : 'Morpheus' }]-(morpheus),
(matrix3)<-[:ACTS_IN { role : 'Morpheus' }]-(morpheus),
(matrix1)<-[:ACTS_IN { role : 'Trinity' }]-(trinity),
(matrix2)<-[:ACTS_IN { role : 'Trinity' }]-(trinity),
(matrix3)<-[:ACTS_IN { role : 'Trinity' }]-(trinity)
MATCH (a:Actor { name:"Keanu Reeves" })
<!-- domain objects -->
<Actor xhType="XhtypePureActiveObject">
<port name="port" index="0" connector=".[@roleName='Keanu Reeves']/../Movie[@roleName='The Matrix']"/>
<port name="port" index="1" connector=".[@roleName='Keanu Reeves']/../Movie[@roleName='The Matrix Reloaded']"/>
<port name="port" index="2" connector=".[@roleName='Keanu Reeves']/../Movie[@roleName='The Matrix Revolutions']"/>
<port name="port" index="0" connector=".[@roleName='Laurence Fishburne']/../Movie[@roleName='The Matrix']"/>
<port name="port" index="1" connector=".[@roleName='Laurence Fishburne']/../Movie[@roleName='The Matrix Reloaded']"/>
<port name="port" index="2" connector=".[@roleName='Laurence Fishburne']/../Movie[@roleName='The Matrix Revolutions']"/>
<port name="port" index="0" connector=".[@roleName='Carrie-Anne Moss']/../Movie[@roleName='The Matrix']"/>
<port name="port" index="1" connector=".[@roleName='Carrie-Anne Moss']/../Movie[@roleName='The Matrix Reloaded']"/>
<port name="port" index="2" connector=".[@roleName='Carrie-Anne Moss']/../Movie[@roleName='The Matrix Revolutions']"/>
<Movie roleName="The Matrix" year="1999-03-31"/>
<Movie roleName="The Matrix Reloaded" year="2003-05-07"/>
<Movie roleName="The Matrix Revolutions" year="2003-10-27"/>
<Actor roleName="Keanu Reeves"/>
<Actor roleName="Laurence Fishburne"/>
<Actor roleName="Carrie-Anne Moss"/>
<MovieActorSystembehavior implName="org.primordion.xholon.base.Behavior_gwtjs"><![CDATA[
var beh = {
postConfigure: function() {
//$wnd.xh.param("MaxPorts", "3");
// write out the Xholon app in a Neo4j Cypher format, similar to the original
writeCypher: function() {
var node = this.cnode.parent().first();
var relationships = "";
while (node) {
if (node.xhc().name() == "Movie") {
// (matrix1:Movie { id : '603', title : 'The Matrix', year : '1999-03-31' }),
node.println("(node" + + ":Movie { title : '" + node.role() + "', year : '" + node.year + "' }),");
else if (node.xhc().name() == "Actor") {
// (neo:Actor { name:'Keanu Reeves' }),
node.println("(node" + + ":Actor { name : '" + node.role() + "' }),");
// (matrix1)<-[:ACTS_IN { role : 'Neo' }]-(neo),
var i = 0;
var movie = node.port(i++);
while (movie) {
relationships = relationships + "(node" + + ")<-[:ACTS_IN]-(node" + + "),\n";
movie = node.port(i++);
node =;
<SvgClient><Attribute_String roleName="svgUri"><![CDATA[data:image/svg+xml,
<svg width="100" height="50" xmlns="">
<rect id="MovieActorSystem/Movie" fill="#98FB98" height="50" width="50" x="25" y="0"/>
]]></Attribute_String><Attribute_String roleName="setup">${MODELNAME_DEFAULT},${SVGURI_DEFAULT}</Attribute_String></SvgClient>
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