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Created October 8, 2018 10:24
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Applescript : Find the Largest Number in a List
on highest_number(values_list)
set the high_amount to ""
repeat with i from 1 to the count of the values_list
set this_item to item i of the values_list
set the item_class to the class of this_item
if the item_class is in {integer, real} then
if the high_amount is "" then
set the high_amount to this_item
else if this_item is greater than the high_amount then
set the high_amount to item i of the values_list
end if
else if the item_class is list then
set the high_value to highest_number(this_item)
if the the high_value is greater than the high_amount then
set the high_amount to the high_value
end if
end if
end repeat
return the high_amount
end highest_number
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