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Last active May 12, 2020 14:27
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Two avatars and a stick in a 1d gridcell cycle
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Xholon Workbook MIT License, Copyright (C) Ken Webb, Tue May 12 2020 10:24:37 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)-->
Title: Two avatars and a stick in a 1d gridcell cycle
InternalName: 915111ff5ecefae96a5699d3e09002c2
Keywords: template
My Notes
May 8, 2020
Two avatars and a stick walk into a bar and order a round of Coronas ... Ooops, wrong workbook ...
This is a model I conceived of in February.
I prototyped it on February 21 using Graohviz, and described it to Jen.
To review how to use Xholon subtrees:
The Graphviz .gv text
// There are 20 gridcells, numbered 0 to 19
// Avatar A is stationary, is located in gridcell 4, and watches for Avatar B
// Avatar B is initially located in gridcell 0, and moves one gridcell to the right each timestep
// Gridcell 15 comntains a Stick
graph G {
graph [rankdir=LR, size = "9,9"]
node [shape=box]
0 [label="0\nB", style=dashed]
4 [label="4\nA", style=dotted]
15 [label="15\nS", style="setlinewidth(8)"]
- use true subtree behviors (where the code is hidden inside a subtree object)
- set things up so it's easier to use this workbook as a template to write other similar apps
- each Avatar should have an energy attribute
- an Avatar initially has an energy value of 100
- each timestep, an Avatar:
- decreases its energy value by 1, plus
- decreases its energy value by 1 for each behavior it executes
- ex: each timestep A and B each lose 1 energy because of the passage of time
- ex: Avatar A has 1 behavior throughout the simulation, so each timmestep it loses 1 additional energy (total 2)
- ex: Avatar B initially has 1 bevavior, but when B gives it an additional behavior, then it has 2 behaviors and then loses a total of 3 energy per timestep
source of energy
- possibly have a cloneable food source instead of Stick
- implement this
provide a more expansive environment in another workbook
- multiple 1d rows or lanes, where each lane is a separate experiment
- many additional JavaScript behaviors to choose from
- each is a named script with a DefaultContent
- does it make sense for the Avatar behaviors to in some way be "functions" as in FP
- Xholon offers various "sibling" options for grids, for example:
- Gsc Cycle
- Gsw Wheel
- where "s" signifies a Sibling neighborhood
- these options are untested, and don't work yet with JavaScript and XML
- something like the following should work, but doesn't yet work:
<GridGenerator rows="1" cols="10" gridType="Gsc" names="Space,FieldRow,CycleCell" columnColor="171c8f" gridViewerParams="PhysicalSystem/Space,20,Test Viewer,true" cellsCanSupplyOwnColor="true"/>
useful for testing the Graphviz graph
I used this site to generate the SVG for this workbook
<!-- Avatar behaviors -->
<AvaA_Beh1 superClass="script"/>
<AvaB_Beh1 superClass="script"/>
<AvaB_Beh2 superClass="script"/>
<EnergyManager/> <!-- TODO implement this -->
// Avatar A has a goal: I need a Stick, but I can't move to look for one.
// possible states
const ST_INIT = 0;
const ST_GAVE_BEH_TO_B = 1;
const ST_HAVE_STICK = 2;
var ava, state, ts, beh = {
postConfigure() {
ava = this.cnode.parent().parent();
state = ST_INIT;
ts = 0;
act() {
var tss = Number($wnd.xh.param("TimeStep")); // do I need this?
if (tss > ts) {
if ((state != ST_HAVE_STICK) && && ( == "Avatar")) {
// get avaB to either look for a stick, or give me the stick that it has found
var avaB =;
var stick = avaB.last();
if (stick && stick.xhc().name() == "Stick") {
ava.println("A has taken " + "the stick" + " from B");
state = ST_HAVE_STICK;
else if (state == ST_INIT) {
// give the other Avatar a behavior to look for and take a Stick
ava.println("A is giving B a new behavior");
state = ST_GAVE_BEH_TO_B;
//# sourceURL=AvaA_Beh1.js
var ava, ts, beh = {
postConfigure() {
ava = this.cnode.parent().parent();
ts = 0;
act() {
var tss = Number($wnd.xh.param("TimeStep"));
if (tss > ts) {
ts = tss;
//# sourceURL=AvaB_Beh1.js
var ava, beh = {
postConfigure() {
ava = this.cnode.parent().parent();
act() {
ava.action("if xpath(Stick) take *stick;");
//# sourceURL=AvaB_Beh2.js
<GridGenerator rows="1" cols="20" gridType="Gmt" names="Space,FieldRow,CycleCell" columnColor="171c8f" gridViewerParams="PhysicalSystem/Space,20,Test Viewer,true" cellsCanSupplyOwnColor="true"/>
<!-- Avatar B is the system avatar, so it does not need to be defined here -->
<Avatar roleName="A"> <!-- Avatar A is stationary, is located in gridcell 4, and watches for Avatar B -->
<PhysicalSystembehavior implName="org.primordion.xholon.base.Behavior_gwtjs"><![CDATA[
$wnd.xh.param("TimeStepInterval","500"); // "500" "100"
if ($wnd.xh.html["selectTab"]) {
$wnd.xh.html.selectTab(0); // display contents of the "out" tab
var akm = `{
"UP":"go port0;",
"DOWN":"go port2;",
"d":"drop first",
"L":"look all",
"M":"build <Animate\\tselection='#xhgraph'/>;",
" ":"step",
"t":"take nextprev",
"z":"param transcript toggle;",
"?":"help keymap",
"/":"help commands"
// Avatar B initialization
// Avatar B is the system avatar
// Avatar B is initially located in gridcell 0, and moves one gridcell to the right each timestep
// Avatar B has a goal: I like to walk
var avaB = $wnd.xh.avatar();
avaB.action('enter;enter space_;enter;enter;become this role B;appear;param transcript true;');
avaB.action('param meteor false;');
avaB.append('<BehaviorsST><AvaB_Beh1></AvaB_Beh1></BehaviorsST>'); = 100;
// Avatar A initialization
var avaA = this.xpath("../Avatar");
avaA.action('who;enter space_;enter;enter;next;next;next;next;param transcript true;');
avaA.color("green"); = 100;
// Stick initialization
var stick = this.xpath("../Stick");
var cell = stick.xpath("../Space/FieldRow/CycleCell[16]");
//# sourceURL=PhysicalSystembehavior.js
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<!-- 11 -->
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<!-- 12 -->
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