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Last active April 30, 2016 11:55
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Increase the volume -- and impair the quality -- of your audiobooks
set -e
if [ $# != 0 ]; then
echo "Usage: $(basename "$0")
This program accepts no arguments. It takes all the *.mp3 files
in the current directory and makes them louder by first detecting
their mean and max volumes and then amplifying the mean volume by
half of mean or max (whichever is greater). So it clips the samples
that are over the peak possible volume (-0dB) -- i.e. some
information lost.
Works well enough with audio books. So you can enjoy them even while
commuting in heavy traffic.
It optionally creates an m3u playlist."
exit 0
for prog in ffmpeg awk; do
if ! command -v $prog >/dev/null; then
echo "ERROR: missing command '$prog'. Install package '$prog'."
exit 1
if [ ! "$(ls ./*.mp3 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
echo "No .mp3 files in current directory. Nothing to do."
exit 2
mkdir -p "$OUT"
ffmpeg="ffmpeg -hide_banner -nostats"
for file in *.mp3; do
echo "Processing file: '$file'"
echo -n ".. detecting mean volume "
read mean_volume max_volume < <(
$ffmpeg -i "$file" -af volumedetect -f null - |&
awk -F'[: ]' '/_volumedetect_.*(mean|max)_volume/{ print $6 }' |
echo "(mean: ${mean_volume}dB, max: ${max_volume}dB)"
volume_change=$(awk "BEGIN { print ($mean_volume/2 < $max_volume) ? -($mean_volume/2) : -($max_volume) }")
echo ".. increasing volume by ${volume_change} dB"
$ffmpeg -loglevel error -y -i "$file" -af "volume=${volume_change}dB" -b:a 64k "$OUT/$file"
echo "Louder files written to ./$OUT/"
echo "Do you want to create a playlist?"
echo "Type the playlist name to create an m3u playlist, otherwise just pres Return."
read -p "Playlist name []: " playlist
if [ ! "$playlist" ]; then
exit 0
playlist="$(echo "$playlist" | sed -E 's/[^[:alnum:]]/_/g')"
mkdir -p "$OUT/$playlist"
mv "$OUT"/*.mp3 "$OUT/$playlist"
(cd "$OUT";
ls "$playlist"/*.mp3 > "$playlist.m3u" )
echo "Done."
echo "Playlist created as: '$OUT/$playlist.m3u'"
echo "Files are in: '$OUT/$playlist/'"
echo "(You need to copy both.)"
echo "Good day!"
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