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Last active March 3, 2020 19:14
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bplex explorations
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Xholon Workbook MIT License, Copyright (C) Ken Webb, Tue Mar 03 2020 14:14:31 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)-->
Title: bplex explorations
InternalName: e7f0e2911e38cfe052a28ec847d17d5e
My Notes
March 3, 2010
In this workbook, I explore the Xholon concept of "bplex", and possibly how it relates to functional programming.
tick = (node, arg) => node.tick(arg)
R.pipe(tick)(bpone, 16) // 21
- use Ramda pipe and compose to combine functions into chains
- a bplex is a chain or a cycle or possibly also other graphs
- expand on the Xholon idea of placing active objects (AOs) into an array, and then processing one or all AOs each time step
- this lets a node have locality within the overall Xholon tree, and can also execute in a controlled way by being in the array
- in this case, the AOs/functions within the array are NOT functional related and do NOT constitute a bplex
Implementing a list
There are two approaches I can use to build a chain of function or actor nodes:
1. put the nodes in a named JavaScript array (an indexed data structure) ex: bpx = [node1, node2, node3], or
2. link the nodes together using named ports ex: node1.bpx -> node2.bpx -> node3.bpx
Note that Java offers ArrayList and LinkedList as the two main implementations of the List interface.
(1) see my handwritten notes in my notebook for March 1 and 2, 2020
(2) at, query for "xholonworkbook bplex"
7 workbooks, including this one
(3) I searched for Xholon .java files that contain "blex", and found: Behavior_gwtjs,java
(4) there are no Xholon XML or .js files that contain "bplex"
including JavaScript files in lib and script directories
<!-- pure functions -->
<Funk superClass="script">
<Aktor superClass="script">
<!-- a functional pipeline consisting of Funk/Behavior nodes; nodes return a single result value -->
<!-- usage: funkone = temp0; funkone.tick(5); // 10 -->
var beh = {tick: function(obj) {
var one = obj + 2;
return one; // this is traditiobnally functional because it returns a result
//# sourceURL=FunkOne.js
var beh = {tick: function(obj) {
var two = obj + 3;
return two;
//# sourceURL=FunkTwo.js
var beh = {tick: function(obj) {
return obj;
//# sourceURL=FunkThree.js
<!-- a non-functional pipeline consisting of Aktor nodes; nodes send the result on to the next function -->
var beh = {tick: function(obj) {
var result = obj + 2;
//# sourceURL=AktorUn.js
var beh = {tick: function(obj) {
var result = obj + 3;
//# sourceURL=AktorDeux.js
var beh = {tick: function(obj) {
this.cnode.println("obj: " + obj);
//# sourceURL=AktorTrois.js
TODO: work on designing a bplex mechanism
bplexName: name of the outgoing port in each node that belongs to the bplex
funcName: tick, msg, call, action, etc.
type: chain, cycle
nodeType: function, actor
direction: l2r (pipe), r2l (compose)
ramda: true, false (whether or not to use Ramda if it's available
If the bplex, as in this example, is implemented using a JavaScript array, and if the nodeType is function, then the nodes do NOT need to contain ports that reference each other
- the array contains a reference to each node, and the array already has an order accessible using an array index
If the nodeType is actor, then the chain or cycle is already implemented using a linked list through ports, so an array is unnecessary
Could also specify whether to implement the List of nodes, (1) using an array, or (2) using a linkedList (ports), or (3) as a collection of Xholon siblings (perhaps specify that the start and end of a range of siblings)
dataStruct: array, linkedlist, siblings
<bplex bplexName="bpx" funcName="tick" type="chain" nodeType="actor" dataStruct="linkedlist" direction="l2r" ramda="false">
<Attribute_String roleName="nodeList">
../AktorPipeline/AktorUn, ../AktorPipeline/AktorDeux, ../AktorPipeline/AktorTrois
var bplex = this.parent();
this.println("bplex " + bplex);
var text = bplex.first().remove().text();
var xparr = text.trim().split(",");
var $this = this;
if (bplex.dataStruct == "array") {
bplex[bplex.bplexName] = [];
var prevNode = null;
xparr.forEach(function(item) {
var xpathExpr = item.trim();
var node = bplex.xpath(xpathExpr);
if (bplex.dataStruct == "array") {
else if (bplex.dataStruct == "linkedlist") {
if (prevNode) {
prevNode[bplex.bplexName] = node;
else {
bplex[bplex.bplexName] = node; // the head of the list
prevNode = node;
//# sourceURL=bplexInitScript.js
<FunkPipelinebehavior implName="org.primordion.xholon.base.Behavior_gwtjs"><![CDATA[
var me, beh = {
postConfigure: function() {
me = this.cnode.parent();
this.makeBplex("bpf"); // build a bplex cycle called "bpf"
makeBplex: function(bplexName) {
var bplex = me;
var node = bplex.first();
while (node) {
var nnode =;
if (nnode) {
node[bplexName] = nnode;
else {
node[bplexName] = bplex.first();
node = nnode;
//# sourceURL=FunkPipelinebehavior.js
<bplexbehavior implName="org.primordion.xholon.base.Behavior_gwtjs"><![CDATA[
// temp0["tick"](123); // works
var bplex, beh = {
postConfigure: function() {
bplex = this.cnode.parent();
bplex.println( + " " +;
act: function() {
// testing the bplex
switch(bplex.nodeType) {
case "actor": this.doActorChain(); break;
case "function": this.doFunctionChain(); break;
default: break;
doFunctionChain: function() {
var inval = 1;
var outval = bplex[bplex.bplexName][0].tick(inval);
bplex.println("" + inval + " -> " + outval);
doActorChain: function() {
var inval = 1;
switch (bplex.funcName) {
case "tick": bplex[bplex.bplexName].tick(inval); break;
case "msg": bplex[bplex.bplexName].msg(101, inval, bplex); break;
case "call": bplex[bplex.bplexName].call(102, inval, bplex); break;
default: break;
//# sourceURL=bplexbehavior.js
<NOAktorPipelinebehavior implName="org.primordion.xholon.base.Behavior_gwtjs"><![CDATA[
// I have changed the name of this element, so it won't be used
var me, beh = {
postConfigure: function() {
me = this.cnode.parent();
this.makeBplex("bpa"); // build a bplex cycle called "bpa"
makeBplex: function(bplexName) {
var bplex = me;
var node = bplex.first();
while (node) {
var nnode =;
if (nnode) {
node[bplexName] = nnode;
else {
node[bplexName] = bplex.first();
node = nnode;
//# sourceURL=AktorPipelinebehavior.js
<SvgClient><Attribute_String roleName="svgUri"><![CDATA[data:image/svg+xml,
<svg width="100" height="50" xmlns="">
<rect id="PhysicalSystem/FunkPipeline" fill="#98FB98" height="50" width="50" x="25" y="0"/>
]]></Attribute_String><Attribute_String roleName="setup">${MODELNAME_DEFAULT},${SVGURI_DEFAULT}</Attribute_String></SvgClient>
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